The record companies are at it again. The executives at Sony BMG Music Entertainment have settled out of court to cease its pay for play practices, otherwise known as payola. Even more proof as to why radio sucks massively. So not only has play lists shrank in recent years, some of the few songs being played on the radio were so lame, the only way the radio program mangers is if they were given lavish gifts in returned. Oddly enough these program managers were not punished for accepting what amounts to a bribe (yet). Some horrible music that the radio listening public were forced to sit through include Jennifer Lopez’s I’m Real, Get Right, and I’m Glad, Good Charlotte’s Hold On and I Just Wanna Live, Jessica Simpson’s Take My Breathe Away. It was also found that the Sony hired people to request these songs and instructed the girls to sound drunk because if they were more excited the more likely their request would make it on air. And Sony’s response:
"Despite federal and state laws prohibiting unacknowledged payment by record labels to radio stations for airing of music, such direct and indirect forms of what has been described generically as 'payola' for spins has continued to be an unfortunately prevalent aspect of radio promotion. Sony BMG acknowledges that various employees pursed some radio promotion practices on behalf of the company that were wrong and improper and apologizes for such conduct. Sony BMG looks forward to defining a new, higher standard in radio promotion."
How nice of Sony to throw their employee under the bus because we all know that the higher up’s encouraged this. For their efforts, Sony has to donate $10 million to local charities fund programs aimed at music education and appreciation. We can look forward for other record companies to be caught doing the same thing as they are currently under investigation. And hopefully we can look forward to no more J-Lo or Good Charlotte on the radio because neither makes music that anyone would listen to without getting paid for it.
A couple days ago, I posted a tidbit on Hilary Clinton fight against Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (check out my review – Welcome to the Jungle). Well it seem that another old, dumb, woman is joining the fight. A grandmother from the Bronx has filed a civil suit Wednesday for engaged in false, misleading and deceptive practices. A quick recap of the hoopla – you can find a key on the internet that can unlock a scene involving two digital characters having sex. The grandmother bought the game for her 14 year old grandson and is now distraught that her grandson would be witness to such an act. Keep in mind, on the cover (see right) there are pictures depicting multiple guns, gambling, gang colors, and a woman in a bikini licking her lips while on the back there are more guns and text talking about “dealers and gangbangers.” It is also clearly stated that the game is rated M for Mature (17+) and contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, and Use of Drugs. Keep in mind she bought this for a 14 year old. Even without a sex scene, a 14 year old shouldn’t be playing this. I haven’t found out if this grandmother is the legal guardian for the kid, but if she is, and I was social services, I would take that kid away from her.
One of the few things I agree with George Bush on is the need to get rid of frivolous lawsuits and this case is warranted. The only problem is, like many of his campaign promises, he has yet to do anything about this. It time to stand up and get rid of this frivolous lawsuit, and ones like it and then go after the real culprit, the grandmother for buying the kid the game in the first place even with the 17+ warning on it. Of course if she wins, I’ll have no problem collecting my portion of the payout. And it will set a presentiment that will let me sue the makers of Who Framed Rodger Rabbit for adding a from of a naked Jessica Rabbit in their movie, the makers of The Little Mermaid for inserting multiple phallic symbols in their movie, and the makers of White Chicks for stealing 90 minutes of my life that I can never get back.
Ladies and gentlemen, the first shoe has dropped; Bob Goodenow has stepped down as the head of NHL Player’s Association. Now all we need is Gary Betman to follow him into early retirement, then maybe we can actually enjoy hockey this season. It was pretty obvious that Goodenow would jump ship after being beaten down like a red-headed step child in the labor negotiations. Had he just given in to a salary cap last year at this time instead of just a couple weeks ago, we would have had hockey last season.
So we will have the NHL draft this weekend and the Pittsburg Penguins won the Sidney Crosby sweepstake. Didn’t they just have the last savior of the NHL? It is interesting that will be conducting the draft like your normal fantasy draft, so Tampa Bay will have the 30th and 31st pick even thought Pittsburg get the number 1 pick, their next pick will be the 60th overall. And the draft will be really important for some teams as many have as few as seven players currently signed to their rosters.
And it didn’t take long for Congress to get on the NHL about their drub policies stating it has too many loopholes. The Congress need to understand that, much like basketball, hockey is a sport of agility, something that steroids would actually hurt you instead of helping. Just stick to football and baseball guys (and dolls).
And speaking of baseball, apparently the trade deadline is also this weekend. This has to be the weakest rumor mill since the inception of free agency. The biggest names on the block this year are Danny Baez and some dude from the Pirates. Seriously, this is really sad.
Staying with baseball, Kenny Rodgers finally folded ‘em last night and served the first game of his suspension this almost a month to the day of the altercation. And people wonder way it took so long to get a steroids policy into place. Bud really needs to take a page out David Stern’ playbook and hear the appeal the next day and go, “thanks for the talk, but the ruling stands.” Then he could revoke the all-star appearance to boot, but Bud shows why he’s the biggest push-over in sports.
Lastly, with a win tonight, my Astros can pull into a tie for the wild card. Hopefully they don’t waste some good prospects just to pick up Baez or that dude from the Pirates, as long as the Clemens back is good, the Astros are almost a lock for the playoffs.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to welcome the return of rock. And by rock, I don’t mean the pseudo-punk bands that sound more like the Backstreet Boys than The Clash (think Good Charlotte) or the pretentious rock coming out of New York (think The Strokes). I’m talking about the old time rock and roll Bob Seger talked about. This rock can be found in the form of Daphne Loves Derby. O.K., the name is cheesy in a Jonnie Loves Chachi kind of way, but it’s not anywise than Hoobastank or Limp Bizquit, and the music is definably better than those bands. On the rock spectrum, Daphne Loves Derby falls somewhere between Better Than Ezra and Jimmy Eat World.
The music stays upbeat throughout On the Strength of All Convinced, slowing down for Birthday Gallery, a song about a guy trying to accept everything a girl tells him, “Believe me, I believe everything you say. Even if you claimed you heard a ghost sing songs.” They also slow it down for the acoustic Pollen and Salt and the mellow Debussie. With the song Kirby, Daphne Loves Derby channels their northwest roots with a grunge influenced vibe (they grew up not far from Seattle). On the downside, it’s hard to distinguish some song from other and with only ten songs; the album can get repetitive real quickly.
Lyrically is where the band shines, topics range admiration of a girl (You, Are the strength inside my veins. Oh, I want to feel the strength you know. – Sundays), pondering the end of a relationship (Don't ask me to think good intentions will change everything. This could be the last day that I hold my breath and wait for you. – Hammers and Hearts), and regret (Please let me take your pain away for one day – Middle Middle). Hopefully this album is only a sign of what’s to come. If they can branch out musically in the future, they will be around fort a long time.
Song to Download – Sundays
On the Strength of All Convinced gets a
on my Terror Alert Scale.
Jason Mraz burst onto the scene a couple years back with the hit, The Remedy (I Won’t Worry). The song combined rapping and singing that hadn’t been heard since Snow was licking boom booms down. And much like Snow, Mraz slipped into one-hit wonder territory even though the uber-catchy You and I Both was wrongly overlooked by the mass public. Mraz is back with the follow up to his debut album and hopes that he breaks the one hit wonder curse with Mr. A-Z. Mraz is very aware of this as he sings, “For people who write me off like a one hit wonder, gotta find a way from going under.”
The album starts off with the slow, Life Is Wonderful. The song builds up just like the lyrics spell out, “It takes two floors to make a story.” “It takes an egg to make a hen. It takes a hen to make an egg. There is no end to what I’m saying.” Next up Mraz tries to capitalize on the success of The Remedy with Wordplay where Mraz declares himself the “wizards of oh’s and ah’s and fa la la’s”. Van Morrison fans might have something to say about that. Not to mention looked what happen the last time some one made up a fictional title, King of Pop anyone? The video for the song is even more inexplicable featuring Santa playing a guitar out of the Megadeath collection, some dude playing a keytar and Mraz rightfully getting stoned (with actual stones like in The Lottery, get your mind out of the gutter). After Wordplay comes the ill-advised Geek in the Pink which he tries to pass off as a rap song in the beginning.
Elsewhere on the album, Did You Get My Message sounds as if Mraz started to listen to too much Beach Boys, but not enough sunk in for it to be a good song. Mr. Curiosity starts out as a slow song that, for no reason, goes operatic in the middle. Seriously, opera. He gets back on track with Clockwatching, the closes he gets on this album to the quality of You and I Both although he could have done without the crowd sounds near the end of the song. Please Don’t Tell Her is another keeper. More wordplay shows up in The Forecast, “Let’s hang out the do not disturb (sign) me up for the storm." The album ends with Song for a Friend and much like the opener; it takes its time to build to a climax. The song then ends with a choir (this could possibly be an entirely different song put on as a hidden track) and is a good way to end the album.
Song to Download – Clockwatching
Mr. A-Z gets a
on my Terror Alert Scale.
The king of all award shows is on the horizon, the MTV Video Music Awards. Yes the last couple years have been disappointing, especially last year host-less edition that spawned zero water cooler moments. This year we do have a host, P. Diddy, who could do a good job as long as Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle are writing jokes for him. Already set to perform are Green Day, Kanye West, and Kelly Clarkson. The Viewers Choice is still in the preliminary stages so if you would like to vote for that or the MTV2 Award, or Best Soundtrack From a Video Game, hop over to and voice your oppinian. As for the nominees:
Video of the Year
Coldplay, "Speed of Sound"
Green Day, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"
Gwen Stefani, "Hollaback Girl"
Kanye West, "Jesus Walks"
Snoop Dogg w/Pharrell, "Drop It Like It's Hot"
Who Should Win: Jesus Walks
Who Will Win: Jesus Walks
Should Have Been Nominated: Vertigo
Jesus Walks is the best video by far the best video on this list and MTV loves rap, so it looks like it’s Kanye’s year this year. Although MTV also loves Stefani as I think No Doubt has the highest winning percentage in VMA history. I find it odd that U2’s Vertigo was left off as Speed of Sound is just Coldplay playing in front of light show and Drop it Like it’s Hot really isn’t visually striking.
Best Male Video
50 Cent, "Candy Shop"
Beck, "E-Pro"
John Legend, "Ordinary People"
Kanye West, "Jesus Walks"
Usher, "Caught Up"
Who Should Win: Jesus Walks
Who Will Win: Jesus Walks
Should Have Been Nominated: John Mayer, Daughters
Kanye should take this one too, but E-Pro and Ordinary People are worthy contenders. Usher is so 2004 and 50 has gone way downhill since his mix-tape days
Best Female Video
Amerie, "1 Thing"
Gwen Stefani, "Hollaback Girl"
Kelly Clarkson, "Since U Been Gone"
Mariah Carey, "We Belong Together"
Shakira w/Alejandro Sanz, "La Tortura"
Who Should Win: Since U Been Gone
Who Will Win: Hollaback Girl
Should Have Been Nominated: Joss Stone, You Had Me
Personally, I’ll go with the video with a chick breaking stuff. That’s totally my form of entertainment. Plus throw in a blatent rip-off of the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s Maps and I’m set. I always find it interesting when a dude shows up in the best Female catergory. MTV always seems to throw one in every year.
Best Group Video
Black Eyed Peas, "Don't Phunk With My Heart"
Destiny's Child w/T.I & Lil' Wayne, "Soldier"
Green Day, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"
The Killers, "Mr. Brightside"
U2, "Vertigo"
Who Should Win: Vertigo
Who Will Win: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Should Have Been Nominated: Jimmy Eat World, Pain
The one thing that is hard to peg the winners so early with the VMA is that they tend to award those who show up. If U2 show up this year, they most likely take home this award. But since they weren’t nominated for the top prize, I’m thinking they turned down a performance and won’t show up and show Green Day win by default. I have already explained why I dislike Destiny’s Child’s Soldier (If You Know What I Mean), so I won’t go into that again.
Best Rap Video
Eminem, "Just Lose It"
The Game & 50 Cent, "Hate It or Love It"
Ludacris, "Number One Spot"
T.I., "You Don't Know Me"
Ying Tang Twins, "Wait (The Whisper Song)"
Who Should Win: Number One Spot
Who Will Win: Just Lose It
All these songs suck massively so I’ll give my award to the video that sports Slick Rick and Mini Me. It’s interesting to compare this award with Best Hip-Hop Video where are but Missy Elliot are quality rappers where the Best Rap Nominees only appeal to kids in Middle School. And as an added bonus, we get the Antoine Merriwether himself, T.I. to boot in this catergory.
Best R&B Video
Alicia Keys, "Karma"
Ciara w/Ludacris, "Oh"
John Legend, "Ordinary People"
Mariah Carey, "We Belong Together"
Usher w/Alicia Keys, "My Boo"
Who Should Win: Ordinary People
Who Will Win: My Boo
Ordinary People has heart, My Boo has the star power. If Alicia Key was to win, it should be for Karma instead, but the voters will kill two stars with one stone with hear song with Usher.
Best Hip-Hop Video
Common, "Go"
Kanye West, "Jesus Walks"
Missy Elliott w/Ciara & Fat Man Scoop, "Lose Control"
Nas w/ Olu Dara, "Bridging the Gap"
Snoop Dogg w/Pharrell, "Drop It Like It's Hot"
Who Should Win: Jesus Walks
Who Will Win: Drop it Like it’s Hot
Should Have Been Nominated: Mobb Deep, Got it Twisted
Sans Missy Elliot, all the videos are worthy. But I would have gone with Common’s The Corner rather than Go.
Best Dance Video
Ciara, "1, 2 Step"
Destiny's Child, "Lose My Breath"
Jennifer Lopez, "Get Right"
Missy Elliott w/Ciara & Fat Man Scoop, "Lose Control"
Shakira w/Alejandro Sanz, "La Tortura"
Who Should Win: La Tortura
Who Will Win: Lose My Breathe
Should Have Been Nominated: 1 Thing
Seriously, nothing beats the Shakira patented breast shake in her video. Aside from Destiny’s Child, I don’t know anyone who could actually dance to the other three nominees, so they should be thrown out by default. Amerie on the other hand is one of the few songs that could get me dancing.
Best Rock Video
Foo Fighters, "Best of You"
Green Day, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"
The Killers, "Mr. Brightside"
My Chemical Romance, "Helena"
Weezer, "Beverly Hills"
Who Should Win: Mr. Brightside
Who Will Win: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Should Have Been Nominated: Vertigo
For me it a toss up between Playmates and Eric Roberts, and you can see by my prediction who wins that battle. Too bad there is no Best Pseudo-Celebrity Cameo award so we can see Roberts take on himself with his other video with Mariah Carey.
Best Pop Video
Ashlee Simpson, "Pieces of Me"
Gwen Stefani, "Hollaback Girl"
Jesse McCartney, "Beautiful Soul"
Kelly Clarkson, "Since U Been Gone"
Lindsay Lohan, "Rumors"
Who Should Win: Since U Been Gone
Who Will Win: Hollaback Girl
Should Have Been Nominated: Vanessa Carlton, White Houses
They should really change this award to best Teen-Pop award because not many people above the age of twenty or male like any artist that MTV has thrown into this category. Pop is short for popular which means it should be something everybody likes, not just under-aged females. But enough for a semantics lesson, No Doubt has ruled this category in the past, so expect them to win. Simpson and Lohan are throwaway video, although Rumors has some nostalgia appeal since it harkens back to a day when Lohan actually was attractive. And should I even know who Jessie McCartney is? Is he related to Paul?
Best New Artist in a Video
Ciara, "1, 2 Step"
The Game, "Dreams"
John Legend, "Ordinary People"
The Killers, "Mr. Brightside"
My Chemical Romance, "Helena"
Who Should Win: Ordinary People
Who Will Win: Mr. Brightside
Should Have Been Nominated: Anna Nalick, Breathe (2 A.M.)
This is a two way battle because Ciara, the Game, and My Chemical Romance suck massively. Although if Best New Artist of the past are any indication, maybe I should root for one of the three instead.
MTV2 Award
Akon w/Styles P, "Locked Up"
The Bravery, "An Honest Mistake"
Daddy Yankee, "Gasolina"
Fall Out Boy, "Sugar, We're Going Down"
Mike Jones w/Slim Thug & Paul Wall, "Still Tippin'"
My Chemical Romance, "Helena"
Who I Voted For: Still Tippin'
Who Will Win: Helena
Remember the good old day when MV2 didn’t become a haven for all things frat boys? So what we get is an award to see who is most metro. And since MTV allows you to vote as many times as you want, the award doesn’t go to the most popular, rather it goes whoever fans are the biggest losers (think AFI). And since fans of My Chemical Romance have nothing better to do than sit in front of the computers and vote all day, they’ll win. Even though I hate blatant self promotion, Mike Jones is so over the top when he does it, it become entertaining.
Breakthrough Video
Eminem, "Mosh"
Gorillaz, "Feel Good Inc."
Missy Elliott w/Ciara & Fat Man Scoop, "Lose Control"
Sarah McLachlan, "World on Fire"
U2, "Vertigo"
Who Should Win: World on Fire
Who Will Win: Lose Control
Let play a little “Which One of These Videos is Not Like the Other.” If you said World on Fire, go get yourself a cookie. The breakthrough behind that video is that it only cost $15. McLachlan turned around and donated the $150,000 allotted to the video to various international charities. But I’m sure the charity will go unnoticed again as the video outlets ignored it when it initially came out.
Best Choreography in a Video
Amerie, "1 Thing"
Gwen Stefani, "Hollaback Girl"
Jennifer Lopez, "Get Right"
Missy Elliott w/Ciara & Fat Man Scoop, "Lose Control"
My Chemical Romance, "Helena"
Who Should Win: Helena
Who Will Win: Hollaback Girl
Should Have Been Nominated: Vanessa Carlton, White Houses
Stafani can’t dance, J-Lo gets a pity nomination because he album tanked, and the daning in 1 Thing and Lose Control weren’t even memorial. Helena should win by default.
Best Direction in a Video
Green Day, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" (Director: Samuel Bayer)
Jennifer Lopez, "Get Right" (Director: Francis Lawrence/Diane Martel)
Missy Elliott w/Ciara & Fat Man Scoop, "Lose Control" (Director: Dave Meyers/Missy Elliott)
White Stripes, "Blue Orchid" (Director: Floria Sigismondi)
U2, "Vertigo" (Director: Alex & Martin)
Who Should Win: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Who Will Win: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
I really have no comment on direction.
Best Special Effects in a Video
Coldplay, "Speed of Sound"
Gorillaz, "Feel Good Inc."
Ludacris, "Number One Spot"
The Mars Volta, "The Widow"
Missy Elliott w/Ciara & Fat Man Scoop, "Lose Control"
U2, "Vertigo"
Who Should Win: Vertigo
Who Will Win: Lose Control
I was unaware that there were any special effects in Speed of Sound. And the effects in Number One Spot and Feel Good Inc. were not that special. I’d give the U2 because unlike Missy Elliot, their music doesn’t make my ears bleed.
Best Art Direction in a Video
Green Day, "American Idiot"
Gwen Stefani, "What You Waiting For?"
The Killers, "Mr. Brightside"
System of a Down, "B.Y.O.B"
White Stripes, "Blue Orchid"
Who Should Win: Mr. Brightside
Who Will Win: What You Waiting For?
I have no comments on art direction.
Best Editing in a Video
Coldplay, "Speed of Sound"
Foo Fighters, "Best of You”
Green Day, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"
Gwen Stefani, "What You Waiting For?"
Jennifer Lopez, "Get Right"
Simple Plan, "Untitled"
Who Should Win: Best of You
Who Will Win: What You Waiting For?
Editing is a hard category to choose because all you have to do is make sure the lips move with the words of the song. Untitled was a cool video, it just too sad that it was paired up with one of the worst songs of the year. Man those Canadians are a whiny bunch.
Best Cinematography in a Video
Coldplay, "Speed of Sound"
Green Day, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"
Modest Mouse, "The Ocean Breathes Salty"
Simple Plan, "Untitled"
U2, "Vertigo"
White Stripes, "Blue Orchid"
Who Should Win: Speed of Sound
Who Will Win: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
I really shouldn’t comment here because I’m not entirely sure what cinematography is.
Best Soundtrack From A Video Game
Def Jam: Fight for NY
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme
Madden 2005
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition
Tony Hawk’s Underground 2
Who I Voted For:: Def Jam: Fight for NY
Who Will Win: Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Should Have Been Nominated: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
He in lies the biggest snub at the awards with that absence of GTA. OK, so no one on the soundtrack has been on MTV since Dr. Dre last appeared in an Eminem video. But unlike all the games on the list, when playing GTA, there is no need to reach for the remote to throw the mute on because you keep on hearing the same songs ad nausea.
It has been a couple of days since George Bush named his appointee to the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy of Sandra Day O’Conner. You most like been inundated with reasons why John Roberts Jr. is the greatest American ever born or the worst humanity has had to offer since, well, the guy who appointed him. Now that the blowhards have had their say, let you give me my opinion of Roberts: I don’t have one. And here is the problem with the current state of news today. The anchor sets up a topic then brings on two guests to “discuss” the topic, both with opposite extreme views. And at the end, we, the viewer, have to decide for ourselves which view we disagree with less. No one reports the news anymore, they prefer to create it. And anyone who keeps on brings up Roberts wife, stop it, they are not confirming his wife, they are confirming him. Granted this is almost poetic considering Bush’s people made John McCain’s wife out to be a crack addict in the 2000 primary, so what goes around always comes back around.
So in the end, this leaves me without a quality opinion on Roberts. Now this is what I would like to know about John Roberts, what are his thoughts on Eminent Domain? One thing that I do not want to happen to me is that the government to take away my home so they can build another outlet for the evil empire (Wal-Mart). Then and only then could I form an opinion about the judicial nominee. I know Eminent Domain it is not a hot topic of the day like abortion and the like, but here's the thing; I don’t really care if abortion is illegal or not. Nothing in my life would change if abortion was legal or not. Same thing with gay marriage – doesn’t affect me either way. I won’t wake up one morning, look at the headline on the paper that read “Gay Marriage Legalized,” and think to myself, “Darn, not I won’t be able to buy a house now.” Yet another thing that won’t affect me either way – flag burning. Of course that’s assuming that they don’t do the burning while in my home.
So Eminent Domain is something I hope senators will be bring up at the confirmation hearings in about six week. And hear in lies one of the biggest problems in America today, how slow it takes anything to get done. O’Conner announced her intent to retire about a month ago. Roberts wasn’t nominated until last week. Confirmation hearings are about six weeks away. And if everything goes swiftly, Roberts won’t be on the court until October at the earliest. That is almost a half a year it will take for us to get a new judge and that’s only if there are no problems. This should take no longer than month to able to push through.
In other Supreme Court news, recently when ask if or when he was going to retire, Chief Justice of Supreme Court, William Renquist replied, “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” It’s nice to know that our nation’s top judge is quoting PeeWee Herman. We really need to reevaluate that life term thing.