1. Bud Selig letting baseball become unwatchable (Big Head Barry becoming the home run king, A-Roid getting a ring, letting the Red Sox roid themselves up to break The Curse, the All-Star Game tie, etc.)
2. The death of Napster
3. The CW thinking shows like Farmer Takes a Wife,
, Melrose Place, Life Is Wild, The Pussycat Dolls, High Society, and Fly Girls were better alternatives that
Veronica Mars
4. The football team formerly known as the Browns winning a Super Bowl in the second year of The real Browns expansion, who only won three games that year
Kanye West going emo
6. The rise of Ringtone Rappers and auto-tune
7. Here is something I could not understand: how
Landry Clarke
could just kill a man
8. The Writer’s Strike
9. Dave Chappelle going crazy; ending
Chappelle's Show
after only two seasons
10. Bill Belichicken cheating his way to multiple Super Bowls wins
11. Fox canceling
The Lone Gunmen
, A Minute with Stan Hooper,
Keen Eddie
, The Jury, The Inside,
Point Pleasant
, and Reunion after (and sometime before) just one season
12. Having to constantly hear about American Karaoke
13. The entire
series, and having Kristen Bell slum it on such a horribly written / acted show
14. The Steelers winning two ref assisted Super Bowl
15. TV Guide going bigger
16. Basically everything after the season one finale of
50 Cent deciding to make music for suburban white teenage girls
18. The Jay Leno Hour
19. Fergie joining the
Black Eyed Peas
20. Having to wait fifteen years for the mediocre
Chinese Democracy (and Dr. Pepper not delivering on their promise of a free can)
21. MTV deciding to cater to teenage girls who were too busy texting to care about their crappy shows
22. The Democrats unable to nominate someone competent enough to even beat George Bush
Superman Return
X & Y - Coldplay
25. The shrinking Rolling Stone
26. The
Pirates of the Caribbean
27. Y2K
28. Hollywood ruining my childhood (Transformers, Dukes of Hazard, etc.)
Trapped in the Closet; Chapters 13-22
30. Kate Bosworth Going Skelator
31. No Detox from Dr. Dre
32. U.S. Basketball Nightmare teams
Sam's Town - The Killers
Christina Aguilera starting to look like drag queen version of her Genie in a Bottle self
Bionic Woman
Jay-Z’s Un-retirement song
Survivor All Stars
Smashing Pumpkins reunion
39. The Hockey lock out
The Shins not changing my life like Natalie Portman promised
41. Janet Jackson’s nipple
Working On a Dream - Bruce Springsteen
43. Joe Rogan version of The Man Show
44. Any celebrity documentary style reality show after
The Osbornes
first season
45. The XFL
46. Brett Favre in a
Jets Vikings uniform
47. Jerry Springer banning fighting
48. Lindsay Lohan
Austin Powers in Goldmember
50. Tara Reid somehow being able to ruin Wild On