Tuesday, December 18, 2012

You’re the Smartest and the Dumbest (Expletive Deleted) Person I Have Ever Known

Carrie and Saul in happier times onHomeland

The first season of Homeland was quality entertainment. And the crazier that Carrie got, the more entertaining the show got. Then the episode where Carrie went off her meds was one of the most entertaining hours of television ever. But here is the thing about the first season, as crazy as Carrie was, and even though Saturday Night Live made a sketch where Fake Saul said “When has Carrie ever let me down except for every time?” she was right every time. Brody was turned; he was going to blow up the Vice President and the Director of the CIA.

Then in the second season, Carrie stayed on her meds and was relatively sane the whole season aside from the weird smile she had after kicking a Syrian in the man region and disobeying orders to storm Brody’s room to call him a disgrace to his country. She was also very wrong every time this season. And maybe it was because she was a different kind of crazy this season: crazy in love. C’mon, she gleefully arrests the guy early in the season and is quick to believe a known terrorist who killed the president (and already tried to kill Estes once already) when he said he had nothing to do with his car exploding.

And it is really hard to believe Brody. How does he not realize that forty pounds of C4 were in his back seat? Who, if not Brody put it there? And who moved his car? Galvez? It is about as believable as cold hearted assassin Quinn deciding to defy his orders (and why did Estes just give up, if I were him, I would just hire another black ops guy to kill Quinn then get rid of Brody). Unless Quinn and F. Murray Abraham wanted something happen to press their own agenda. And you know there has to be something more to Abraham than some dude who eats breakfast at the same place every day for decades.

Of course season two is just a small part of the entire season and the writers have proven to be smarter than us before. Remember everyone scoffing when Chris Brody was watching the Wizards beating the Heat as the most unbelievable storyline among a sea of unbelievable storylines. And do know what happened in real life weeks later: Wizards 105-Heat 101. But I have to say I am less excited for season three than I was for season two.

Homeland 2.x gets a Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

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