Saturday, February 17, 2007

Toss Up: Lost vs Veronica Mars week 8

Lost is at its best this season whenever they focus on The Others, who were absent this week. While as Veronica Mars oddly enough is at its best whenever there is a scene in an elevator, which featured on in the past episode. But let’s see which episode was truly better by the numbers.

Words of Wisdom
Lost: Desmond got some from old chick that may or may not be a figment of his imagination
Veronica Mars: Logan got some from some young chick that may or may not be Dick’s sister-in-law
Winner: Veronica Mars

Music Requests
Lost: As a street-side performer in Desmond’s flashback/dream, Charlie played Oasis’s Wonderwall
Veronica Mars: Heather requested Nick Lachey’s What’s Left of Me for Logan
Winner: Veronica Mars

Return of the Evil
Lost: Mr. Widmore makes an appearance in Desmond’s flashback/dream to crush Desmond
Veronica Mars: Mr. Stultz returns as a suspect in the coach’s murder
Winner: Lost

Wait, They Are Still on the Show?
Lost: Pretty much any of the original passengers
Veronica Mars: Wallace
Winner: Veronica Mars

Lost: Everyone on Other’s Island, oh and the new cast members were also absent
Veronica Mars: Mac, Parker, Piz
Winner: Lost

Lost: Hurley and Charlie get Desmond drunk to find out how he knows the future without him knowing that’s is their plan
Veronica Mars: Keith makes Ronnie breakfast to get her to come to office for work
Winner: Veronica Mars

Broken Up Over a Break Up
Lost: Desmond still is hung up on Penny years later
Veronica Mars: Logan is still hung up on Vee days later
Winner: Veronica Mars

Fooled You
Lost: Mr. Widmore made Desmond think that he was going to offer him some whiskey only to insult him during his flashback/dream
Veronica Mars: Dick led Logan to believe that his future wife had a sister that was basically a twin
Winner: Lost

Form of Entertainment
Lost: Soccer Football on the telly
Veronica Mars: Mario Cart
Winner: Veronica Mars

Leader Replaced
Lost: With Jack away, Locke has taken a leadership role
Veronica Mars: With Weevil on the straight and narrow, Arturo is the new leader of the PCH’ers
Winner: Lost

Marriage Problems
Lost: Without her father’s Desmond decides against proposing to Penny
Veronica Mars: After seeing her toes, Dick regrets getting married
Winner: Veronica Mars

Lost: “Charlie… You’re going to die.”
Veronica Mars: “Ms. Mars, you are under arrest for the aiding and abiding of the escape of Josh Berry. You have the right to remain silent…”
Winner: Veronica Mars

On the Internet
Lost: You can see the latest episode over at or download Flashes Before Your Eyes over at iTunes
Veronica Mars: You can see the latest episode at or download Postgame Mortem at iTunes

There is nothing I hate more than dream sequences which is what made the most recent episode of Lost so excruciatingly painful to watch, like season two painful. What makes dream sequences so bad is that I never know what I’m supposed to get out of them: is it the character’s subconscious, is it what the writers want you to see. And the episode added another layer making us wonder if the whole thing actually happened, did Desmond really relive everything. And if that was so, how could he save Charlie the second time, if the first time around he died, then Desmond wouldn’t know he would have drowned had he not died originally. And this was basically the whole episode, with nothing happening except some puzzle pieces in Desmond back-story were filled, none of which were that interesting. Oh but next week there will be three big mysteries solve, which using previous Lost math means we will get thirty more questions to ask afterwards.

Luckily we have Veronica Mars who rarely is fails to move the storyline along. And we even get, as far as I can remember, the very first two part-er mystery of the week. And poor Wallace, he finally makes a triumphant return, to the team and the show, only to have his coach killed. I am kind of glad he bit the dust because I always thought they should have filled the coach’s shoes with a more high profile name like Charles Barkley, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, although they may want to cross Tim Haraway’s name of the list of potential replacements. I‘m also wondering if this will possibly tie into the Dean’s death.

But the best part of the night belonged to the Logan-Dick storyline and the girl Dick met that was so hot that he said he had to wear oven mitts just to feel her up and promised Logan her sister who was practically a twin. Logan delivered the great deadpan, “which one is yours when it turned out the sister was eleven. But it was the little girl that had the best lines including, “Do you want me to put highlights in your hair?” “I’m starting to smell like you” and “Quit flirting with me old man, I’m eleven. Geez that’s creepy.” And let’s not forget about her requesting Nick Lachey for Logan and the scene in the elevators. Why are all the Veronica Mars scenes set in elevators instant classics? I’m really hoping that Dick’s divorce doesn’t go too smoothly and is a future mystery of the week as you remember when Dick asked Logan if he knew any good lawyer, he responded he knew a lawyer, which presumably would be Cliff, which would the divorce proceeding even more entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. I have to disagree here. I loved Lost last week. Best episode they've done all year.
