Monday, October 30, 2017

The Voice Season Thirteen Battle Round Power Ranking

Just when you thought Miley’s overhyped all girls team could not get any more annoying, she gave all her Battles girl themed songs. One of them, American Woman, is kind of derogatory to women. But she did get three of her team Stolen. Unfortunately one was not Shilo Gold who deserved a Steal over everyone who actually got Stolen this round aside from Addison. The other seven feel like fodder for the Knockouts. Maybe Noah advances too, but I doubt we will see anymore than those two. Alrighty, here is my power ranking coming out of the Battle Rounds:

1. Karli Webster (Team Miley): My favorite from the Blinds, she did not disappoint and no one else really stood out so she stays on top for another round.

2. Addison Agen (Team Miley Adam): Adam does not turn for them in the Blinds, but he certainly likes Stealing the coffeehouse type females: Caroline Glaser, Amy Vaschal, Lilli Passero. Now if only he can translate these types of singers’ high charting on iTunes to actual votes because they tend not to get very far.

3. Chris Weaver (Team Jennifer) – Ha, have the drag queen sing Dangerous Woman. Clever. And I did like the more rock vibe they did, I just wished Kathrina did not open her mouth to ruin things.

4. Hannah Mrozak (Team Adam): A Battle of two singers who very well may have been montaged during the Blinds, but Hannah really impressed me here. And Brandon probably deserved a Steal over most that did this season even if he overembelished at times.

5. Whitney Fenimore (Team Adam Miley) – I know the Battles were filmed a long time ago but even airing a Tom Petty performance two weeks after his death and doing Stevie Nicks is just something you do not want comparisons of in any circumstance, but she really was herself and refreshing especially considering I do not even remember her Blind Audition at all.

6. Janice Freeman (Team Miley): Most of Miley’s girl power song choices were eye rolling, but this was one of the few that worked.

7. Davon Fleming (Team Jennifer) – Yeah he won, it was alright. Nothing much else worth saying.

8. Moriah Formica (Team Miley) – The song selection being classic rock clearly favored Moriah, but I actually liked Shilo better. Another case of someone who deserved to be Stolen much more that most that actually did.

9. Adam Cunningham (Team Blake): I liked his Blind which had soul to it but now I fear Blake will turn him into a bland country singer.

10. Brooke Simpson (Team Miley) – Pretty even Battle but really, Sophia was much better than pretty much everyone else who got Stolen.

11. Anthony Alexander (Team Adam): All of Adam’s soul Battles just seemed ho hum, this one included. But I guess Anthony deserved it.

12. Keisha Renee (Team Blake) – Blake clearly loves diversity, pushing plenty of non-deserving non-country singers to the Live Shows so Keisha has to be his dream contestant, a black country singer. I think she may actually be the frontrunner. But I have a feeling the longer she is on Team Blake, the more bored I will be of her.

13. Ashland Craft (Team Miley): I was kind of bored, honestly. It was alright.

14. Megan Rose (Team Miley Blake): Oh Blake, you really did not need to Steal any more country singers.

15. Chloe Kohanski (Team Miley): Montage win… yawn.

16. Shi’Ann Jones (Team Jennifer): I did not really care much for her low notes, everything else was fine.

17. Stephan Marcellus (Team Jennifer Miley): Miley ruined her all female team for this guy? Alrighty. But looking at the girls not Stolen, it was slim pickings, Miley had the best unstolen girls.

18. Adam Pearce (Team Adam) – Adam only had three females on his team going into the Battles and my thought when he picked Adam over Whitney, was Adam simply going with an all dude team to balance out Miley’s all female team. (He did eventually pick the other two females to win and Stole a third to keep his team at three females.)

19. Lucas Holliday (Team Jennifer) – One of my favorite Blind Auditions, but an absolutely horrible song choice.

20. Esera Tuaolo (Team Blake): There may be nothing more predictable in the Battle Rounds than Blake forcing two very different singer to duet on an extremely cheesy song that inevitably gets montaged.

21. Dennis Drummond (Team BlakeAdam): He should have won, but honestly, this was one of the Battles where I wished both singers went home instead of them both advancing.

22. Katrina Rose (Team Miley Jennifer): It is never all that exciting when someone who was montaged in the Blinds gets Stolen especially after people who you liked both their Blinds and Battles have already gone home.

23. Eric Lyn (Team Jennifer): I preferred the other guy, kind of shocked at Jennifer picking Eric.

24. Jon Mero (Team Adam): I preferred Brandon because Jon over sang his parts but really I did not care much either way.

25. Noah Mac (Team Blake Jennifer): Interesting Blind, yet got screwed on the song selection. Still I have a feeling he got stolen for his look over his singing.

26. Mitchell Lee (Team Blake) – Why was he smiling throughout his performance? Did he not bother to read the lyrics, this song is depressing. If this guy keeps ruining mid-nineties pop-rock I am going to be out on this show pretty quickly.

27. Dylan Gerard (Team Adam): Montage win… yawn.

28. Anna Catherine DeHart (Team Blake): Double montage win… yawn. Will we get to ever hear her for more than two deconds or will she get Rebekah Samarined?

29. Emily Luther (Team Adam): Montage win… yawn.

30. Kathrina Feigh (Team Jennifer Blake): Oh Blake, why? I have a feeling if I were to do a list of the worst Steals in the History of The Voice; Blake would have half of them.

31. Jeremiah Millerr (Team Jennifer): Montage win… yawn.

32. Red Marlow (Team Blake): These two were at the bottom of my Blind Audition Power Ranking; good new, one went home, bad news, the other stayed.

Oh my, as much as I scoff at Miley, she is clearly the best team, here worst is at seventeen and that was a Steal. Her second worst is someone who was montaged, the others were in my top 13. But let’s put these numbers in my patent pending formula to see who really has the best team:

Miley: 189
Adam: 128
Jennifer: 118
Blake: 93

Usually I come out saying that Blake may have had a weak team coming out of the Blinds but he always pit his best vs his worse and picks correctly and comes out of the Battle with the strongest team. Not this season. He did not have much to care about from the Blinds and added a pretty bad Steal and a mediocre one to boot. He would be wise to Steal someone from Miley in the Knockouts who has two strong pairings teased by the promo (Ashland vs. Chloe and Karli vs. Janice). Of course it does not matter what I think because Blake has shown he can win with boring country singers and he still has Mitchell, Adam and Keisha, at least two of those three make the semi-finals easily unless something funky happens. In fact here is how the iTunes buying public ranks the Battles:

1. Addison Agen & Karli Webster (32)
2. Mitchell Lee & Dennis Drummond (147)
3. Eric Lyn & Ignatious Carmouche (147)
4. Keisha Renee & Noah Mac (151)
5. Jon Mero & Brandon Brown (167)
6. Ashland Craft & Megan Rose (208)
7. Brooke Simpson & Sophia Bollman (209)
8. Janice Freeman & Katrina Rose (227)
9. Adam Cunningham & Natalie Stovall (242)
10. Brandon Showell & Hannah Mrozak (265)
11. Shi'Ann Jones & Stephan Marcellus (275)
12. Adam Pearce & Whitney Fenimore (280)
13. Anthony Alexander & Michael Kight (363)
14. Lucas Holliday & Meagan McNeal (395)
15. Moriah Formica & Shilo Gold (424)
16. Davon Fleming & Maharasyi (438)
17. Chris Weaver & Kathrina Feigh (522)
18. Red Marlow & Ryan Scripps (545)
19. Emily Luther & Gary Carpentier (769)
20. Ashland Craft (880)
21. Anna Catherine DeHart & Kristi Hoopes (1316)
22. Addison Agen (1379)
23. Esera Tuaolo & Rebecca Brunner (1389)
24. Karli Webster (1392)
25. Dave Crosby & Dylan Gerard (1402)

See, Mitchell and Keisha are in the top four from Battle placements. Although what I find interesting I further down that list, only three people recharted their Blind Audition songs, all three original Team Miley members. Are these your front runners? I did look back at last season which only had three recharters, Chris Blue, the eventual winner; Hunter Plake, who many people thought was a lock for the finals for much of the season until an unfortunate song selection in the semi-finals; and Casi Joy, an early frontrunner who flamed out in the Playoffs. Let’s take an average of the peak of each singers Battle and Blind Audition and see how they rank now.

1. Karli Webster (109.5)
2. Addison Agen (119.5)
3. Ashland Craft (156)
4. Brooke Simpson (168)
5. Jon Mero (175.5)
6. Noah Mac (234)
7. Anthony Alexander (302)
8. Moriah Formica (378)
9. Davon Fleming (390)
10. Adam Cunningham (395.5)
11. Whitney Fenimore (416.5)
12. Mitchell Lee (425)
13. Chris Weaver (435.5)
14. Keisha Renee (524)
15. Megan Rose (546.5)
16. Lucas Holliday (550.5)
17. Hannah Mrozak (565.5)
18. Emily Luther (622)
19. Dennis Drummond (725)
20. Esera Tuaolo (945)
21. Red Marlow (957)
22. Dylan Gerard (992)
23. Anna Catherine DeHart (1306.5)

(Janice, Shi-Ann, Kathrina, Eric, Adam P., Stephan, and Katrina all did not chart their Blind Auditions while Chloe and Jeremiah did not chart their Battles, those were actually the only two Battles that did not chart). Again, there are the names Karli, Addison, and Ashland. Thrown in a fourth Team Miley original for that position too. While the three Blake singers I mentioned earlier are middling thanks to poor Blind Audition peaks. The most surprising is the last name on the list Anna Catherine who managed to chart both her songs while there were seven singers advancing singers who failed to chart at least once. Let’s see who has the strongest team according to the iTunes average.

Miley: 93
Adam: 78
Blake: 53
Jennifer: 52

Having three of the top four makes it no surprise Miley is on top, but outside those top five, it is kind of dire, she really needs to choose her time wisely for the Live Playoffs. But if the five-some is Karli, Ashland, Brooke, Moriah, and a good Steal (especially if she can get Addison back) that could be one of the bestselling Playoff teams ever. Though she really should ditch the silly themes and just go with great songs.

Really, I am just going to go ahead and make that my prediction for Team Miley. The other teams are harder to guess (especially since the promo only showed six of the sixteen Knockout pairings). Here are my other predictions:

Team Adam
Addison, Jon, Hannah, Dylan (Steal Noah)

Team Blake
Keisha, Mitchell, Adam, Esera, (Steal Chloe)

Team Jennifer
Lucas, Shi’Ann, Davon, Chris (Steal Janice)

Team Miley
Ashland, Brooke, Moriah, Karli, (Steal Megan back)

Sunday, October 29, 2017

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/282017

Ray Donovan: When Ray was talking about setting up Avi for the Fed’s death, I thought, um, he blackmailed the Fed to arrest Micky, why not just make Micky look like he did it since he was actually there. But Ray pulled a fast one on me and actually did throw Micky under the bus. But I wonder why the dive team did not find the chopped up sensei down there too. I figure he will be important to freeing Micky. Hopefully Micky was not bluffing when he said he would never trust Ray again because the show is much better when they are going at each other instead of helping each other. Micky vs. Ray, one last time, feels like a final season. With next season being the sixth, it may be time.

The Walking Dead: I am not entirely sure what happened in the episode because I spent most of the time wondering if Future Rick was really listening to “Weird Al” Yankovic.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

Good Behavior: Is it too obvious that Javier’s childhood friend who showed up to the wake is the one who tried to kill him and actually killed Silk? Suspicious timing showing up. Speaking of good timing, Apple just happened to see Javier convince a dud to jump off a cliff. It will be interesting to see if they skip town next episode r stick it out. I kind of want them to stay because Caren with a “C” has really spiced things up this season. But I wonder who will hire a hitman to kill their spouse first Caren or her husband. That would be a very interesting episode Javier being hired to kill someone it turns out he knows.
You can download Good Behavior on iTunes

Supergirl: Wow, two Barenaked Ladies songs in less than a week. But them soundtracking a lesbian wedding shower seemed a little too on the nose.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

The Gifted: Um, if you have screws in your leg, aren’t they kind of important? And how was there no metal on the bus to manipulate? This show is getting kind of stupid.
You can download The Gifted on iTunes.

The Challenge: Dirty 30: Well that wack a mole challenge was stupid. And what I do not understand is that instead of wacking someone you hope does not win, why not just stand in front of them so they could not see and just make them keep on moving?
You can download The Challenge: Dirty 30 on iTunes.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers: Bad move Turtleneck, way too early to turn on your tribe for absolutely no good reason. But seriously, instead of letting Ali think you were going on with her plan, why not ask if maybe it would be smarter to target the lone Healer, an original tribe that had not lost anyone yet. Dude is overplaying and that usually gets you sent home early.
You can download Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers on iTunesr.

Mr. Robot: Oh great, the what was going on with Tyrell in season two episode I never really wanted.
You can download Mr. Robot on iTunes.

The Good Place: Sure, seeing Janet’s beginning was fun but I was most interesting in finding out what was with all the frozen yogurt.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Gotham: When Lee popped back up last week at an illegal fight club I just assumed she was still evil. Okay, it was mostly the bangs, if you get bangs it usually means you are turning evil, or just possibly have bad judgment in general. Except she is using her illegal money to host a clinic out of her apartment. Alrighty.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Blindspot: So they finally got rid of Sandstorm except Jane’s brother kidnapped her and put on translucent tattoos that are more complex than the original? I was going to roll my eyes at that but I am just excited to get more Rich Dotcom. And then there was a big montage at the end where everyone had a new secret: Roman knows something about Kurt during Jane’s exile in Berlin! Zapata is tied to one of the new tattoos!! Jane has a stash of foreign cash!!! Patterson… wait, she hooked up with Rich Dotcom?!?! Did I miss Reade’s big secret or is just too boring to have one?
You can download Blindspot on iTunes

Marvel’s Inhumans: Wait, they killed off the horse guy? Sure having hooves for feet has to be the lamest of all the superlame Inhuman powers, but at least he was the most fun of the bunch. Ugg, how could this show get any more dour?
Marvel's Inhumans on iTunes.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Around the Tubes: 10/27/2017

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on SMILF, Marvel’s Runaways, Lionel Richie, The Lost Tapes: Patty Hearst, Origin of Everything, Conan, Polar Bear Town, The Kingkiller Chronicle, and Ray Donovan.

- Showtime is giving viewers an early opportunity to sample the series premiere of the network’s new half-hour comedy SMILF. The series, created, starring and executive produced by Frankie Shaw, is based on her Sundance Film Festival Jury Award-winning short film of the same name. At the end of the episode, Showtime is offering fans a sneak peek of an exclusive scene from the season eight premiere of the network’s No. 1 comedy Shameless. Showtime is releasing SMILF early, ahead of its on-air debut Sunday, November 5 at 10:00, following the 9 p.m. ET/PT season premiere of the SHAMELESS. Consumers can watch the SMILF series premiere for free now on YouTube, Facebook and, as well as across multiple television and streaming providers’ devices, websites, applications and authenticated online services and their free On Demand channels. In addition, the episode is available for free on the Showtime stand-alone service’s website

- Hulu has released the trailer for Marvel’s Runaways. The first three episodes of the 10-episode season will premiere on Tuesday, November 21st.

- On December 8, Motown/UMe will release three historic albums on vinyl from one of the most successful solo artists in Pop/R&B crossover history, Lionel Richie. This mega-platinum album triple-play — 1982’s Lionel Richie, 1983’s Can’t Slow Down, and 1985’s Dancing On The Ceiling — sealed the recent Kennedy Center Honoree’s legacy as one of the most popular singer/songwriters of the modern era, in the wake of his 1982 departure from the lineup of one of Motown’s biggest artists of the Seventies, the Commodores.

- On February 4, 1974, 19-year-old Patricia “Patty” Hearst was kidnapped from her Berkeley, California apartment. Because she was the granddaughter of American publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst, Patty’s kidnapping left authorities confounded and the American public glued to its television screens watching the saga of an abducted American heiress unfold. The Lost Tapes: Patty Hearst tells the inside story, without interviews or narration, utilizing Hearst’s own voice recordings, footage of her first interview following her release and first-hand audio tapes of the kidnappers. In addition, rediscovered news footage allows viewers to experience all of the confusion, fear and absurdity that held a nation in thrall for 19 months. The Lost Tapes: Patty Hearst premieres Sunday, November 26 at 9:00 on Smithsonian Channel.

- The newest episode of PBS Digital Studios' Origin of Everything, focuses on an urban legend we've all heard: tainted Halloween candy. How many times did your mom warn you about that razor blade in the apple? Well turns out, there's a pretty interesting backstory to these legends and we're here to share. The episode also dives into the origins of trick or treating for candy. Why do we encourage kids to show up at strangers houses, begging for candy and, more importantly, what does the answer have to do with V for Vendetta? Check out the new episode here.

- TBS's late-night series Conan is heading back to New York City for the second year in a row for a week of shows from Harlem’s Apollo Theater Monday, November 6 – Thursday, November 9. Conan from the Apollo will run in conjunction with The 14th annual New York Comedy Festival which runs November 7 – 12, 2017. During the week in New York City, Conan will feature the following guests:

Monday, November 6: Stephen Colbert
Tuesday, November 7: Keegan-Michael Key and comedian Jon Dore
Wednesday, November 8: Features comedian Jack Whitehall
Thursday, November 9: The cast of Daddy’s Home 2: Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson, John Lithgow and Linda Cardellini

- Every fall, approximately 10,000 tourists from around the world descend on the tiny, isolated town of Churchill, Manitoba. Known as “The Polar Bear Capital of the World,” visitors gather in Churchill to see the annual migration of more than 1,000 polar bears that pass through town. Smithsonian Channel’s docu-series Polar Bear Town follows this extraordinary intersection of humans and the “Lords of the Arctic,” as they collide in unexpected and sometimes dangerous ways. This three-episode second season premieres Wednesday, November 22 at 8:00.

- Showtime is developing a television series adaptation of The Kingkiller Chronicle, executive produced by Pulitzer Prize, Tony, Grammy® and Emmy Award winner Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton), with acclaimed producer John Rogers (Leverage, The Player) serving as showrunner. Miranda will also compose music for the series, which is based on Patrick Rothfuss’s global bestselling contemporary fantasy trilogy. Produced by Lionsgate, The Kingkiller Chronicle will be executive produced by Rogers, Miranda, Rothfuss, Robert Lawrence (Clueless, Die Hard with a Vengeance) and Jennifer Court (The Player).

- Showtime has ordered a sixth season of its hit drama series Ray Donovan, starring multiple Emmy® and Golden Globe® nominee Liev Schreiber and Jon Voight in his Golden Globe winning role. The announcement was made today by Gary Levine, President of Programming, Showtime Networks Inc.

Monday, October 23, 2017

I Want My Music Videos: 10/23/2017

Sway - Danielle Bradbery

Danielle Bradbery had a reputation of being a robot while on The Voice. She was perfectly fineand her first album was perfectly fine too but ultimately boring country pop. After that they floated an embarrassingly bad country rap song Friend Zone. So I was not too excited when it was announced she was going to be one of the rare Voice contestant to get a second major label album. Umm, actually is she the first? Really sad that I have to ask that considering the shoe just started its thirteenth season. (After some research she is if you do not count EP’s.) But it turns out her new song is really catchy. Not in a county-pop sort of way, definitely not country-rap. If this was released in the eighties, it would be a pop song. Had it been released last decade it would be adult contemporary. Unfortunately modern pop has been taken over by weird computer EDM sounds and adult contemporary is pretty much just Ed Sheeran so I am not sure how this song reaches a wider audience unless the progressive country fans that made Girl Crush a hit accept this song.

May I Have This Dance – Francis and the Lights featuring Chance the Rapper

When I first heard the non remix version of this song, I actually thought I was listening to a long lost Peter Gabriel song. As for the remix version's video, is Chance the Rapper and Francis and the Lights trying out for a Napoleon Dynamite remake?

It's a Shame - First Aid Kit

I am a sucker for camera tricks and I really like the subtly of the two members of First Aid Kit walking down the same streets and having slightly different experiences.

Tennessee Mountain Top – Kid Rock

Okay, so Kid Rock’s senate run is obvious a joke, I mean, here is a video with a stuffed raccoon. I mean it is not as wacky as Roy Moore, but c’mon, it has to be a joke right? Please be a joke. And isn’t the song kind of ripping off a Nickelback song?

Sunday, October 22, 2017

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/22/2017

Ray Donovan: Well fork, they actually did kill off Natalie James. And I really did not need to spend half the episode watching Micky inability to, um, calm down is I guess the best way to put that. Then Micky got even more screwed by his son who sold him out to the DA. Of course this is the same son that killed the head of the FBI, West Coast Division. Should be interesting to see how the writers get the Donovan boys out of that one.

Fear the Walking Dead: Wait; is anyone in the cast still alive besides Madison? I would not hate that because I do not particularly care about any of these people. Yet I have a feeling they will all survive. Even Nick despite blowing a dam he was standing on and even if he miraculously survives, there are dudes with guns beside him ready to kill him.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Supergirl: I am morally opposed to spoilers but I still check out casting notices so I know who the new mom is going to be. So why drag this out on a character we never met even the main characters only had a passing glance of until it was unveils as Lena’s successor at LexCorp at the end of the episode? People who do not know who that is have to be even more confused. Just comes off as sloppy writing. And it is becoming clear that the writers mostly care about couples than actual plot as it seems pretty obvious to me that Lena and James are going to bang soon. Ugg, I hate all that crap.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

The Challenge: Dirty 30: That was kind of a lame challenge, walk ten feet on a balance beam, I do not really care how far up you are. But hey, Johnny Bananas went in his rare elimination. It is amazing how lucky that guy is mixed with how he is able to keep his name out of everyone’s mouths. But goodness, Redemption House is stacked. At least for the guys, it seems like Cara Maria may be in a cakewalk.
You can download The Challenge: Dirty 30 on iTunes.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers: We got our second one week only advantage and for the second time it ultimately did not have any bearing on the outcome as Joe pulled out his Idol anyway. But why did Jessica give that advantage to Devon? Did she think the four would gang up on the one and he might have an Idol? Picking one of the Heroes seemed like a much smarter play because what if the Healers pulled him in? But again, none of it really mattered anyway.
You can download Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers on iTunesr.

The Blacklist: Really, we had to see a horse burned alive to start the episode? Could she give the horse poison too at least? But I watched this after the Trolley episode of The Good Place and a good version here with do you kill a bad person to save a child? I am with Lizzie and say yes.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Mr. Robot: I thought we were going to get an eighties musical theme with INXS and Roxette except when the FBI dude was trolling the other one with an audio recording he went with… Barenaked Ladies. Was Rick Astley too obvious? But speaking of listening to Roxette, they killed off Tyrell’s wife. She gets this weird storyline last season only to be murdered in her second scene of this season.
You can download Mr. Robot on iTunes.

The Good Place: Am I going to the Bad Place for laughing at the real life Trolley Problem?
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Gotham: Um, so Ra’s al Ghul is dead dead? That cannot possibly be it. And Solomon Grundy is really bad. Oh my goodness, they messed that up. Butch looks like seventies Incredible Hulk but with grey makeup and a bad wig.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Once Upon a Time: Not remembering where your kid and wife are buried should be a very big red flag. But come on Henry, at least do a blood test to find out if the kid is yours once and for all. And should I know who the weird chick at the end was?
You can download Once Upon a Time on iTunes.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Previewing Too Funny to Fail

What if I told you there is a television show starring Steve Carrell, Stephan Colbert, Robert Smigel, the head writer is Louis C.K. while other writers include Charlie Kaufman and Robert Carlock whose name you may not recognize but who was in every title sequence of 30 Rock and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt as creator? You would probably think there will be the bidding war in the history of television between networks, cable, premium channels, and streaming services. But here is the thing, that is not an upcoming show, it already existed. And not only would all those future very successful people involved, the face on the marquee was Dana Carvey fresh off of Saturday Night Live where he was arguably the greatest cast mate of all time.

Except The Dana Carvey Show failed and it failed miserably. That was pretty much it for Dana Carvey the star. It was six years until he was allowed to star in another movie and nothing after that. Of course almost everyone else associated with the show went on to superstardom. The Office, The Late Show, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Louis C.K. and Carlock have multiple Emmy’s, while Kaufman has an Oscar for writing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Two decades later many of the players get interviewed for the documentary Too Funny to Fail. Sorry, no Charlie Kauffman, but after watching most of his weird movies, maybe it is somewhat understandable his weird sense of humor did not fit in the same hour as Home Improvement.

With the talent involved, the documentary is plenty funny. You get to see Carvey’s Saturday Night Live audition (the bit ended up on the show) as well as an early burger ad starring Carrell, and a truly bizarre audition tape by Colbert that involved his daughter. Even the editor gets a few laugh in, be sure to read the descriptions under the talking head’s name. But maybe the funniest part of the whole documentary was a real ad for a very special episode of Home Improvement… followed by "The Mug Root Beer Dana Carvey Show." Yeah, okay, now I am seeing how this show did not work back in 1996.

The documentary is also littered with plenty of interesting stories like which future star Louis C.K. (who had plenty of hair back then) was very adamant they did not hire. They even shared a letter of an angry fan berating a critic who bashed the show in a review… read by that very critic. And you better bet they found the fan who wrote it too. And of course they show plenty of sketches and I have to agree, maybe not the best idea to start the series with Dana as Bill Clinton breastfeeding a dog. Also, there was a very racist sketch that would have made Twitter explode today and may have even gotten a few people fired today. Awe, the nineties. And there was even a sketch for The Dana Carvey Show that actually lived on after the show as a running bit on Saturday Night Live. The documentary actually made me want to go back and watch the show for the first time. And lo and behold, after you are watching Too Funny to Fail on Hulu, which is available to stream now, all eight episodes of The Dana Carvey Show, including the unaired episode, are also available to stream exclusively on Hulu.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Around the Tubes: 10/20/2017

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on The Alienist, War Dog: A Soldier’s Best Friend, The Chi, Muddy Waters, Foo Fighters, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, Springfield of Dreams: The Legend of Homer Simpson, Baboon King, Lions Unleashed, Tiger on the Run, Trivial Takedown, Five Points, and Your Honor.

- Turner's TNT will take viewers into the darkest corners of New York City during the Gilded Age with the eagerly anticipated series The Alienist based on the Anthony Award-winning international bestseller by Caleb Carr. Set in 1896 amidst a backdrop of vast wealth, extreme poverty and technological innovation, this psychological thriller stars Daniel BrĂ¼hl (Rush), Luke Evans (The Girl on The Train), Dakota Fanning (American Pastoral) and Brian Geraghty (The Hurt Locker). The Alienist is slated to premiere on Monday, Jan. 22 at 9:00 across TNT platforms.

- War Dog: A Soldier’s Best Friend will premiere on HBO on Monday, November 13 at 8:00. Beginning on Veteran’s Day, Saturday November 11, two days prior to the official HBO Debut, the documentary will also be available on HBO On Demand, HBO NOW, HBO GO and affiliate portals. Synopsis: From executive producer Channing Tatum and director Deborah Scranton (The War Tapes) comes a deeply personal documentary that highlights the intimate relationship between U.S. Special Operations soldiers and their K9s that serve together as human/animal teams in combat. Less than 1% of all military K9s are selected for Special Operations. Layka, Mika and Pepper serve side by side with their handlers on the front lines. Dedicated, fearless, highly-trained, these canines and Special Operations forces are cut from the same cloth and forged to be human-animal teams under the most grueling selection courses known, in order to develop an unbreakable bond and lethal fighting capability. Communication travels up and down the leash in a nameless language. This is a world where the two-legged and four-legged warriors are considered equal members of a team. A team built on loyalty, sacrifice and love that blurs the line between human and animal.

- Showtime will kick off 2018 with the premiere of its new one-hour drama series, The Chi, created and executive produced by Emmy® winner Lena Waithe (Master of None), and executive produced by Academy Award®, Emmy® and Golden Globe winner Common (John Wick 2, Selma) and Elwood Reid (The Bridge, Hawaii Five-O). Reid also serves as showrunner. The series, which explores the humanity behind the headlines sensationalizing the South Side of Chicago, will premiere on Sunday, January 7 at 10:00.

- Few pieces of art have been as influential as Muddy Waters’ seminal debut album The Best of Muddy Waters, a humble piece of vinyl released by an upstart label in 1958 that served as The Big Bang for rock ‘n’ roll and the ensuing half century of modern popular culture. On November 10, Geffen/UMe will celebrate the forthcoming 60th anniversary of Waters’ first album by reissuing The Best of Muddy Waters on vinyl in original mono for the first time in 30 years while also making it available for download and streaming for the first time ever, giving new and familiar listeners a reminder of the bluesman’s truly incandescent music. Preorder The Best Of Muddy Waters here.

- Multi-Grammy-winning rock band Foo Fighters delivers an electrifying, historic performance at the famed Odeon of Herodes Atticus from the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, in the latest installment of LANDMARKS Live in Concert for THIRTEEN’s Great Performances. Captured this past July, Foo Fighters – LANDMARKS Live in Concert: A Great Performances Special premieres nationwide Friday, November 10 at 10 p.m. on PBS (check local listings) and will be available to stream the following day via and PBS OTT apps.

- For the first time, all of Fitzgerald and Armstrong’s classic duets are in one place: Cheek To Cheek: The Complete Duet Recordings, a new 4CD and digital set will be available November 10. Part of Ella 100, Verve Records/UMe’s yearlong celebration of Fitzgerald’s centennial, the 75-track collection gathers their three timeless Verve albums – newly remastered versions of Ella and Louis, Ella and Louis Again and Porgy and Bess – along with all of their Decca singles, live recordings from Jazz at the Hollywood Bowl, recorded as a warmup for Ella and Louis, plus several alternates and false starts from the Decca and Verve eras, illuminating their craft and good humor. Cheek To Cheek also includes unreleased material: “The Memphis Blues,” with Bing Crosby, from his radio show; several takes of Armstrong’s solo showcase, “Bess, Oh Where’s My Bess;” and an instrumental mix of “Red-Headed Woman.” The comprehensive collection is rounded out with extensive essay by Ricky Riccardi, the world’s leading authority on Armstrong, plus detailed annotations and rare images from the archives. Preorder Cheek To Cheek here.

- Twenty-five years after THE SIMPSONS’ “Homer at the Bat” originally aired, America’s favorite family once again forays into America’s favorite pastime. In advance of the network’s 20th year broadcasting the World Series, FOX Sports today announced that a comedic “Simpsonized” documentary, Springfield of Dreams: The Legend of Homer Simpson, will air adjacent to regional NFL broadcasts on Sunday, Oct. 22 on FOX. The World Series presented by YouTube TV begins Tuesday, October 24 on FOX.

- In the wild, survival of the fittest is the only strategy that prevails, proving across all species who is most fit to be on top. Smithsonian Channel’s new Wild Wednesday lineup showcases the battles these animals must face to prove their dominance and protect themselves, their family and the land that they live on. Whether on the outskirts of the Ethiopian highlands or navigating through villages of India, all three predators learn how to adapt in the new environments where they are placed. Explore these incredible stories on Smithsonian Channel with the premieres of Baboon King on Wednesday, October 18 at 8:00, Lions Unleashed on Wednesday, November 8 at 8:00, and Tiger on the Run on Wednesday, November 15 at 8:00.

- Fuse has announced a Tuesday, November 7 premiere date for Trivial Takedown, a new original pop culture game show based on the popular UK series Blink. Each episode of Trivial Takedown will feature two celebrity contestants competing head-to-head to identify music and pop culture icons, with a few surprises thrown in for good measure. The series will debut with back-to-back episodes beginning at 11:00p and 11:30p, before resuming its regular 11:00p Tuesday night slot. Fuse will provide a mobile-web based second screen experience of this highly interactive fast-paced game that provides fans with the opportunity to test their own music and pop culture knowledge with live polls, trivia and on-screen leaderboards. This season features some of today's hottest celebrities, musical artists and a cast of influencers including rapper Kid Ink, Flula Borg, Frankie Grande, GloZell, Mamrie Hart, Omarion, Brittany Furlan, Gina Brillon, Romeo Miller, Tim Delaghetto, Justine Marino, Kingsley, Ayo & Teo, Sevyn Streeter and Chico Bean.

- Facebook has just announced that Indigenous Media and Kerry Washington’s Simpson Street have brought together an award-winning team to produce Five Points, an original dramatic series created and written by Adam Giaudrone (Being Mary Jane, Black Lightning) for Watch, Facebook’s new platform for shows. Five Points is about five students at a South Side Chicago high school who each experience a life changing event from a different point of view. It will take each of their unique perspectives to understand the truth. The ten-episode series begins production this week.

- Showtime has made a series commitment to Your Honor, which will be executive produced and written by BAFTA winner Peter Moffat – whose Criminal Justice served as the basis for The Night Of – and executive produced by Emmy Award nominees Robert and Michelle King (The Good Wife). Liz Glotzer (The Good Fight, BrainDead, The Shawshank Redemption), Alon Aranya and Rob Golenberg (Hostages, Betrayal) of Scripted World will also serve as executive producers. The announcement was made today by Gary Levine, President of Programming, Showtime Networks Inc.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Previewing George Michael: Freedom

Man, we have lost some all-timers recently. Just in the last two years we have lost Davis Bowie, Glen Frey, Prince, George Michael, Chuck Berry, and most recently Tom Petty. All at some point could be considered the biggest artist in the world. Michael is an interesting case because it is very rare for an artist to go from teen idol to a critically acclaimed all timer. It is basically him and The Beatles. But on the flipside, fewer one time biggest act in the world fell faster and harder out of public consciousness.

George Michael: Freedom is a film the singer was finishing at the time of his death last Christmas. But after his death there was no epilogue added mourning his death, just an introduction by Kate Moss explaining the circumstance of how the documentary was being made. George is the director and narrator for better or worse. Obviously when you have the subject so deeply involved you get the most accurate account, but then the subject can also gloss over event that an objective filmmaker knows is important.

First off, Wham! gets a very short shrift. Michael goes solo within ten minutes of the film (and that even includes credits and his early life) and Andrew Ridgeley is not even interviewed. Also George’s most infamous moment is not discussed. The only time the bathroom incident is even referred to was showing the Outside music video and an Extras cameo when George says, he is doing community service, but ”not for that incident.”

Even then, this still an intimate look at a guy who once refused to appear in his own music videos or really do much promotion of his music starting in the nineties. There is plenty of time devoted to his secret boyfriend who died of AIDS and was the inspiration of much of Older. There are also plenty of interviews from his influences (Stevie Wonder was shocked to learn he was white), contemporaries (Elton John, in true Elton John fashion is pissed he was not playing the piano on Freedom ’90), people he influences (unfortunately Liam Gallagher did not come with subtitles), and all the supermodels in the Freedom ’90 music video (one of which admits to throwing eggs at him when Wham! opened for Culture Club in their pre-fame days).

George Michael: Freedom may not be the bit of filmmaking ever which can be expected when it is being helmed by the singer and not an actual filmmaker. But he wisely picked plenty of good storytellers who sell his life and times well. My favorite parts are when they just drop the pin on the record and have the talking heads listen and comment on certain songs. This is a devise that should be used by all future music documentaries.

George Michael: Freedom premieres Saturday at 9:00 on Showtime.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Previewing Freakish: Season Two

I wrote off the first season of Freakish as a simple and cheap The Walking Dead rip-off for teenagers. It even had one of the members of The Walking Dead as the gym teacher until he was turned into a zombie like creature (granted more 28 Days Later than Walking Dead) because apparently there is a strict no one old enough to buy alcohol limit on the show. But the thing is, while watching the first couple episodes of season two; I started to realize I may actually be enjoying the show.

Where the first season felt very insular, the show never left the school grounds or introduced anyone who was not part of the initial detention group besides one person, the second season really opens up as it slowly starts going outside the walls of the school while the mystery and twist come fast. And they are much more interesting than the obligatory cliffhangers at the end of each episode in season one.

We even get to meet many different groups of people, some friendly, some not, and some yet to be determined and these additions are much better actors than the novices cast in season one. Well, they are mostly better actors and Jake Busy. Has that guy even worked since Shasta McNasty? (A scroll of his IMDB, oh my, he actually has been steadily working with 100 credits to his name. Sure less than ten I even recognize and most of those are one and done episodes on television shows, although I may have to check out Nazi at the Center of the Earth staring another what have they been up to since the nineties star, Dominique Swain who apparently has also steadily been working though the last thing on her IDMB I actually recognized was Alpha Dog in 2006. But again Sharkansas Women’s Prison Massacre may be worth checking out.)

The new season starts off letting us know where exactly LaShawn went after looking for help when their water supply got shot off and runs into the military that may not be that interesting in finding and helping survivors. Later in the season, a search supplies leads to a group holed up, some of whom are more than what they seem while another has a past with one of the original survivor. Then there is a mysterious third group. Oh yeah, and there is a new person who can walk outside without turning into a freak and has some weird thing on the back of his neck. In season two, Freakish finally has found its groove and if it can actually give competent answers to what is going on, it could turn into something worth talking about.

All episodes of Freakish season two are streaming on Hulu now.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Voice Season 13 Blind Auditions Power Rankings

Miley Cyrus is completely unbearable, and it turns out Jennifer Hudson turned out to be much better okay, I did like the nasty look she shot Adam when he turned for a soul singer before her). Add to that the Adam / Blake bromance was old ten seasons ago. So I knew pretty early I was not going to watch the episodes as aired and just watch the YouTube clips of the singing then skip to the end to see what team they join. No overly sappy sob stories (although I may have to go back and see what is up with the balding white dude who sang Maxwell whom you could have convinced me was a member of Steely SDan), no annoying coach banter. But unfortunately there is nothing else on at 8:30 on Tuesday so I would catch the end of those episodes. What really struck me about that last episode was how they kept talking about Miley making “herstory” with the very first all-female team.

Um, why is that something to promote? That just seems extremely sexist to me. Though I am not entirely sure who is to blame. Guys have been very hesitant to join female coaches since the start, I doubt any female coach has had a majority male ever. But then I wonder, at what point did Miley stop turning around for guys so she could have an all-female team? It also makes me wonder if she will try to Steal any boys in the next two rounds or will be taking girls all the way through.

1. Karli Webster (Team Miley)

2. Chris Weaver (Team Jennifer)

3. Shi’Ann Jones (Team Jennifer)

4. Lucas Holliday (Team Jennifer)

5. Adam Cunningham (Team Blake)

6. Moriah Formica (Team Miley)

7. Addison Agen (Team Miley)

8. Shilo Gold (Team Miley)

9. Noah Mac (Team Blake)

10. Ilianna Viramontes (Team Miley)

11. Ignatious Carmouche (Team Jennifer)

12. Dennis Drummond (Team Blake)

13. Sophia Bollman (Team Miley)

14. Anthony Alexander (Team Adam)

15. Davon Fleming (Team Jennifer)

16. Brandon Brown (Team Adam)

17. Janice Freeman (Team Miley)

18. Chloe Kohanski (Team Miley)

19. Esera Tuaolo (Team Blake)

20. Ashland Craft (Team Miley)

21. Hannah Mrozak (Team Adam)

22. Dave Crosby (Team Adam)

23. Stephan Marcellus (Team Jennifer)

24. Megan Rose (Team Miley)

25. Adam Pearce (Team Adam)

26. Jon Mero (Team Adam)

27. Meagan McNeal (Team Jennifer)

28. Rebecca Brunner (Team Blake)

29. Kathrina Feigh (Team Jennifer)

30. Whitney Fenimore (Team Adam)

31. Maharasyi (Team Jennifer)

32. Kristi Hoopes (Team Blake)

33. Emily Luther (Team Adam)

34. Brooke Simpson (Team Miley)

35. Keisha Renee (Team Blake)

36. Gary Carpentier (Team Adam)

37. Michael Night (Team Adam)

38. Mitchell Lee (Team Blake)

39. Dylan Gerard (Team Adam)

40. Anna Catherine DeHart (Team Blake)

41. Natalie Stovall (Team Blake)

42. Alexandra Joyce (Team Jennifer)

43. Eric Lyn (Team Jennifer)

44. Brandon Showell (Team Adam)

45. Jeremiah Miller (Team Jennifer)

46. Katrina Rose (Team Miley)

47. Red Marlow (Team Blake)

48. Ryan Scripps (Team Blake)

Okay, so I spend a lot of time in the intro complaining about how annoying (and kind of sexist) Miley was, but she did put together a pretty good team, same with Jennifer who notched three of the top four. But let’s add things up to see who has the strongest team.

Miley – 382
Jennifer – 310
Adam – 241
Blake – 232

Yep, the ladies are far ahead. I think the problem is that the two guys who have been o the show so long they know who gets votes (boring, mostly white dudes) and gear their team that way. Well at least Blake will mix things up with a few left of center contestants in the Live Shows but Adam goes full pander as the series goes on. Much was made by Miley’s all female team, but Adam only has three and I would not be surprised if none make the Knockouts let along the Live Show. But who cares what I think, what were people buying. Though I feel bad for people who were on the second week because Tom Petty just died and I believe by Tuesday, he had about fifty of the top 200 hundred songs.

1. Ashland Craft (104)
2. Brooke Simpson (127)
3. Jon Mero (184)
4. Karli Webster (187)
5. Addison Agen (207)
6. Michael Kight (210)
7. Anthony Alexander (241)
8. Dave Crosby (241)
9. Ignatious Carmouche (269)
10. Gary Carpentier (272)
11. Noah Mac (317)
12. Moriah Formica (332)
13. Davon Fleming (342)
14. Chris Weaver (349)
15. Natalie Stovall (416)
16. Dylan Gerard (442)
17. Emily Luther (475)
18. Esera Tuaolo (501)
19. Adam Cunningham (549)
20. Whitney Fenimore (553)
21. Chloe Kohanski (563)
22. Ilianna Viramontes (626)
23. Brandon Brown (690)
24. Mitchell Lee (703)
25. Lucas Holliday (706)
26. Jeremiah Miller (821)
27. Hannah Mrozak (866)
28. Megan Rose (885)
29. Keisha Renee (897)
30. Anna Catherine DeHart (1297)
31. Dennis Drummond (1302)
32. Rebecca Brunner (1303)
33. Red Marlow (1369)
34. Ryan Scripps (1379)

A surprisingly good showing by montage victims, half of them actually charted. Should I know who Natalie Stovall is? That is really high for someone who was montaged. Although there were eleven who were not montaged that failed to be one of the 1500 most downloaded song. Sure five could blame Tom Petty, still mostly sad. But let’s see who iTunes downloaders think is the strongest team:

Adam – 213
Miley – 185
Blake – 109
Jennifer 88

Adam really is iTunes magic, I thought his team was pretty weak this year, but being a team of mostly boring white dudes really helps. And he only had two people who did not chart. And though they may not have charted very high, Blake had all but one chart. Then look at newbie Jennifer who over half her team did not chart at all.

Time for predictions. This used to be really easy because they would basically tell you who would make the Live Shows by who they focus on during the Best of the Blinds episode, except there was none this year. Cannot pull This Is Us off the schedule to air a recap show. Suprising they did not pull The Blacklist instead. Oh well, they did give out the Battle pairings so here is who I think will win (they are listed first) in order with how confident I am I right.

Team Adam
Dave Crosby vs. Dylan Gerard
Emily Luther vs. Gary Carpentier
Jon Mero vs. Brandon Brown
Brandon Showell vs. Hannah Mrozak
Anthony Alexander v. Michael Night (Steal)
Whitney Fenimore vs. Adam Pearce (Steal)

Team Blake
Krista Hoopes vs. Anna Catherine DeHart
Adam Cunningham vs. Natalie Stovall
Mitchell Lee vs. Dennis Drummond (Steal)
Esera Tuaolo vs. Rebecca Brunner
Ryan Scripps vs. Red Marlow
Keisha Renee vs. Noah Mac (Steal)

Team Jennifer
Ignatious Carmouche vs. Eric Lyn
Shi’ann Jones vs. Stephan Marcellus
Chris Weaver vs. Kathrina Feigh (Steal)
Jereremiah Miller vs. Alexandra Joyce
Lucas Holliday vs Meagan McNeal (Steal)
Davon Fleming vs. Maharasyi

Team Miley
Ashland Craft vs. Megan Rose (Steal)
Brooke Simpson vs Sophia Bollman
Janice Freeman vs. Katrina Rose
Chloe Kohanski vs. Ilianna Viramontes
Moriah Formica vs. Shilo Gold
Karli Webster vs. Addison Agen (Steal)

Sunday, October 15, 2017

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/14/2017

Ray Donovan: Wait, what just happened? It look like there were strangle marks on Natalie’s neck. But was she resting or just dead? If it was the former, then obviously she killed her husband by throwing him off the balcony. But I am guessing it was the latter and he raped her one last time and then jumped off the balcony. That could explain why he left the dog at the bar knowing he would not be around to take care of him. And I was just thinking, why was she opening the door for Terry, she did not know who that was. And she definitely should nor opened up the door to her husband.

Episodes: I always thought behind the scenes of The Box was much more interesting than trying to create a new show and I really want to know what was up with all the Nazi’s in the hot chick’s box. It if seem obvious that the new show would end up being the one we were watching, but I was a bit disappointed that the hitman show that Matt left was not her real crappy CBS sitcom instead, now that would have been funny.

Supergirl: I was so happy when Mon-El got sucked into the black hole never to be seen again because he could not breathe Earth’s air for hundreds of years. And then he shows up in the first forking scene of the season. Ugg, I hate that guy. And maybe one of the few things as annoying as Mon-El being on the show is Kara moping around when he is not around. And then the creature who was supposed to “reign” over Earth turned out to be a hot mom. What?!?
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

The Gifted: Nothing improves a show more than a women’s prison shower scene. Though I have no idea why there was dye running down Polaris’s back, I do not think that was just hair dye.
You can download The Gifted on iTunes.

The Challenge: Dirty 30: Interesting the power players were willing to go big but not for the second vote. And I get CT, but the guy has only one once ever. Know who has numerous wins and is still in the game: Johnny Bananas. That should have been the pick. CT is a smoker who always gets gassed in the final challenge while Johnny trains for this during the off season. And poor Jenna pulling the Double Cross because clearly whoever was going in against Jemmye was going to win. There was a four foot distance to the first door and yet Camilla was already through by the time Jemmye got there.
You can download The Challenge: Dirty 30 on iTunes.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers: Usually I live tweet along with the episode, but as credits ran, I realized I had just one comment all show, and even that was just asking the internet just which celebrity does Ali assist (spoiler alert: it is just some YouTube). Needless to say the episode was extremely boring. But at least they got rid of the annoying guy even if it were a week too late.
You can download Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers on iTunesr.

Mr. Robot: I was wondering why the show opened up with some weird Bobby Canivale looking dude, only for his name to show up in the credits. Alrighty. After being confused for much of last season, I think I am starting to understand what is going. The Dark Army and White Rose orchestrated everything we have seen up to now, being in cahoots with the Mr. Robot side of Elliott and recruiting Angela to monitor the Elliot side of him. Though I am still not entirely sure how Tyrell fits in to this. Has he been a mole this whole time? Did they recruit him while he was with E-Corp? I am still not entirely sure if he is even real. But one thing I am actually almost sure of is they spoiled the ending of the show during the premiere. Time forking travel. When Angela told Eliot they could go back to before their families were killed by E-Corp, I realized that is how the series is going to end. Was that big cavernous place that White Rose was in before the main credits ran a time machine? Maybe.
You can download Mr. Robot on iTunes.

Gotham: I said that Gordon was going to hook up with Falcone just in time for Leigh to return. Let us see if that happens next week. And more rapping riddles please.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Once Upon a Time: Wait, the Hook we saw last week was not even the real Hook? This show is so stupid. And really, to too most evil bad guys in fairy tale land just both happen to be good cops in the new cure. Seriously, really stupid.
You can download Once Upon a Time on iTunes.

Marvel’s Inhumans: Well at last this week they finally explained who the transporting dog put everyone in different places. Other than that, meh.
Marvel's Inhumans on iTunes.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Around the Tubes: 10/13/2017

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on SMILF, Castle Rock, Scared Famous, Shut Eye, Street Science, Marvel’s Runaways, I Love You, America, and Moulin Rouge! Music from Baz Luhrmann’s Film.

- Showtime has released the trailer for the upcoming comedy series SMILF, created, starring and executive produced by Frankie Shaw and based on her Sundance Film Festival Jury Award-winning short film of the same name. Shaw also wrote the pilot. The new eight-episode, half-hour SHOWTIME comedy is a raw, honest look at the life of a 20-something single mom from quadruple threat Shaw. SMILF will premiere on Sunday, November 5 at 10:00, following the 9:00 season eight premiere of the Showtime hit series Shameless.

- A psychological-horror series set in the Stephen King multiverse, Castle Rock combines the mythological scale and intimate character storytelling of King's best-loved works, weaving an epic saga of darkness and light, played out on a few square miles of Maine woodland. The series stars AndrĂ© Holland, Melanie Lynskey, Sissy Spacek, Billy SkarsgĂ¥rd, Jane Levy and Scott Glenn.

- VH1’s new competition series Scared Famous, featuring Redman as the “Master of Scare-a-Monies,” premieres Monday, October 23rd at 9:00. Please click to see the supertrailer…if you dare.

- Check out the official teaser trailer for Hulu's upcoming second season of Shut Eye starring Jeffrey Donovan, KaDee Strickland, Isabella Rossellini and Angus Sampson. All episodes premiere Wednesday, Dec. 6 only on Hulu.

- Kevin Delaney, known to millions as the science expert on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, is back to build, execute, and nail the science behind larger-than-life experiments when a new season of Science Channel’s Street Science returns. Combining scientific method with humor and curiosity, Kevin brings mind-blowing experiments out of the lab and onto the streets to show how relevant science is to our everyday lives. The second season of Street Science, comprised of 14 half-hour episodes, begins on Wednesday, November 15 at 10:00.

- Every teenager thinks their parents are evil. What if you found out they actually were? Marvel’s Runaways is the story of six diverse teenagers who can barely stand each other but who must unite against a common foe – their parents. The 10-episode series premieres Tuesday, November 21st.

- From inciting treason to telling poop jokes, Sarah Silverman has created her fair share of online chatter. With I Love You, America, she's looking to connect with people who may not agree with her personal opinions through honesty, humor,genuine interest in others, and not taking herself too seriously. While it's great to connect with like-minded people, Silverman feels it's crucial, now more than ever, to connect with un-like-minded people. I Love You, America comes to Hulu from Funny or Die and is executive produced by Sarah Silverman, Adam McKay, Will Ferrell, Amy Zvi, Gavin Purcell and Joe Farrell.

- niversal Music Enterprises is set to release, for the first time, a double-vinyl LP edition of Moulin Rouge! Music from Baz Luhrmann’s Film, the 2001 soundtrack which accompanied the release of his acclaimed motion picture on October 6th. In addition to its standard black-vinyl release, the anniversary LP will also be released in a limited colored-vinyl edition that will be available exclusively through the online retailer, uDiscover.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Previewing Good Behavior: Season Two

One quote about television that has really stuck with me was an interview with the creators of Homeland when asked about why they packed five to ten season finale type reveals into the first season and they said (and I am probably poorly paraphrasing) audiences are too smart these days, you can no longer shock them with what happens, you can only shock them with when you do them. And that is true with most shows these days which you can tell exactly what is going to happen in the season finale from what happens in the season premiere.

One of the rare exceptions was the first season of Good Behavior. I remember really liking the first episode but did not care for what I thought was going to be the set up for the rest of the season. Except they wrapped that up storyline in two episodes and kept playing with my expectations and surprising me with where the plot was going all the way to the finale which saw Letty sell out Javier to get her child back and then double-cross the FBI and leave town with her son and Javier.

As exhilarating the first season was, I have to admit that I was not as entertained with the first couple episodes of season two. Of course suburban bliss is never that entertaining even if both Javier and Letty quickly go back to old habits with varying results. Really the only thing that kept me away in those first two episodes was the presence of a nosy neighbor and the occasional appearance of Letty’s step-father who stole every season. Then Letty shows up for Christmas in the third episode and things get interesting.

Obviously I cannot say what happens but it may be the biggest twist to date. Granted the twist in episode four kind of dampens my enthusiasm. But still, much like the first season which may not have been perfect, I am still very intrigued to see when the rest of the season goes.

Good Behavior airs Sundays at 10:00 on TNT.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Previewing White Famous

Saturday Night Live really needed Jay Pharoah. The late night show which relayed more and more heavily on political sketches as the show aged, had one lone black man at the time, and let’s say Kennan Thompson had a hamburger or a hundred too many to play Barack Obama, instead for three years Venezuelan/German/Korean actor Fred Armisen. And really, the best presidential sketch of his tenure was The Rock Obama when the Polynesian/Black wrestler took turns pretending to be the Commander in Chief. Pharaoh’s Obama actually looked and sounded like the president even though it took two years being in the cast to take over the role.

But the thing is, other than that, it is hard to think of another Pharoah sketch. Um, there were those horrible middle school dances where he played the principle. So when Barack got the boot, so did Jay. Though there are not many of them, black SNL cast members go into categories, the eventual superstars (Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock) and the ones who stay so long because they know there is nowhere else out there for them but bit roles (both Tim Meadows and Keanan Thompson have been in alumni monologue thanking them to come back for their triumphant hosting return only for the black guy sheepishly saying they are still in the cast).

For his first post-SNL gig, Pharoah teamed with another underutilized member of a sketch comedy show who himself who went into superstardom: Jamie Foxx who started on Fox’s In Living Color and was last seen on Fox’s Beat Shazam. The reason the game show was able to land an Oscar winner was because Foxx produced the show. Foxx is also the producer of White Famous based loosely on his life and makes a cameo in the premiere lampooning getting his start wearing dresses which his stand in Pharoah wants no part of.

The first episode is funny. Showtime has already released it so you can check it out at your lesure if you do not want to wait until it official airs this Sunday. Pharoah’s agent Utkarsh Ambudkar (Pitch Perfect) steals the show as an Indian Ari Gold doing whatever he can do to make Pharoah white famous even though the stand-up is content telling jokes on stage. Plus he want to stay close to his baby, and maybe even more so with his estranged baby mama Cleopatra Coleman (Step Up Revolution).

But as funny as that first episode is, I am a bit more dubious of the second episode when Michael Rapaport, who even managed to ruin my enjoyment of Justified, shows up as a director interested in casting. Future enjoyment of the show may hinge on just how long Rapaport sticks around. But at least Raylan Givins baby mama shows up in episode three as his agent's rival / former boss.

White Famous premieres Sunday at 10:00 on Showtime and moves to 10:30 November 5.

Monday, October 09, 2017

I Want My Music Television: 10/9/2017

Little of Your Love - HAIM

When HAIM released their last video I said they should never not dance in their music videos, though country line dancing was not really what I had in mind.

The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy

Killer llamas may have been more entertaining if it was not in super slow motion. And it was not until the end before I realize, didn’t Kanye West do this already but with a hot model and not farm animals? Is Fall Out Boy really parodying a decade old Kanye West video I barely remember?

Heart Break - Lady Antebellum

There was no pre-ad roll before I watched this Lady Antebellum video on YouTube. I bring this up because about ten seconds in I was looking for the Skip This button because that opening was mostly boring. And really, the video’s plot did not make much sense. Unless it continues but I hate music videos that are to be continued.

Sure the new Olivia Holt (who distractedly looks like nineties Mandy Moore) song sounds like a rip off of Bad Liar, but still, it is mostly catchy.

Sunday, October 08, 2017

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/8/2017

Ray Donovan: Well that was harsh Abby, going without even telling your husband goodbye. I am not sure that was because it is easier and he could not talk him out of it or payback for all the infidelity (including the new hot actress while she was sick). And it seems weird to do long concluding flashback with four episodes left. Is there going to be more flashbacks because any more would seem anticlimactic now that Abby is dead and after that really graphic brawl. And they spent so much time with Abby in the flashbacks; it never really occurred to me that Avi also had a backstory to tell. So now we know why Avi was mostly missing for most of the season, he was back in New York arrested on heroin charges.

Lucifer: Wow, Superman got really old. But Lucifer has been redeemed? Alrighty. I am guessing the new bad guy will be his mom who did not stay in her new universe.
You can download Lucifer on iTunes.

The Gifted: In the ad before the show when they announced this show was part of The X-Men Cinematic Universe I thought, oh I have not seen the last couple movies. Days of Future Past being the last. But the problem with those films is they are all jumbled. The first three were linear, but then they did a Wolverine origin movie which was universally panned which I think is no longer cannon. Then they did two more Wolverine movies that took place in varying timelines. The First Class was in the eighties. Then Days of Future Past started in an alternative timeline flashbacked to the First Class timeline, and then created a new timeline… I think. So I have no idea where this show fits in. Making things worse is Blink is in both the movies and the television show but seem like two different entities. But I was mostly meh on the first episode, the main family cannot act besides the mother which is very distracting. But on the bright side, their powers are much less lame than those of the Inhumans.
You can download The Gifted on iTunes.

Kevin (Probably) Saves the World: This show was much better when it was called Joan of Arcadia. Put Kevin in a wheelchair and fing Amber Tamblyn and it may be watchable.
You can download Kevin (Probably) Saves the World on iTunes.

The Challenge: Dirty 30: Interesting that after springing returning players on them twice, TJ just confirmed the next batch is going to the Redemption House. Should be interesting who gets the boot next week with the winning team made up of mostly outcasts. Do they go big and target Johnny Bananas and CT or go more conservative and give Hunter the instant boot. As for females, Camilla seems like a lock to be one of the two picked, but who is the other? Again, do you go big with Cara Maria or target the newbie with Tori. I really hope they go with the bold moves but The Challenge players always seem conservative.
You can download The Challenge: Dirty 30 on iTunes.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers: Ugg, why do the most annoying players always find the Hidden Immunity Idols? I guess you have to be shady to actually go look for it. I am surprised no one has used the, “we should go look for it as a group” way around looking selfish going after it yourself. Although the financial analyst came up with an idea I would have never thought of: holding onto the Super Idol to see if she can use it to make people think she has a regular Idol.
You can download Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers on iTunes.

The Good Place: Mmmm, Michael says he can get everyone to the real Good Place. Sound like a bluff to me but working with him would be better than going to the real Bad Place. But do they need Michael? If Janet can take them to the Medium Place, why can she not take them to Good Place? I just hope we get more of Real Eleanor’s fake Good Place next week. Really that could be the rest of the season as they work a way to get to the real Good Place.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Gotham: Wait, is Jim really going to hook up with Falcone’s daughter? I have a feeling right when that is about to happen Leigh is going to show back up. Then Barbara and Ra’s Al Ghul? Interesting. They have been teasing Barbara as Harley Quinn for a while now, but maybe she is going to end up being Talia’s mother. Or they are just subbing in Ra’s for The Joker in Harley’s backstory.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Once Upon a Time: The show had gotten really bad in recent years, but somehow the hard reboot was worse. I do not even know where to start.
You can download Once Upon a Time on iTunes.

Marvel’s Inhumans: I complained about the cheesy powers last week (I still am not entirely sure what the princess’s powers are), but they finally introduced an Inhuman this week with cool powers. Sure those powers were the exact same as Cyclops from the X-Men.
Marvel's Inhumans on iTunes.

Friday, October 06, 2017

Around the Tubes: 10/6/2017

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Future Man, Johnny Cash, Elton John, Seal, Belly, new Hulu acquisitions, Ill Behaviour, Secrets of the Underground, No Bombings in Beirut, What on Earth?, Black Sabbath: The End of the End, Entre Nos: Part 1, and Let’s Make a Deal.

- Check out the official trailer for Hulu's upcoming comedy series Future Man starring Josh Hutcherson! All episodes premiere Tuesday, Nov. 14 only on Hulu. Thank you!

- In the last decade of a career that spanned half a century, Johnny Cash capped off his musical legend with a breathtaking final act, recording a series of raw, stripped-down albums with producer Rick Rubin. Those albums reestablished Cash as a vital artist, while adding a remarkable closing chapter to his incredible body of work. Available November 3, the Unearthed vinyl box features a pair of cloth-bound books housed in an LP-sized black cloth slipcase. One book holds the nine LPs, while the other is a gorgeous 60-page coffee table book that incorporates Sylvie Simmons' extensive liner notes, drawn from five days of interviews at Cash's home in Tennessee, as well as Cash and Rubin's comments on every song on the set, plus a copious selection of photographs from the recording sessions, including some of the last photos ever taken of Cash. Preorder Unearthed now.

- Elton John today announces the forthcoming release of ‘Diamonds.’ Released on November 10th through UMe, ‘Diamonds’ is the ultimate greatest hits collection from Elton John and will be available on 1CD, 2CD, 3CD limited edition boxset, 2LP heavy-weight gatefold vinyl and digital formats. Kicking off with the ever-stunning ‘Your Song,’ this definitive collection brings together all the landmark hits of one of the greatest song books of all time, including ‘Tiny Dancer,’ ‘Rocket Man (I Think It’s Going To Be A Long, Long Time),’ ‘Candle In The Wind,’ ‘Don’t Go Breaking My Heart,’ ‘Sacrifice,’ ‘Can You Feel The Love Tonight.’

- Today, British soul legend Seal releases new song “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” from upcoming album Standards available November 10 via Republic Records. An artist who’s been at the top of his game throughout his 30-year career, Seal’s 10th studio album breathes life into iconic hits, paying tribute to legends including Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone. Listen to “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” HERE.

- 90's alt-rock group Belly are back - hitting the studio for the first time in more than twenty years for their third album, NameTBD. Through their exclusive PledgeMusic pre-order campaign, launching today, the beloved band is inviting fans to take part in their creative process with sneak peeks into the studio, limited-edition merchandise, special experiences, and much more. Fans can pre-order the album in digital, CD, or vinyl form now on Belly's campaign page. The leaders in direct-to-fan platforms, PledgeMusic allows artists to get more personal with their fans, offering pledgers behind-the-scenes content and items not available anywhere else.

- Hulu announced a new agreement with the Disney-ABC Television Group for the exclusive U.S. subscription video-on-demand rights to all episodes of iconic sitcoms Boy Meets World, Home Improvement and Dinosaurs. The deal will mark the long-awaited SVOD debut of the complete libraries of hit series Boy Meets World and Home Improvement. In addition, all episodes of fan favorite Dinosaurs, from The Jim Henson Company, will also become available to stream in SVOD exclusively on Hulu. All titles will begin streaming on Hulu September 29th. The series will join hundreds of episodes of previously announced hit shows from America’s favorite Friday night lineup from the 1990s on Hulu – including Full House, Family Matters, Step by Step, Perfect Strangers and Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper – and the agreement will make Hulu the exclusive subscription streaming home to the largest collection of series from the original “TGIF” lineup with the addition of Boy Meets World and Dinosaurs. All series launch exclusively on the service beginning September 29th, just in time for the 30th Anniversary of Full House and the 25th Anniversary of Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper.

- Showtime has acquired the BBC series Ill Behaviour, a six-part comedy thriller about the boundaries of friendship and the lengths taken to preserve it. Starring Chris Geere (You’re the Worst), Lizzy Caplan (MASTERS OF SEX) and Tom Riley (DaVinci’s Demons), Ill Behaviour focuses on Joel (Geere) who uses any methods, conventional or otherwise, to save Charlie (Riley) when Charlie announces that he is abandoning chemotherapy treatment for his cancer. Written by Sam Bain (Peep Show) and directed by Steve Bendelack (Friday Night Dinner), Ill Behaviour makes its Showtime debut on Monday, November 13 at 10:30.

- Using cutting-edge technology to investigate and uncover the world’s most fascinating subterranean mysteries, the Science Channel series Secrets of the Underground, is set to return for a second season. Explorer, adventurer biologist and tech fanatic Rob Nelson and his new co-host, geophysicist Stefan Burns, will dig deep into some of the world’s most notorious underground legends including the long-rumored Nazi Gold Train, America’s Atlantis, the Lost Temple of Jerusalem, Nikola Tesla’s buried master plans, and more. The new season, featuring eight one-hour episodes, premieres Saturday, October 28 at 10:00.

- From the man who pioneered stand-up comedy in the Middle East, Nemr: No Bombings in Beirut is a unique comedy event like no other, premiering Saturday, October 7 at 11:00 on Showtime. Filmed both in Lebanon and in the United States, No Bombings in Beirut is an hour of uproarious comedy that will leave viewers inspired as they witness the refreshing reality of a world they were told never existed. Journeying from his early days in the U.S. to his later years in Lebanon, Nemr touches on childhood, family, relationships, religion, war and the power of perspective while being able to laugh at our shared experiences. As Nemr explains, “We are at our finest when our paths cross.”

- Thousands of satellites orbit Earth, capturing images of our planet in unprecedented detail and revealing areas that have, until now, remained a mystery. These images, used by platforms like Google Earth, have uncovered baffling new structures and phenomena, many of which defy explanation. Science Channel’s top rated series What on Earth? uses state-of-the-art imaging technology, expert analysis from leading scientists, and hands-on investigation to search for answers to these mysteries. What on Earth? returns for its fourth season on Tuesday, October 17th at 9:00.

- Showtime will air Black Sabbath: The End of the End, a film showcasing Black Sabbath’s final concert, making its world television premiere Saturday, October 28 at 9:00. Black Sabbath: The End of the End captures the farewell performance by the Grammy®-winning band’s Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi and Geezer Butler in their hometown of Birmingham, England on February 4 at the Genting Arena – the culmination of their 81-date sold-out “The End” world tour.

- Riding on the success of Entre Nos: Part 1, comedians Vladimir Caamaño, Frankie Quiñones and Shayla Rivera will take the stage in the 30-minute stand-up comedy show Entre Nos: Part 2 when it premieres on Friday, October 13th at 9:30 exclusively on HBO LATINO®. In the hilarious English-Language special, the three comedians are joined by host and comedian Ben Gonzalez at Los Angeles’ El Portal Theatre for a laugh-out-loud night of stand-up. Directed by Joke Yanes and Adolfo Nowake, Entre Nos: Part 2 will air across all of the channel’s platforms including HBO NOW®, HBO GO®, HBO On Demand® and affiliate portals.

- GSN announced earlier it will celebrate the work of TV icon Monty Hall with a 6-hour marathon of Let’s Make a Deal on Sunday, October 8, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET.

Monday, October 02, 2017

I Want My Music Television: 10/2/2017

You’re the Best Thing About Me – U2

The last time U2 walked around the city streets of an American city, I Still Havn’t Found What I’m Looking For in Las Vegas, that felt epic. Three decades later, walking around the streets of New York City just seems mostly boring.

Selfish Love – Jessie Ware

I really dig this song by Jessie Ware, it gives me a very early Sade vibe to it.

Stand by My Girl - Dan Auerbach

Should I know who Ellia Sophia or JD Wilkes is? She kind of looks like Lili Simmons while he looks like Cochran from Survivor. Otherwise I am not sure while either gets a “starring” credit in ta Dan Auerbach music video.

Lift – Radiohead

Lift is off Radiohead’s OK Computer rerelease and the video feels like something out of the ninties (right down to the rectangular screen.