Sunday, November 08, 2009

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CV

Greek: I can understand not letting Beth perform in Songfest (although I was allowed to be a ringer on my buddy’s frat intramural team a couple times)but why not let them use her dance? And how do they know if she choreographed it or not? A little silly plot point there. But the real competition for the episode was the showdown between Rusty and Dale with a soundtrack that sounded straight out of Over the Top. And I am certainly not very enthralled with the reintroduction of the Casey-Cappie-Rebecca-Evan love quadrangle that will most likely have to put up with for the rest of the season. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

The Big Bang Theory: I’m surprised that the guys could be surprised that Sheldon would know something. There is nothing I would be surprised by Sheldon knowing except how to act in social situation. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Castle: It was a little disappointing that they didn’t draw any comparisons to Sarah McLachlan whose song Possession was written about a stalker (who then sued her saying she stole lines from his letter to use in the song). You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Sons of Anarchy: So what happened to Skinner and the two fingered dude? The ending was left a little ambiguous to if either or both got out of the porn studio or not and neither was mentioned when Jax showed up the next day. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Sons of Anarchy on iTunes.

Modern Family: Hopefully everyone caught Claire wearing a “Claire and Present Danger” t-shirt. Presumably that wasn’t for the figure skating competition. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Survivor: Samoa: It may be a JV Survivor move to just vote out the other tribe one by one and Varsity Survivor to start scheming right after the merge, but a member of the NCAA Survivor would instantly crush the other tribe coming out of the merge, crushing their spirits by taking out their leader. When you are up eight to four you cannot let the minority tribe choose who is getting voted out because not only are you giving them hope, you are also sending a message to you own tribe that they could get blindsided at any time. Seriously, half of the majority tribe’s named were brought up for potential elimination. On the bright side, as a viewer, this should make the stretch run pretty exciting. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: Though the song may not be as catch as In the Moonlight from Dylan and the Rusty Zippers, I cannot help going around all day singing, “She’s a B, she’s a GDB.” You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Best of the Week vol. XXVII

Quote of the Week: Wow, you did it. You made figure skating sound even gayer. (Cameron, Modern Family)

Song of the Week: I Like You So Much Better When You’re Naked – Ida Maria (Mercy)

Big News of the Week: ’09 Elections: Well that was boring (on the bright side I can now become a gambling degenerate without leaving the state even though I voting against it). That is not that the news stations tried to make it into a bigger story. But it is hard to make to make any grand assumptions when the Republicans won only four percent of the governorships. Wake me up next year when a third of the Senators and the entire House is on the ballot.

Win The Prisoner on DVD or Blu-RayFree Download of the Week: The Prisoner (iTunes): Do not forget I am giving away two copies of the original The Prisoner (one DVD, one Blu-Ray, click the banner at right to enter), and for those looking forward to the upcoming AMC version, iTunes has a nine minutes preview to download for free.

Deal of the Week: Buy One, Get One Free (Sledge Hammer!, Head Case, Flavor of Love)

Video of the Week: Vaughn and Peirce are certainly no Dylan and the Rusty Zippers, but that hasn’t stopped them for making a music video for Gettin’ Rid of Britta.

Gettin’ Rid of Britta: Full Song

Next Week Pick of the Week: Tool Academy, Sunday at 9:00 on VH1: With the group down to its final two tomorrow we find out who is the most reformed Tool. Either way, here is hoping for a reunion special because they tend to be the best episode of VH1 shows. As a prediction, I would put my money on the Tat-Tool.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Around the Tubes vol. XXVIII

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Saturday Night Live, Lopez Tonight, the Olympics, Losing It, Sanctuary, and Southland.

- It is not even Saturday yet when Taylor Swift is set to host Saturday Night Light (as well as performer) and she is already getting hit with Kanye West jokes. I’m putting the over/under for Kanye jokes Saturday at five. But anyways. Check out the promo below:

SNL Promo: Taylor Swift

- Lopez Tonight debuts Monday and his friends like Eva Longoria and Katie Couric are wishing him luck:

- 98 days until the Olympics come to Vancouver and a heads up not to bother me when Curling is on. Here is a look at some of the big names from the last one talking about their experience:

Countdown to Vancouver

- The Biggest Loser is getting its own spin off show, Losing It featuring Jillian Michaels. Head over to to apply.

- All new Sanctuary tonight at 10:00 on SyFy. Here is a preview:

- And let me be the last to inform you that TNT has picked up Southland and will air the premiere episode starting Tuesday January 12 at 10:00. The seven episodes from the first season will run and then TNT will air the six unaired episodes from the second season after that.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Previewing 2012: Countdown to Armageddon

2012: Countdown to Armageddon

Let me first off say that I think that the 2012 Doomsday scenario is just a campfire story created by the white man to make the Mayans seem like this ancient philosophers to make stories more interesting than they actually are (see Nostradamus). I expect December 21, 2012 to be as exciting as Y2K turned out to be. With that said, I am still fascinated with all the hullabaloo and undoubtedly see the John Cusack movie coming out soon.

As the story goes, the Mayan believe in a 5,200 year cycles where the flawed creation has to be destroyed for the world to be born again, the latest cycle set to end in three years. Before you put any weight in this folklore, the previous cycles featured human made of mud and wood. So keep that in mind when you are stocking up on end of the world supplies.

But still Princeton University scientist Adam Maloof to find in validity that the world as we know it or just another excuse to let Roland Emmerich blow up the world again for 2012: Countdown to Armageddon. Maloof travels to heart of the Mayian culture as well as South America and Europe if we would indeed witness a catastrophe that would affect every single person on Earth.

One particularly fighting theory is a polar shift where within hours New York City would be under arctic ice caps while Alaska will be split by the equator. You will have to tune into 2012 this Sunday at 8:00 on the National Geographic Channel to see if Maloof can disprove this theory or if you should start looking for land to buy in Alaska. Before then, check out this clip below:

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Contest: The Prisoner Giveaway on Blu-Ray and DVD

The Prisoner on iTunes

(Scooter's Note: This contest has ended. Congratulations to Nick from Illinois and Nikki from Florida for winning the Blu-Ray and DVD respectively.)

Win The Prisoner on DVD or Blu-RayComing later this month to AMC (you may now it better as that channel that airs Mad Men) is the six part miniseries of The Prisoner staring James Caviezel (Jesus) and Ian McKellen (Gandalf). The series is remake, and if you have never heard of it before is because it was probably aired before you were born (1967) and in Britain. Fret not young Americans that are predated by the show, it was recently released in the States on DVD and Blu Ray and I am giving away one of each. And even if you are not a fan of oldies television, with Christmas around the corner, maybe there is someone on your list that is.

To enter the contest, send me an e-mail me, ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: The Prisoner), and tell me what television show you would like to be see remade next. Also be sure to let me know if want the DVD or Blu-Ray version. The contest ends Sunday, November 15 at 8:00 PM EST (which just so happens to be when the new version premieres on AMC). The winners will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after. Also this contest is only open to people with shipping addresses in the United States.

If anyone wants a bonus entry, link to this contest on their blog or twitter account or link it on a message board. If you do all three, you can get up four entries into the contest. If you do this, the link must be posted by Thursday November 19. And make sure you e-mail and let know you have done so.

Some information on the box sets, both DVD and Blu-Ray include all seventeen complete episodes, the rare, alternative edit of the episode “The Chimes of Big Ben,” original broadcast trailers and much more. The DVD is presented over ten disks, fully restored and remastered. While the Blu-ray includes newly remixed 5.1 surround sound for every episode (in addition to the original mono tracks) along with over three hours of bonus features. Head over to for more information on the release.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

There May Come a Day When We Have Nothing Left to Say

Raditude - Weezer

Listening to their debut a lot recently, it is easy to see why Weezer’s latest album Raditude falls flat, and it is not just the silly title (almost as silly are some of the song titles I’m Your Daddy and The Girl Got Hot). With all its geek tendencies the original Weezer just rocked with shredworthy licks throughout every song while most of Raditude, the guitars are just blended into an overproduced wall of sound. Their first album was chalk full of songs that were sing-a-long-worthy even after one listen, whereas on the latest Rivers Cuomo’s voice is also victim of the overproduction and just fades into the music.

As embarrassing as some of the song titles are, there are some songs on the disks that are even more cringeworthy. The Polow da Don produced (yes you read that right) Can’t Stop Partying featuring Lil’ Wayne (“It’s Weezer and it’s Weezy, it’s upside-down MTV,” seriously) sounds like a darker version of Beverly Hills after Cuomo got accepted by the culture. Hearing Cuomo talking about homies a decade and a half ago was quirky; hearing the forty year old version do so on Let it All Hang Out is just corny. Then there is Indian influenced Love Is the Answer which is just too tree hugging hippieish for a Weezer song. I don’t know if they were trying to make a U2 song, but whatever the case, it fails miserably.

There are some sparkles of hope on the disk; Put Me Back Together is classic Weezer, from the love gone wrong lyrics to the guitar feedback that ends the track. Trippin’ Down the Freeway bounces along in typical Weezer fashion with Rivers sounding like Billy Joe Armstrong of Green Day at certain points of the song. And first single (If You’re Wondering if I Want You To) I Want You To may be the greatest Cheap Trick song they never wrote. But that isn’t enough to save a lackluster album.

Song to Download – (If You’re Wondering if I Want You To) I Want You To

Raditude gets a Terror Alert Level: Guarded [BLUE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Weezer on iTunes

Monday, November 02, 2009

I Want My Music Television vol. LXVII

There have been a couple of videos that have caught my eye lately so I thought I’d give them some love since the death of Musical Television left a void for a forum on the art form. If you are interested in buying the video through iTunes, click the title link (where available). If you are interested in buying the song, look for a link in the analysis.

(If You’re Wondering if I Want You To) I Want You To – Weezer

Coming off their induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame, Weezer has a new album out tomorrow which means we get another thoughly entertaining video from the band. And the Weezerville theme certainly doesn’t disappoint thanks in part to the moderately attractive Odette Yustman.

Who'd Have Known - Lily Allen

Keep in mind the public feud Lily Allen had with Elton John a year or so ago. Too bad Elton was up for actually appearing himself.

Empire State of Mind - Jay-Z featuring Alicia Keys

Doesn’t Mean Anything – Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys is pulling doubles duties with her first single off her upcoming album and providing the hook for Jay-Z who definitely has the better video of the two. But if Jay goes back to the black and white video, it should have been for a song on par with 99 Problems, one of his best ever.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Do You Believe What I Sing Now?

Weezer - Weezer (The Blue Album)

After suffering through three years of grunge, fun started to creep back into rock in 1994. Beck made everyone who didn’t select Spanish as their foreign language requirement regret it, the Beastie Boys picked up their guitars (and ill fitting wigs) to Sabotage us. Then there was Weezer who were one of the few rock bands that didn’t mind choosing glasses over contacts. Hey, it even gave then a good idea for a song considering the glasses made them reminiscent of the last famous male rocker who wore them, Buddy Holly.

Sure the band sang about Dungeons and Dragons and twelve sided dice, but don’t lump them in with other nerd rock of the nineties like Barenaked Ladies. What set them apart was their love for hard rock (Rivers Cuomo even calls Kiss his favorite band during In the Garage). Sure there are quirky songs (Buddy Holly), bizarre songs (Undone – The Sweater Song), and the depressing sort (Say it Ain’t So) but in every song the band makes sure there is at least one shredworthy solo with crushing guitars throughout most of the songs.

All the while each and every song is power pop heaven with required sing-a-long lyrics no matter if they are upbeat (No One Else) or not (The World Has Turned and Left Me Here). “I made love to your memory one thousand times in my head,” a lyric from the latter, made the former teenager hit repeat multiple times. But it is those singles that will stand the test time.

Even at the height of alt-rock, you are not to find much bigger hits more odd then Undone –The Sweater Song with its two word per line verses with background voice splitting them up and its spastic ending. Not that it matter because when it came to the chorus, it all became who could shout it the loudest. Buddy Holly instantly because one of the greatest video of all time thanks to its Happy Days infusion. And for whenever your parents kept you up fighting, all you had to do was to slip on your headphones and let Say it Ain’t So (which was inexplicably was flipped recently by Asher Roth for his ode to college) and down them out. Which is why the original Weezer album is this month’s induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CIV

Quote of the Week: A, there are no cows in space and B, didn’t you wear that like five years ago? So don’t you think it’s time to move on? (Alexis, Castle)

Song of the Week: CNR – “Weird Al” Yankovic (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Big News of the Week: Trauma Not Getting Renewed: Of course right after its best episode of the season, NBC announced that they were not going to order up any more episodes and if essentially done after its initial thirteen episode order. And if my math is correct, that puts its run over just before Christmas (assuming all of them get filmed by then). This means that we will most likely see Chuck, which got ordered up six more episodes, early 2010. And I as stated earlier, premiering Chuck before the Olympics is not a bright idea.

Trauma: Nothing like a Halloween episode to finally kick start the show. Although it may not be a good sign that my favorite character on the show in the fairy intern who isn’t actually part of the main cast. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.

Greek: Oh, crap, we really are going back to the lame love triangle (quadrangle if Rebecca is going to be included). And the ending just ruined what was turning out to be one of the show’s best thanks to some entertaining one liner’s courtesy of Rebecca Logan. Really the only way the ending could have been worse is had Evan walked in on the two kissing and the show ended with shock on all three faces (or four as Even would be there to walk Rebecca home). You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Castle: The baby egg gave me some bad flashbacks. The period before I was supposed to hand mine in for eighth grade health class I leaned a little to my desk while Lil’ Scooter was in the fanny pack and cracked it making me settle for a D. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Modern Family: I have when networks think we’re stupid. Seriously, we just saw Manny and Luke get in a fight last week and now it’s the first day of school? If you are going to air episodes out of order, at least make sure there are no glaring continuity errors. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Survivor: Samoa: A fairly mundane episode, but judging from the previews, next week will more than make up for it. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: Whoa, they gave Star Burns some lines. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Free Download of the Week: Brushfire Records Fall 2009 Sampler or Lost Highway Sampler: T For Texas T From Tennessee (Amazon MP3): In the first sampler, you have Jack Johnson’s label featuring himself G Love and Special Sauce and Zee Avi. On the other there is more of a southern rock with Willie Nelson, Lyle Lovett and one of my favorite songs of the year, Sugarfoot by Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears.

Deal of the Week: Indie Films up to 40% Off (Reservoir Dogs, Carmen, The Doors)

Video of the Week: Being Halloween today, here is a little Hallowwen cheer courtesy of Ryan Adams:

Next Week Pick of the Week: Greek, Monday at 9:00 on ABC Family: The last episode before the show takes a hiatus until January and hopefully we see Casey reject Cappie (or at the very least make him buy a razor to shave off that silly fuzz on his face) so he are not stuck back at the beginning of the series with Cappie and Evan fighting over Casey. Also let’s hope that Heath gets a better send off then Fannie got.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Around the Tubes vol. XXVII

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Rescue Ink Unleased, Explorer: Inside LSD, Alice, Dexter, The Office, Lopez Tonight, and Mercy.

- Tonight at 10:00 on the National Geographic Channel is the season finale of Rescue Ink Unleashed. The boys are on the trail of a shady bulldog breeder, what may be a puppy mill for horses, while Big Ant and Batso try to fix up a run down Ambulance for the boys to use. In other National Geographic Channel news, tune in next Tuesday (Nov 3) Explorer: Inside LSD as the first human trails in thirty years of the drug start up again.

- After the successful sci-fi version of Wizard of Oz two years ago, Tin Man, SyFy is giving Alice in Wonderland a sci-fi makeover in a two night event, December 6 and 7. Here is a first look at the trailer:


- As I mention a few weeks ago, Showtime is launching a new webisode Dexter: Early Cuts chronicling in animated form of the teenage years of Dexter Morgan. It has now gone live so head over to to watch it. In other webisobes news, The Office spinoff Subtile Sexuality featuring Kelly’s girl group with Erin with cameo’s from Andy and Ryan has also gone live with its first three episodes and a music video that can be found at

- As the premiere of Lopez Tonight inches closer, which will feature the likes of Eva Longoria Parker, Jessica Alba and Arsenio Hall in the first weeks, here the profile of musical director Michael Bearden who recently worked with Michael Jackson on This Is It:

- As I mention a couple weeks back, Elizabeth Moss will be guesting on an upcoming episode of Mercy and that episode comes this Wedensday. Here is a clip:

Last Thing I Said Was

- Also, I may be getting my hands on some prizes to giveaway so keep your eyes out in the next couple days especially if you are a fan of classic television.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Previewing The League

The cast of The LeagueThe very first year I played fantasy football I somehow lucked into the first pick and quickly snatched up Barry Sanders. That season it seemed like every game Sanders would rip off fifty yard runs only to be tackled inside the five where the Lions would turn the ball over to Tommy Vardell (who my friends mockingly called Touchdown Tommy to point out how he had more TD’s than my number one pick). After owning the cellar for the first half of the season I managed to put on a run ending up with second place. Since then I rarely even finish above five hundred.

With that decade and a half of futility, there were high hopes for The League, the latest attempt at comedy from FX. Although despite the show’s title, it seems like the show is more about thirty somethings who refuse to grow up and participating is just one sliver of that extended childhood. Sure the draft takes up a chuck of the premiere episode (including a novel idea of coming up with the draft order) but past that, it seems like fantasy football gets pushed to the background except for the occasional blackmailing induced trade that is made (Adrian Peterson gets acquired in a disturbing way).

The coveted winner's trophyThe League is actually a fairly small five players, supposable there are two players who were on auto draft and another on the phone that go unseen so far. Mark Duplass (Humpday) is the two time reigning champ who has no problem choosing fake football over his wife, Leslie Bibb (Private Parts). The commissioner of the league Stephan Rannazzisi (Paul Blart: Mall Cop) has resulted to consulting with his wife Katie Aselton (The Puffy Chair). His brother Jon Lajoie (internet star) seems to care the least which is why he does so well. Rounding out the cast are Best Week Ever alums Nick Kroll, who isn’t above stalking a fantasy genius even is he is underage, and Paul Scheer who manages to draft a retired player at least once a year.

The League seems like it would have been a decent idea for a web series that changes along real-time with the current NFL season every week. Since The League is already filmed and in the whole I bet there may be some continuity error from actual football which is probably why they steer away from football for the most part during the second season. But for those that don’t mind crass humor of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, this may be a decent companion for the hour.

The League will air six straight Thursdays at 10:30 on FX (except Thanksgiving) starting tonight. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We Should Have Went to the Beach

Død snø aka Dead Snow

Whenever I watch a horror movie, my mind always seems to wonder to one thought: “This would be much better if there zombies in it.” The of course the next thing in my brain is, “and what if those zombies were Nazis: how cool would that be?” Leave it to those nutty Norwegians to put that idea to film. Yes, Nazi Zombies in living color (bad pun intended) for Død snø or Dead Snow for us English speakers.

Of course the drawback to a Norwegian film is that the cast speaks Norwegian and you are stuck the whole film reading. But on the plus side: there’s fracking Nazi Zombies! The story follows five co-eds who are spending their Easter vacation at a cabin up in the hills of Norway for a film marathon and snowy fun. That is until a creepy old dude invites himself in for some coffee and proceeds to call the kids stupid for coming to such a place without knowing its history. Yet he never explains why he is traveling alone in the same place. But who cares about a trivial plot point because there are Nazi Zombies!

Basically the old dude is only there to tell our protagonists why they are about to get attacked by Nazi Zombies. Once the Nazi Zombies infest there are plenty of horrifically funny death scenes to make Sam Raimi proud (Evil Dead even gets a shout out). If we are lucky, if there is ever an English remake of the film, hopefully Raimi is involved. And of course there is a gratuitous use of a chainsaw, a chainsaw to saw Nazi Zombies in half. Horror just doesn’t get better than that. Even if you are like me and hate reading especially when watching television, you will still want to pick up Dead Snow (which I think the only way you will be able to get a hold of in the United States is through Blockbuster). But did I mention there are Nazi Zombies?!

Dead Snow gets a Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Breaking Down the 100 Greatest Television Characters of the 00’s

Before you read this post, check out The 100 Greatest Television Characters of the 00’s if you have not already.

When I decided I was going to lists to commemorate the greatest of the decade, I knew it was going to be hard as I already put way too much thought into my end of the year ones. But The 100 Greatest Television Shows was relatively harmless as the top ten was pretty obvious for the most part and I didn’t even quibble very much with the other ninety. Then I started trying to rank the greatest characters from the decade. Really anyone I listed in the top ten could have been a worthy number one. And of the five different trial runs I made, I had some characters move sixty different places from list to list. And some of the lists from here on out will be just as hard if not harder. So look out for a new Greatest of the 00’s list coming sometime next month (especially for all the dudes out there). Until then, here is a breakdown of The 100 Greatest Television Characters of the 00’s.

Shows with Multiple Characters
Friday Night Lights – 8
Lost – 7
Chuck – 7
Arrested Development – 6
Rescue Me – 6
Veronica Mars – 6
Ed – 5
Greek – 4
Knights of Prosperity – 4
Angel – 3
Everwood – 3
Everybody Hates Chris – 3
Firefly – 3
My Name Is Earl – 3
Pushing Daisies – 3
The Big Bang Theory – 3
Castle – 2
Dead Like Me – 2
Deadwood – 2
Rome – 2
Smallville – 2

Characters by Main Occupation
Student - 24
Fire Fighter – 6
Sales Clerk – 4
Scientist - 4
Doctor – 3
Manager – 3
Mercenary – 3
Owner – 3
Soldier - 3
Crime Fighter – 2
Detective – 2
Grim Reaper – 2
Janitor – 2
Lawyer – 2
Private Investigator – 2
Salesman – 2
Sherriff – 2
Special Agent – 2
Homemaker – 2
Waitress - 2
Cab Driver – 1
Captain – 1
Car Dealer – 1
CEO – 1
Coronel – 1
Cook – 1
Crime Scene Investigator – 1
Executive – 1
King – 1
Leader – 1
Magician - 1
Mechanic – 1
Medium – 1
Principal – 1
Prisoner – 1
Security – 1
Singer – 1
Socialite – 1
Delivery Man – 1
Watcher – 1
Unemployed – 1
Writer - 1

Characters by Original Network
NBC – 27
ABC – 18
FOX – 12
UPN – 10
WB – 8
CBS – 6
FX – 6
ABC Family – 5
HBO – 4
Showtime – 3
TNT – 1

Actors Who Appear Multiple Times
Adam Baldwin (John Casey, Jayne Cobb)
Nathan Fillion (Mal Reynolds, Rick Castle)
Ian McShane (Al Swearengen, Benjamin Silas)

Character without a Last Name – 5

Title Characters – 6

Characters Who Died - 6

Characters not in the orginal Cast - 14

Youngest Character – Louise Brooks

Oldest Character – Harvey Lipschultz

Monday, October 26, 2009

The 100 Greatest Television Characters of the 00’s

1. Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D - The Big Bang Theory

2. Veronica Mars - Veronica Mars

3. Jaye Tyler - Wonderfalls

4. Landry Clarke - Friday Night lights

5. Coach Eric Taylor - Friday Night Lights

6. Barney Stinson - How I Met Your Mother

7. Georgia "George" Lass - Dead Like Me

8. Emerson Cod - Pushing Daisies

9. Tammy Taylor - Friday Night Lights

10. Benjamin "Ben" Linus aka Henry Gale - Lost

11. Colonel John Casey - Chuck

12. Michael Bluth - Arrested Development

13. Edward "Ed" Stevens - Ed

14. Albert "Al" Swearengen - Deadwood

15. Richard "Dick" Casablancas - Veronica Mars

16. Thomas Michael "Tommy" Gavin - Rescue Me

17. Dr. Harold Abbott Jr. - Everwood

18. Jayne Cobb - Firefly

19. Earl Jehosophat Hickey - My Name Is Earl

20. Hugo "Hurley" Reyes - Lost

21. Rockefeller Butts - The Knights of Prosperity

22. Lucius Vorenus - Rome

23. Penny - The Big Bang Theory

24. Olive Snook - Pushing Daisies

25. Sean Leslie Garrity - Rescue Me

26. Julius - Everybody Hates Chris

27. Eugene Gurkin - The Knights of Prosperity

28. Dexter Morgan - Dexter

29. Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds - Firefly

30. Buddy Garrity - Friday Night Lights

31. Franco Rivera - Rescue Me

32. Bill Haverchuck - Freaks and Geeks

33. Charles "Chuck" Bartowski - Chuck

34. Special Agent Sarah Walker - Chuck

35. Lieutenant Kenneth "Lou" Shea - Rescue Me

36. Keith Mars - Veronica Mars

37. Joy Farrah (Hickey) Turner (née Darville) - My Name Is Earl

38. Andrew Wells - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

39. Chloe Sullivan - Smallville

40. Sheriff Don Lamb - Veronica Mars

41. Krevlornswath "Lorne" of the Deathwok Clan - Angel

42. Kaywinnit Lee "Kaylee" Frye - Firefly

43. Sherriff Seth Bullock - Deadwood

44. George Bluth Sr. - Arrested Development

45. Winifred "Fred" Burkle - Angel

46. Daisy Adair - Dead Like Me

47. Mike Silletti - Rescue Me

48. Chris - Everybody Hates Chris

49. Carol Vessey - Ed

50. Brian "Smash" Williams - Friday Night Lights

51. Frannie Morgan - Greek

52. Lester Patel - Chuck

53. Dr. Daniel Faraday - Lost

54. Lucille Bluth - Arrested Development

55. Darnell "Crabman" Turner aka Harry Monroe - My Name Is Earl

56. Joan Girardi - Joan of Arcadia

57. King Silas Benjamin - Kings

58. Tyra Collette - Friday Night Lights

59. Dwight Kurt Shrute III - The Office

60. Jonathan "Jack" Donahue Bristow - Alias

61. Eli Cartwright Goggins - Ed

62. Sayid Jarrah - Lost

63. Warren P. Cheswick - Ed

64. Richard "Rick" Castle - Castle

65. Tobias FĂ¼nke - Arrested Development

66. Bart "Black Shawn" Johnston - Rescue Me

67. Louise Brooks - Gary Unmarried

68. Detective Katherine "Kate" Beckett - Castle

69. Gourishankar "Gary" Subramaniam - The Knights of Prosperity

70. Titus Pullo - Rome

71. Dale Kettlewell - Greek

72. Margaret "Meg" Pryor - American Dreams

73. Maggie Dekker - Eli Stone

74. Jeffery "Jeff" Barnes - Chuck

75. Ned "The Piemaker" - Pushing Daisies

76. Devin "Captain Awesome" Woodcomb, M.D. - Chuck

77. Lyla Garrity - Friday Night Lights

78. James "Sawyer" Ford - Lost

79. Rebecca Logan - Greek

80. Johnathan "John" Locke aka Jeremy Bentham - Lost

81. George Oscar "Gob" Bluth Jr. - Arrested Development

82. Matt Saresen - Friday Night Lights

83. Miles Straume - Lost

84. Eli "Weevil" Narvarro - Veronica Mars

85. Alec Hardison - Leverage

86. Wendy Watson - The Middleman

87. Casey Cartwright - Greek

88. Charles Gunn - Angel

89. Hannah Rogers - Everwood

90. Francis "Squatch" Squacieri - The Knights of Prosperity

91. "Big" Mike Tucker - Chuck

92. Shirley Pifko - Ed

93. Cindy "Mac" McKenzie - Veronica Mars

94. Maeby FĂ¼nke - Arrested Development

95. Rochelle - Everybody Hates Chris

96. Harvey Lipschultz - Boston Public

97. Lana Lang - Smallville

98. Detective Eddie Arlette - Keen Eddie

99. Leonard Leakey Hofstadter, Ph.D - The Big Bang Theory

100. Harold Brighton "Bright" Abbott - Everwood

(Scooter’s Note: Only characters that were introduced and featured for at least one full season between September 1999 and August 2009 were eligible for this list. For a complete breakdown on the list, check out Breaking Down the 100 Greatest Television Characters of the 00's.)