Showing posts with label Zoeys Extraordinary Playlist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zoeys Extraordinary Playlist. Show all posts

Sunday, May 09, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 9, 2021


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  People kept giving grief to Zoey about her costume, but were we supposed to know who Rose was supposed to be?  She just looked like someone practically dressing for a race in colder weather.  The internet claims she was Victoria Beckham that almost makes sense if Max was David Beckham but I do not really equate Posh Spice with a black puffy coat with a hoodie.  I guess I only think of her in little black dresses.  Sure that would be the best attire for a seven mile run, but I am not sure a little black dress would rank in the bottom ten worst things to run a race that we saw.


But to be honest, I would not have much of a problem with Max going to New York even permanently.   I am just ready for the love quadrangle to end anyway possible.  I was hoping Rose would end things, but Max and Zoey are still going at it with lingering resentment from their relationship ending.  Which is a shame, because I have really enjoyed Rose in the little we have seen her.  But hey, at least Tobin is getting some and Leif is not being weird about it.  Well, other than that weird jumping up and down, arms clenched in plain view of the office.


The Nevers:  So no Touched that can bring someone back from the dead.  Though I think the crazy lady admitting to hanging out in the dead girl’s casket.  But that twist at the end would have landed much better had I known who that chick was.  They have done a pretty bad job making us care for most of them and in some cases given a reason to even remember them. 


Fear the Walking Dead:  Did I miss something?  Last week I vaguely remember someone talk about catching up to Alicia as they look for the people who were tagging everything.  Then all of the sudden this episode starts with Alicia and her group already in the taggers headquarters.  Then the dude I barely remember is seeing his brother he thought was dead and then killing him.  And why is Alicia still there?  Why couldn’t she light the match and join the rest of them?  Whoever edited this episode needs to be fired.


Good Girls:  Ugg, Rio knows.  Of course he knows.  He has to figure out everything just to keep him on the show.  Except the show would be much better if they just brought in a new big bad every season.  Haven’t the writers ever see Buffy or Justified?  Well, I guess the secret service agents are not long for this world.


Mare of Easttown:  Yeah, the priest did it.  Not the priest they were questioning, but Mare’s cousin.  The other priest is just covering for him by dumping the bike.  Sure, this hurts my theory that the most famous person always does it and it is super weird that they cast Guy Pierce just to be a red herring booty call.  Also weird: Mare all the sudden being a dirty cop.  Bad look at the captain to look the other way.  How is the baby mamma just going to let that slide?  Doesn’t Mare have to at the very least give up custody to keep her quiet?


City on a Hill:  Ooo, Deep Cover: great song.  I was wondering if they were trying to signal he was undercover or even possibly a snitch.  But since he got shot by the end of the episode, it looks like they were just playing a great song.  But after how many people that kid had killed now, it would be hard for them not to pin Siobhan’s shooting on him no many how alibis his mother give him.  Yet I have a feeling he will go free or at the very least avoid the law so Decoursey will need Jackie to enact his vengeance.


Debris:  Yeah, this definitely did not need to be two episodes.  I was fun for an episode but it really dragged on during the second one.  Not to mention it was extremely obvious once they started communicating threw time and space the answer to solve everything was obviously both twins needed to jump at the same time.


Cruel Summer:  We finally got the scene I was assuming that would happen for a while: Kate and Mallory becoming friends united in their hatred of Jeanette.  Now we have to wait and see if my early prediction that Malory gave Kate the necklace is correct.  It was weird that the show ended with the rape crisis number even though there was no rape in the episode.  I guess we are supposed to assume that is why the dude would kidnap a teenage girl, but I am not sure the vice principal has it in him to do that.  Kate seems to kind of dominate him, scratching and he is the one that always scurries away.  Though, if not for sex, why exactly kidnap her? 


But I do have one more prediction: the gunshot he heard in the first episode was Kate shooting the VP.  The whole shootout they talked about on the news was overblown or possibly a cover-up.  She even killed him with the gun the dude’s dad used on himself (though I am not convinced he committed suicide, I think the VP may have staged it; though that hurts my theory that dude does not have it in him to do stuff like that; but hey, what is a mystery show without spitballing some silly theories).


Supergirl:  Speaking of episodes that did not need a second one. This show needs less Brainiac 5 and Dreamer, more.  Though by the end of the second episode, I realized I liked young Kara and Alex than their grown up versions.  Especially Alex.


Big Sky:  Does the sister want to die?  If both of your brothers are stone cold murderers, maybe you should tempt the murderers with the knowledge that you know.  Speaking of dumb people, why was Ronald taking his girlfriend and his daughter with him to bury her dead sister?  The guy is supposedly a mastermind that has been able to evade the police this long, but he is going to be caught by a ten year old?


The Handmaid’s Tale:  I do not think I have witnessed a dumber escape plan ever than locking yourself in a milk car.  Pretty lucky that someone ambushed the train and that the car was able to be opened from the inside.  But Fred is really the father?  Way to establish he was shooting blanks back in the first season.  I fear this is just going to be the stupid plot devises to get the Waterford’s back to Gilead.


The Challenge: All-Stars:  I laughed when Kendal was trying to argue that it was better to have her puzzle upside down than to fix it, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized she had a point.  If all the pieces were in the right order, why should it matter if it were upside down?  Unless there were rules they did not tell us, there was no right way to do the puzzle as long as they are all fitting together.  But big twist coming next week, that is it and then the finals start after that.  Unfortunately thanks to the last promo, we know two of the contestants that will be in the Arena.


With two less people that will get eliminated last week, that means twelve people in the finale.  Geeze. Maybe they should have been doing double eliminations this whole time.  Nine of the remaining fourteen contestants have not even been in the Arena.  So at the very least, seven of the twelve finalist will have made it to TJ’s Final without winning an elimination.  Or maybe they should have institute the Gold Skulls they have been doing recently on the main show.  Granted that would just be Kendal, Nehemiah, Alton, Anessa, and Mark right now.  Add the two winners from next week then subtract one since we know at least one of those people is going in again this week and a six person final seems more reasonable.


Manifest:  So Noah’s Ark time traveled like 828?  Alrighty.  Way to steer into the absurdity.  Yet not as absurd as Jared dating the Major’s daughter (they are definitely learning what happened to her mom by the end of the season), that the new girl looks like she is going to Single White Female Olive, or that anyone thinks they are going to get all the 828’ers in the same lifeboat.  It may be prudent just to kill everyone off who are not following the callings.  Though the callings may frown on that.


The Blacklist:  Why was Lizzy acting like that in the car?  Why she trying to overact like Red?  Is she turning into the person she hates the most?  Is that what this season is about?

Sunday, April 25, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 25, 2021


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  The show was on a string of great episodes since I came back from hiatus but this felt like one of those pre-hiatus episodes.  My problem with those episodes is there seemed too much screen time without Zoey.  I did not care about Maggie’s business and I do not care about what seems to be a new gambling problem.  Just fast forward to where Zoey helps her.  Though Zoey seems to be having a problem with helping lately, this week I just kept getting annoyed with her trying to get Emily to talk when clearly Emily just wanted to blow off some steam.  Let get get her dance on, then talk it out later.


The Nevers:  Why exactly are most of the Touched ladies?  So all we met is the doctor and the three eyed raven?  Maybe the singer will expose more.  But if the three eyed raven followed the electricity lady, did he just let her get captured? Then his mother is evil?  And just what did she do to the Italian chick?


Fear the Walking Dead:  So last week John is ready to die but decides he wants to live only to be shot.  Then this week, Ginny is ready to die, get a reprieve, only to be shot.  Way to recycle plot.  But why didn’t Ginny get in the car with her hostages?  Did she want to stay in the middle of v shootout where people wanted to kill her?  And where did those mask people come from and how were they able to find Morgan?  And how did Morgan escape on foot.  And how did everyone find his hidden compound so easily?  They had the entire pandemic to write these episodes and yet they seem sloppier than usual.


Good Girls:  Getting caught robbing a jewelry store so the Secret Service will pay you seems like a really bad plan.  But is grandma the real boss or was that just a term of endearment?  Or both?


Mare of Eastown:  This was one of the first times I remember they actually gave an episode to a victim on one of these dead girl shows.  That actually got me to care that she is now dead.  But it seems almost obvious that Guy Peirce did it.  Not that anyone I assume did it after one episode ever turns out to be correct.


City on a Hill:   I wonder Siobhan knows her client is very guilty.  I guess it helps us as the viewer tthat we know for sure.  But sometimes lawyers do not care either way.  If only Decourcy could get a confession.  But he could not even get the chick that killed Jimmy to turn informant when she was the one that actually pulled the trigger.


Cruel Summer:  From the trailer I thought this show was going to be a mystery show about who adducted Kate but then they answered that question by the end of this first episode.  So then I thought the mystery was going to be who was lying, Kate or Jeanette.  But then Kate admits she was lying about something in the chatroom.  Now I guess the mystery is just what exactly is Kate lying about, and if she is lying about Jeanette, just how did she get the necklace?  I do have a sinking suspicious the old friend is involved somehow.


But man, did this show move at a breakneck speed.  Those two closing shots to each of the episodes were just epic.  I just hope they do not move too fast and just run out of plot like the first season of Homeland.  Or turn into The Affair and constantly give us multiple points of view of the same scenes.  But after two episodes I am definitely hooked.  This show is also doing a very good job scratching that nineties nostalgia itch.


Debris:  Um, what happened to the chick from the beginning?  They just found her and then were back to look for daddy.  But I do not sure happened to the dude that was helping them, he was clearly shot point blank in the check, but when they got to the car, he was bleeding from the neck.


Supergirl:  What a shameless rip-off of Ghostbusters.  I am deeply offended by that.


Big Sky:  What is wrong with family, first the mother bites her daughter over drugs.  Then one brother goes all Cain over the other one.  But at the show did not make us wait to figure up what the now dead son and his father were cryptically talking about.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  I cannot remember a time when a musical supervisor buried someone like they buried Fessy this episode.  First they play Boys Don’t Cry while he pouting on a rock.  TJ guilts him to help his partner then disqualifies them after he eats more bull testicles. Then the music supervisor twists the knife by playing Karma Chameleon for the guy who kept dragging his female partners all season only to lose because he was pouting like a little boy, refusing to complete a checkpoint.  I do not know how Fessy comes back from that (though, unfortunately he is rumored to be on the next season).  CT wearing Johnny like a backpack is still the greatest Challenge moment of all time, but this montage may make it into the top five.  Oh yeah, and speaking of CT, he won again.  Meh.  And what was with that end credits scene?  What challenge was TJ activating twenty-four hours later?  Was that supposed to be a teaser for the Senior Tour?  Does that mean they are continuing the spy theme into the next challenge?  It was just confusing.


The Challenge: All-Stars:  When the trailer came up with TJ telling someone, “Hope to see you never” I thought for sure that he was talking to Beth.  Well, I was close; Beth was in the Crater when Arissa decided to go off on everyone.   But another pretty entertaining daily challenge, even the elimination looked interesting, why do all the ones on the original show look so boring or overdone?


Manifest:  I always wondered how the doctor was able to cover up a murder.  I think this was the first time they mentioned he knew.  I guess he was the one that got the garbage truck to pick the body up.


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier:  People have been saying Sharon was the power Broker since she showed up but I never bought into that theory because it never really made much sense.  She was so strong in her convictions she was willing to become a traitor in her country’s eyes just to do the right thing but now she is funding actual terrorist?  Well that turned out to be the case and everything she did makes no sense.  Unless another popular theory is true: who we are seeing is not the real Sharon but a Skrull and this is setting up the upcoming Secret Invasion show.  Maybe her pulling off the face was a huge Easter Egg.


The Blacklist:  So Lizzie rams Red’s girlfriend’s car and all of the sudden they are share a cabin close?  And why not set her up in the cabin and lure Red there?  And why is Red’s girlfriend fighting an armed assailant? Considering Lizzie has been gone for so long, I was expecting more in her return.  But there she is with Red an easy target, and I am sure they will figure some stupid reason why she does not kill him.


Sunday, April 18, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 18, 2021


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  For the third week in a row I have to say this episode is now the best episode of the season.  Since last season’s glitch was the best of the first season, they really need to figure more ways to make Zoey’s powers glitch.  It was a pretty big missed opportunity earlier this season when Zoey got high but only sang the one song.


I thought for sure that it was the physic that was the one that was supposed to be singing Max’s really sad song.  Simon was the first thought but there was no reason for him to be that sad, even if Zoey canceled on him.  But she also blew off Emily that should have been the big tip off. 


But as great as everyone singing someone else’s songs and trying to figure out which song went to which person, I kind of want to see how that songs should have gone.  Like the programmers doing the Anything song to each other.  Or Rose singing a song about drinking to a server instead of some kiss off song.  Also a shame they could not work her having a naughty word being cut off by the title card.  But I guess that is the price to pay to hear Simon sing the stupid Fox song.  I have not laughed that hard in a long time.


The Nevers:  Something felt off with this show, and not because the writer/director/creator got canceled.  Actually it seems more like it did not feel like one of his shows more.  The show was missing his usual witty banter.  Hopefully things pick up and soon.  But some of these powers seem pretty lame.  They are like the D-List X-Women so far.


Shameless:  So they actually went and killed off Frank.  I was actually expecting that after they shut the door on the cremation, Frank was going to start knocking on the door.  Instead they went for he was filled with too much alcohol to light on fire gag.  I guess he will not be back for the inevitable reboot… unless Frank had a twin brother no one knew about.  Frank did not know about that daughter that showed up for a season or two before disappearing without anyone noticing and did not even get a mention in the letter. 


It was a little surprising how the rest of the storylines ended kind of vaguely.  Lip and Kev had offers but neither sold the house or bar by the end credits.  Debbie got an offer to go to El Paso but did not commit.  Then it was weird the chick who raped Carl popped up last week pregnant, claimed it was not his but who knows if she was telling the truth, and was not brought up again. As finale as Frank’s storyline was, I do wonder if this was all left vague for the possibly of a reboot.


Fear the Walking Dead:  Wait, so Dakota is just as evil as her sister now?  That escalated quickly.  I still do not understand why she shot the dude.  He is no longer a ranger, he was not planning on going with her, what exactly did she think he would do?  And for someone who wanted to die, he sure held on for a while.  So does Morgan just turn Dakota over to her sister now as a punishment?


Good Girls:  Just how many evil businesses does Rio have?  And if he has a boss, how many Rio’s does the big boss have and how many evil businesses are they running?


City on a Hill:  Wait, did they not only recast Kevin Bacon’s daughter but also the husband?  It has been so long, I forgot if he was arrested or killed.  But at least the daughter almost looked the same.  This dude looked about a decade or two older, bigger, and had a shaved head.  Maybe they should have killed him off if this was the best replacement they could find.  Yet, they kill off the brother-in-law at the end of this episode.  Certainly did not see that coming.  Will the person the brother-in-law owes money to come after her now?  But I did like that speech Decourcy gave Jackie when Jackie confronted him.


Debris:  Watching the lame powers on The Never made me realize just how stupid this show is, all these different things the debris do are pretty stupid.  Did the aliens have plans for Earth?  Is this there plan?  Where there even aliens flying the ship?  Was the ship sentient?


But this episode featured one of the worst tropes.  Some evil person with mind control power has a bunch of people kill themselves except for no apparent reason they let the main character go unharmed.  The the one dude was apparently the first person to think; maybe I should just fight the urge to kill themselves.  Then out of nowhere his young niece just brutally murders him.  Alrighty.


Supergirl:  So the married gay vampire had three roommates?  Was the husband the breadwinner of the family?  Do gay vampires have harems that they call roommates?  I actually do not remember much else from this episode other than the gay vampire’s living situation.


Big Sky:  So this loner trucker who has to resort to kidnapping women for human contact was able to get a live in girlfriend who does not notice he is wearing a bad wig within three month.  But I do like this new family, they are weird.  Hopefully this case is more entertaining than the first one. 


The Challenge: Double Agents:  What a horrible place to put a cliffhanger.  Does it really matter that much who they choose?  And is it not obvious that they pick Kam and Corey who were in second place?  But the “Next Time On” pretty much spoils that Fessy and Casey are the ones eliminated as they are the only ones that are not featured in scenes past the eating contest.  Granted not much a spoiler than a confirmation of what everyone assumed after Casey heard a pop and Fessy refusing to eat.


But that could not have happened to a better team.  Fessy has been whining all season about his partners weighing him down even though he has not brought anything to his team.  Then finally gets the partner he wanted only to push her too hard and makes her get injured.  Then being the punk he is, gives up in the eating challenge even though the last person who won the checkpoint was able to pick a new partner.  Hopefully TJ views this as quitting and treats Fessy according and put him on the ban list.


The Challenge: All-Stars:  One of the things that has drug down the parent show (besides recruiting too many boring or annoying people) is that the actual challenges are not as fun.  The melt a block of ice with your body is one of the most iconic challenges ever and it took way too long for them to bring it back.  Unfortunately TJ just gave up halfway through and just gave everyone hammers.  But TJ makes up for that with just randomly pulling out a bag of peppers at elimination.  You knew those peppers were rough when TJ had to put on gloves just to handle them.


Manifest:  So now the 828ers are inadvertently helping the meth heads now?  So stupid.  As stupid as the cliffhanger.  Of course they are showing him the reconstructed plane.  They already showed us that in the trailer, why play coy now?


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier:  The introduction of Elaine was pretty cool.  It would have been cooler if I had a forking clue who that character was.  But she has to be the Power Broker, right?  So the only question is just what is Sharon up to.  Is she trying to get back at the American government for branding her a terrorist?  Is she just deep undercover?  Hopefully it is the latter because evil Sharon just does not feel right.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 11, 2021


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  For the first time this season, maybe ever, an episode filled with all great songs that I actually own them all.  Well, except the Australian’s sex song about Zoey, unless you count Maroon 5’s This Love which they clearly borrowed the guitar lick from.  It also included the greatest Disco song of all time, though I wish it had been more of an ensemble than just Simon singing with everyone else being a back-up singer/dancer.  I would have been fine had they done the full song.  It was easily my favorite performance of the season so far. 


Also my favorite episode of the season, bumping off last week’s episode.  As much grief as I give the guy for living I  San Francisco most of his life yet having a strong Australian accent, I am beginning to enjoy Aiden’s presence,  Though I am not sure how much we will see him after getting rejected by Zoey.  I am also beginning to like the coder chick and her new weird thing with Tobin.  I even like Max’s camp buddy (can’t go wrong if you sing a little INXS).  After a rough start, things are starting to come together this season.


Shameless:  So the chick that may have rapped Carl by not using a condom a couple episodes ago who claimed to be on the pill and had a latex allergy is now ready to pop?  So juts what is she up to?  Is she scamming someone else and pretending it is Carl’s baby?  Has time passed that much since that episode?  More confusing is Debbie hanging out the chick who threatened to kill her daughter.  And I thought Lip was supposed to be the smart one.  It never dawned on him that selling to the other person on the other side of the three was a possibility? 


The Walking Dead:  So before the dead started to rise, Negan was good… but not really… but kind of was?  What a mess of an episode.  Maybe Memento is the only one that can properly tell a story backwards.


Debris:  Oh hey, Cocoon… but they got to actually look young too.  They the two agents came clean about the not so dead father.  This show is kind of boring.


Supergirl:  If there is one bright side of being sent to the Phantom Zone is it somehow got rid of Supergirl’s hideous bangs.  Oh yeah, and she found her not so dead father.  Though he seems like a complete waste of a person now.  But I am not entirely sure just how Lex got off.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  Kam forked up.  They came up with this brilliant plan, but decided against utilizing it when just because Fessy ruined the meaning Leroy would end up with Nany.  But had Kam forced Corey to go in, if Fessy wins and picks Casey, then Kam could pick Leroy as a partner.  But we got our fourth Hall Brawl of the season and second in a row, which makes me wonder if they were being lazy or being really manipulative by benefiting the Big Brother alliance.


The Challenge: All-Stars:  My favorite part of the episode did not actually happen on the episode by the aftershow when Darrell kept complaining that Neiamiah actually got asked to spell “Challenge” backwards with the word plastered all over the rig.  Not sure how that qualifies as ancient Challenge history.  He also complained that Neiamiah got a Wes question and it was just weird to think Neiahaih who has not been seen in a decade started on a season with Wes who has been on almost every season in the past decade.


Manifest:  So the meth heads were in a picture with the chick from the Americans?  That is a bizarre coincidence.  I do not remember anyone having their paths cross like that before.  Kind of ripping of Lost there.


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier:  So Zemo had every chance to escape last week, but just bolts this week?  I guess the Wakanda warriors are that scary is they are coming for you.  But this was the first time I remember anyone dying by being thrown into something by someone with super strength.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 4, 2021


Shameless:  So Kev and V are moving?  Maybe the Gallagher’s are going to sell the house and scatter to the wind.  But I was expecting a fight between Lip and Mickey would be more epic.  I will say Franny putting stickers all over a priceless painting gave me one of the bigger laughs of the season.


The Walking Dead:  I was wrong that this was the season finale as there is another episode next week.  But maybe they should have just skipped this episode because who could possibly want to watch Carol trying to catch a rat for half the episode.  The Darryl half was not much better.


Good Girls:  I am glad Rio called out that the Secret Service would not try to wack him.  Beth giving him the hitman not the Secret Service certainly raised my eyebrow.  I guess maybe that plan works if Rio gets him while he was selling houses.  But I guess that begs the question, just what information did she give Rio?  Did she give Rio the cover story and then followed him to the look out?  I guess now the biggest question, does Rio suspect that Beth hired the hitman and used him to make the hitman go away?


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  Probably the strongest episode of the season but still a weak slate of songs aside from Tainted Love.


Snowpiercer:  Well that was an anticlimactic race to take control of Snowpiercer in enough time to save Melanie since we know it failed.  But did it really take at least three days to separate the front of the train to go back for her?  And did they really need to freeze all those fish to do it?  Maybe it did take a while, otherwise how did Alex go from Big Alice all the way up to the front to separate so fast?  Just how long does it take to go 1,000 cars? 

So Melanie is dead?  I do have the long standing belief that no one is really dead until we see the body and we did not see the body.  Layton even looked inside the rat hole.  Where else could she possibly go without food or heat?  Unless that rat hole goes deeper.


Debris:  Evil dude seemed to let himself get caught too easily.  I wonder how fine he is with this.


Supergirl:  I did not remember any of that from last season: Brainiac 5 almost dying, Lex getting super powers, they found the anti-life equation, Andrea being poor now, Supergirl had hideous bangs.  I even forgot that reporter even existed until he popped up at the end.  But now Supergirl is in the Phantom Zone.  I feel like they already did this storyline.  I just realizes how hideous her bangs are while she is there.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  Okay, Nany picking Kyle was hilarious.  I wonder if she did that thinking he was the best partner or just out of spite knowing whoever she picked was almost guaranteed to go into elimination next week.  Though with only five dudes left, CT safe as Rouge Agent, unless you win next week, you have a sixty-six percent chance of going into elimination.  So not only Kyle, Cory probably really needs to win too.  Or do all the people Fessy screwed over vote for him?  I hope so.


The Challenge: All-Stars:  Wow, I forgot how great the personalities were in the early days of the Challenge.  Now it is just Nany and a bunch of annoying or boring people.  Jissella was someone I completely forgot about but she just came back spitting fire.  But I do fear for these contestants, one challenge in and half needed medical attention.  Then in elimination, Ace just kept on getting picked up and slammed down like he was a wrestler.  Production needs to remember these are mostly people in their forties.  Someone is going to break a hip.  Maybe do some weird challenges like back in the day?


Made For Love:  I really did not need to see Ray Romano fork a sex doll.


Manifest:  Yet another show that I barely remember.  But I guess those guys at the end were the dudes who fell through the ice but their bodies were never found.


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier:  Sharon Carter cannot possibly be the power Broker, can she?  She defied her government to do the right things than five years later she is living lavishly, commissioning super soldier experiments?  There has to be more to this story and all that teasing is just a red herring.  But really, all I really needed from this episode was the two seconds of Zemo dancing.


The Blacklist:  You would think after Lizzie broke out that one criminal earlier this season, the task force would have instituted stronger security.  Yet Park was easily able to slip him the note without anyone noticing it.  She looks like a pretty small person, was she really able to block what she was doing, especially when he started waving the note around?  Do they not record sound?  Someone should really be fired for this lax security.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

57 Channels and Only This is On: February 14, 2021


Your Honor:  So last week we had one sole person wearing a mask in the middle of a pandemic in all of New Orleans and this week the judge is worried about social distancing?  If you are that worried, put on a forking mask and require them in your courtroom.  But I feels like this show has gone on forever yet with one episode left, it feels like nothing is close to being resolved.  Except it looks like the end of the teacher student relationship.  Yet that felt anti-climactic, it feels like she may come back all Fatal Attraction next week. But at least that will be it.  Hopefully this is not another mini-series call that mostly for award show fraud and get renewed anyway.


Snowpiercer:  I really thought the daughter was going to go with Jennifer Connelly to the station.  Really bizarre that she is going alone.  Plus I am not entirely sure what happened at the end.  Were they supposed to just dumb her like that?  Wasn't something supposed to take her to the station?  But when is Layton going to exchange Mr. Wilford frostbite ability to cure his friend?  And just what is he going to give up for it?


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  Ooo, a very special episode.  But really, Tobin doing Tracks of My Tears may be the second best thing this season after Zoey rapping.  And the new girl is starting to grown on me, give her some more screen time and some ninties angst heart song to go with her vibe.


Big Sky:  Man, things went off the rails from the trucker and quick. The walls are closing in on him for kidnapping the girls and what does he do?  Kidnap another kid… and kills a priest.  Not to mention the whole Norman Bates homage in his freezer.  Might be time to hit the rode buddy and move to Maine.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  Amber on Amber violence!  But Amber M, is the clear winner as she got the best line of possibly the season when she backhandedly called Amber B. a bench.  But as great as that was, how did they manage to ruin trivia?  C’mon T.J., you do not give them a fifty-fifty chance of getting it right even if they have no clue.  But a lackluster really sums up what has been a season of lackluster challenges.


Wandavision:  Awesome, Kat Dennings got sucked into Wandaland.  If she does not show up next week working at the local diner in a hideous mustard uniform, I will be irate.  But boy, are the writers toying with us with one of the kids saying “kick-ass,” followed by Wanda lingering on the phrase.  Kind of makes me wonder is Kick-Ass, who also played the MCU Quicksilver, will actually show up before the end of the season.  But this Quicksilver is still a big mystery.  I originally thought someone at S.W.O.R.D., or maybe a yet to be seen villain, sent him in to mess with Wanda.  Or did Wanda conjure him back and is taxing her powers too much (the people furthest from her are just on super slow-mo) that she cannot control him like everyone else?


The Blacklist:  Oh yeah, the DMV guy died in real life.  But this was a pretty good send off for him.  But they ruined the Huey Lewis surprise by putting his name on the guest star list at the beginning of the episode.  They really need to do away with that.

Sunday, February 07, 2021

57 Channels and Only This is On: February 7, 2021


Your Honor:  So people are people now just wearing masks in court now?  That was just ransom for a show that I do not believe has referenced the Coronapocalypse up to this point.  And the judge says the gangsters son is easily going to be convicted even while dismissing the juror?  So is he lying to her or is he really going to let the jury convict him?  But we did get the teacher back for the first time in maybe a month.  I originally said I found this relationship more interesting than the one on A Teacher, but now that show is over, it feels like this relationship just got ickier.  Granted the lady teacher wants to move to New York to be closer to her even though that relationship was severely undercooked since she disappeared for about a month.


Snowpiercer:  So to stave off global warming, they shot something into the atmosphere to cool the planet but it did too good of a job?  Huh?  This is why it is a bad idea to try and explain a sci-fi plot; you are just going to sound silly.


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  More drugged up Zoey please.  If that is a way they get more musical numbers with her, so be it.  But what is up with the neighbor and his Aussie accent so thick that it even comes through when he sings?  Is he originally from there and moved next door as a teen?  Did he spend so much time Australia after school he picked it up?  Did they hired the actor because he was hot and when they realized he could not do an American accent they just said fork it?


Big Sky:  So if you are shot in the head, the frontal loab is the place to be hit?  Got it.  But just when I thought the show could not get any any weirder, here comes Dre Carey’s brother’s lawyer with her story of biting the head off a chick. And she said it to a doctor.  Oh my.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  Just how incompetent is Meechie that Josh just kept on hilariously throwing balls at places in te wall that had a brick wall against them and still lost?  Ugg, I really need Josh gone.  But after that performance, everyone left without a Gold Skull will want to send him in to take Josh’s.  But we finally got out first challenge this season that did not completely suck, yet they almost screwed it up with that stupid rule that they would keep going until both partners won in the final round.  I wonder if CT just gave up because no way Big T ever wins a round so why waste your energy?


Wandavision: Well, that was shocking.  Sure, with all the talk of her brother over the last couple episodes, it is not that surprising that Quicksilver showed up, but it was completely shocking that it was that Quicksilver who showed up.  I was not expecting mutants to show up this soon and on Disney+ and definitely was not expecting they were going to do the Fox X-Men.  But gotta love Darcy’s line about Wanda recasting her brother.  Though it would have been even better had they did the old soap opera troupe of having the announcer say, “This week, Quicksilver will be played by Evan Peters.”  


The Blacklist:  I feel like we have done this episode before where Lizzie needed to testify in court to keep a Blacklister behind bars.  That is the problem with a show that has gone on for this long.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: January 31, 2021


Snowpiercer:  Well, there goes my theory that the show actually took place in the same universe as the film, just that the real Mr. Wilford was on a different train. But I am a bit fuzzy on just how we got here.  So Wilford train was just circling North America waiting for the perfect time to connect to Snowpiercer?  And his train just happened to be able to latch onto other trains and powerful to stop them?  But at least the new train has some weirdos on it.  That was one of my problems with the show was that the people on the train just were not as weird as they were in the movie.


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  One of the best jokes of the premiere was when Mo mocked Zoey for having to choose between the handsome guy or the more handsome guy.  And now there is a third handsome guy who seemed to be plucked from some WB teen drama from the nineties, complete with a crappy nineties one hit wonder to sing.  Hopefully he is less annoying than the dude Zoey just fired.


Big Sky:  There have been some pretty absurd cliffhangers where a character is left for dead only to be miraculously still alive when the next episode rolled around on television, but getting a bullet to the head, right above the eye, has to take the cake.  Seriously.  Unless he learn he had a steel plate in his head, there is no way anyone could survive it.  But I guess this is a show where a widow and a side piece can sing together at a funeral.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  So last week TJ got all soft when Lio Rush quit, but I thought he would redeem himself this week when we had a violent two hand push, but all we got from TJ was a stern warning.  Even his quitters do not get their votes count decree ended up being pretty toothless because the same people went in regardless of if they counted or not.


Search Party:  After what was a pretty weak start to the season, we finally got what is probably the best episode of the series.  The car chase around the roundabout was the funniest thing I have seen in a while.  Unfortunately that was not the turning point of the season as the season just sputtered to the end.  I may have enjoyed the ending much more if they actually killed Dory, but alas.  A potential season five with a potential ghost Dory could have been interesting. 


WandaVision:  Finally Kat Denning.  I do wonder if maybe instead of a full episode of what is going on in the real world, they should have sprinkled some of these scenes after the “WandaVision” sitcom was over.  Seems like we spent too much time away from the titular characters.


The Blacklist:  I do not buy it, no way is Lizzie actually going to fork Ressler.  I do not believe that at all.


Sunday, January 24, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: January 24, 2021


Your Honor:  So the judge was able to get a reprieve from the gangster by saying he could get his son off by preceding over his murder case.  Um, so now that he is not, why doesn’t the gangster just kill him?  Were the cops pulling over the black lady judge their bidding?  We already know the gangster has the cops in his back pocket when they kidnapped the kid he originally thought killed his son and interrogated him before he was even booked.


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  Meh, after Zoey sang the song to start the episode, I thought we were going to get another full episode of just her singing, which was my favorite episode of the first season.  But she still heard other people sing and just kept singing the same song over again.  I wonder if they are saving a full glitchy episode for later this season even though this seemed like the perfect time as the stress of her dad dying and stress from her new job overwhelmed her.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  Um, I thought T.J. hated quitters.  I wonder if his speech was at the behest of some producer who wanted this to be a teaching moment on mental health or if that actually came from the heart from a guy who loves seeing contestants fall from very high heights into water.  But seems right that right after being reinstated, Smashley goes right back out in her very next chance to be sent into elimination.


Wandavision:  I am quickly realizing a weekly half hour mystery box show may not be the best idea.  These decade parodies are already getting tiresome.  Making it worse is that I think most people can already guess the mystery: Wanda broke mentally, created a sitcom world where she and Vision can live happily ever after and S.W.O.R.D. agents, like the black lady, are trying to break her out of it.  But all will be forgiven if next episode one of the twins grows up to be a young Republican and the episode after that the other twin gets sent to live with his auntie and uncle in Bel-Aire.


The Blacklist:  Um, why does the FBI have easily available bombs that they can check out?  That is not something I want our intelligence agency on hand.  And is car bomb the best idea Lizzie came up with to kill Red?  Even worse, when that plan failed she thought, well, I still have this bomb, might as well use it to sneak into the hospital where Red was admitted.  Seriously, why not inject him with something if you are that close that you can plant a bomb on his hospital bed?  That was just some Bond villain level of stupidity.


Sunday, January 17, 2021

57 Channels and Only This is on: January 17, 2021


 Shameless:  Yet another Showtime show that features a teacher forking their student right now?  Last decade, Game of Thrones kicked off a decade of shows that features siblings hooking up, is this the new official taboo for this decade between this, Your Honor and A Teacher?  I hope not because I am ready for this topic to die.  Never a good sign when the Milkovichs move next door and that is not the grossest thing that happens in the episode.


Your Honor:  I knew last week this was not going to be the finale, because, you know, six more episodes, but it sure seemed like it because of the gangster would have no problem killing a judge.  And he almost did, but the thing that saved him was the judge knew his son was going to be arrested. Kind of a cheap play to extend the episode. 


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  Last week’s musical selections were not great but they corrected that this week with an influx of nineties music.  And it seemed like I was not the only one who thought the workplace was turning into a bit of a sausagefest.  But if Zoey poached three chicks from the fifth floor, isn’t that place a sausagefest now?


The Challenge: Double Agents:  So that makes Natalie the second people in two seasons to come on the show pregnant.  Though Melissa last season made it all the way to the finals without realizing.  And with her took the only female Gold Skull with her while three dudes had one.  Guess it is going to be much easier for the females to make it to the finales, but the dudes are going to run out of Gold Skulls soon unless someone who already has one gets sent in next.  Hopefully Fessy just keeps getting thrown in after all the Gold Skulls are passed out.


Search Party:  That new dude is extremely annoying.  Really everyone is extremely annoying this season.  Portia is the only entertaining part of the show so far.


Wandavision: They have been saying this show is going to be weird for a while but I still was not prepared for it.  I wonder if they are just going to continue doing a new decade every episode or if they will speed thing up.  Hopefully by episode five, Vision gets sent off to live with his auntie and uncle in Bel-Aire.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: January 10, 2020


Your Honor:  So is next week the series finale next week because the fifties mob boss is not forking around.  Dude blew up the house of the people he thought carries out a hit on his son; he does not seem like a guy who would have problems taking out a judge.  Or is fifties mob boss actually going to take the time to figure what exactly went down before administering his own type of swift justice?


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  Oh how nice to have the show back.  I have been calling Jane Levy the Emma Stone of television since her Suburgatory days so I was really giddy when Mo called Zoey, “a sad Emma Stone Halloween costume.”  But I will say the songs were a bit lacking in the premiere.  Hello Dolly was fun and grand, but I did not even know what song that new guy was singing.  But is the love triangle now over?  Simon did sing a lust song so there is still a flame.  I really hope Zoey does not go back and forth all season.  But there really is much of an option for Simon.  Joan just left, the other two women on the show are married or recently widowed.  Maybe the new guy should have been a woman to break up the sausagefest at Sparkpoint.  But I guess there is always Ava Price two floors up.  Oh yeah, I guess there is always Mo.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  I have always found Nelson boring but I am beginning to feel bad for him.  Last season he went home late, going into elimination so his body Corey did not have to.  Now he got blindsided by someone who he thought was a friend, such a close friend he went to Corey’s gender reveal party (wait, did Corey knock up yet another chick).  I really hope Fessy keeps getting thrown in until he loses.  Maybe he can go in against Josh and have them eliminate each other some how.  Oh, and that drone challenge sucked massively.