Showing posts with label Survivor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Survivor. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 19, 2024


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  Trivia is usually the best week, but Challenge trivia, especially about the season they are doing, was kind of lame.


Under the Bridge:  Oh joy, more unnecessary flashbacks.


Survivor:  Lol, four straight people go home with an Idol thinking Q was the target; Q finds an Idol and finally gets voted off.  This season is so stupid. 


Hacks:  Cool, they got Shooter McGavin back on a golf course.  It is probably obvious he won the tournament.  But I was a little surprised Debra did not get the job.  What are they going to do the rest of the season?  Watch her do some YouTube late night show.  I just hope the guy that got it gets canceled and they have to go with Debra as their second choice.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  Is Mouse really that stupid that her grandma with dementia was in charge of getting her to the party?  She probably should not be driving. 


A Gentleman in Moscow:  Oh yeah, I completely forgot about Chekov’s guns.  But what a heart racing finale.  Unfortunately the ending was very vague.  They used the 3:4 aspect ratio for flashbacks, I wonder what the significance of them here.   I got the sense that it was a dream sequence.   I seems like Rostov did not get out, but what happened to Anna?  It seems like she should have gotten to Finland with Osip’s help but why was she not able to get to Sofia?  Was she just to famous to not get caught like Osip suggested earlier.  They played the ending like reality where we would not learn what happened behind the Iron Curtain, but this was fictional, I would rather have gotten a definitive answer to what happened to Rostov and Anna other than some vague dream sequence.


The Chi:  So just how long of leach does Emmitt have to kill the person Douda told him to?  And will he use her to get back at Douda?

Sunday, May 12, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 12, 2024


The Veil:  I am beginning to think I would like this show much more if Josh Charles was the main character.


The Challenge All-Stars 4: I thought it was silly when Janelle volunteered to go in the first women’s elimination, which would be a very long time she would need to hold on to that Star.  But that begs the question, when is the right time to volunteer so you can get a Star.  Obviously Nicole, a firefighter would send herself in with a choice of two lightweight and a physical challenge.  So now she has her Star, but presumably she will have to try to keep it for five more eliminations with eight people left.  Though, I wonder if they do a musical chairs situation when there will be four people left when it is time for the finals, but only three Star holders.


Survivor:  Bad move by Charlie.  Marie is clearly going with I want to sit next to lay-ups at Final Tribal strategy.  She is going to get rid of him as soon as she can.  He should have teamed up with Venus and Liz and do his own lay-up strategy.  But how stupid can Venus be.  Two straight weeks Q was the decoy to get out someone with an Idol.  Why would she think that would change this week? 


Hacks:  Wait, Debra is all of the sudden offended by jokes.  Making things makes less sense, she grew a conscious the episode right after her very own Roast.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  So are they just doing a reverse Friday the 13th where the serial turned out to be Jason’s mother and then Jason became the serial killer in the second movie?  But I put all my money on the shrink to be the “mom.”  But this show is still really horrible with way too many pop culture references.  Noa remains the only interesting character.  And apparently she is a lesbian now.  Cool.


A Gentleman in Moscow:  I am not sure if it were screeners and it will be added later, but my version did not give us any dates as to when this takes place.  Thankfully Stalin died and it is easy to find out that was in 1953, or 6 years since the last episode or 14 years since we last Mishka if my math is correct.


This episode answered a few questions I have had.  I wondered if the characters would ever learn what really happened to Lena and it turns out the manager knew and even had a hand into what happened to her.  I have also wondered if Rostov actually wrote the poem that saved his life and we got that answer this week too.  Now for the biggest question of the series, with one episode left, will Rostov leave the hotel?  This episode does end with him saying that they need to leave that place.  Now the question is, will he be able to get away.

The Chi:  So the cliffhanger of the mid-season finale was Victor heading off to kill Douda.  Then moments into the midseason premiere he runs into someone and was just like, naw.  Meh, just how many times is this show going to almost kill Douda before giving him a reprieve?  And now Douda will spare Emmitt if he kills the person that sent Emmitt to kill Douda.  Ugg, just kill of Douda already.  He is really bogging down the show.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 5 2024


The Veil:  My only take away from the first two episodes is that at least someone called Elizabeth Moss out for that poor accent.


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  Instead of trying to get into the middle group to help LeRoy, should Kam not try to get into the bottom?  If her team is in the bottom, then it is less likely that LeRoy’s team gets in the bottom.  Though I have to wonder why Kam was not penalized for taking her bobblehead off before the challenge was over.


Under the Bridge:  The problem with shows that should have been a movie is we get completely unnecessary episodes like this.  We really did not need to see the dead chick’s parent’s meet cute.  But I was surprised she mentioned her killer at the start of the episode.  I thought they would tease why exactly she had the boots in her closet.  Instead they confirmed she killed her in a very nonchalant way.


Survivor:  Lol, you think after Hunter got blindsided last week after being convinced Q was the easy vote, no one would get duped again.  Except they pulled the exactly same play this week.  Of course they are not going to vote out Q, everyone wants to sit next to him at Final Tribal.   Sitting next to him, Venus, and / or raving lunatic Liz will be one of the easiest wins in the history of the show.


Ghosts:  Really, they are doing another cliffhanger?  I wonder if Isaac will be missing for as long as Flower was this season.  


A Gentleman in Moscow:  Interesting, they switched from days the gentleman has been to the exact year.  So no more long division, but now I need to try and remember when the first started.  I believe that was 1921.  So that put it at about 26 years, or about 8 years since the last episode if my math is correct.


I always assumed Rostov would leave the hotel at some point, but I figured that would be the final scene of the series, I really was shocked that it actually happened in this episode.  With two episodes left it seemed obvious he would find his way back into the hotel, the only question was how.  I guess it makes the most sense that Osip was the one to show some humanity and empathy for Rostov.  Now I wonder if the show ends with Osip letting Rostov out.  Maybe he helps fake his death and can leave that way.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 21, 2024


Shōgun:  We finally get Crimson Sky and it was… someone killing herself at sundown?  Definitely not what I was expecting.  I thought the ninja at the end were going to be Crimson Sky, but they were there to get Mariko. 


The Challenge All-Stars:  Poor, Cyrus, shows up only to be sent in.  I really wish there was a 40 year old age limit floor so the old folks like Cyrus could actually have a chance.  But I wonder if that elimination is the new, safer version of Hall Brawl.  They tried and failed by adding puzzles and other lame things, but this is more interesting alternative.


Survivor:  We have had plenty of bad players to play this game, but no one has a further gulf between how bad they are and how good they actually think they are playing that Q.  I never thought anyone would surpass Coach in this category, but here we are.  That was just a clusterfork of a Tribal.


Ghosts:   It was kind of lame that a basement ghost was sucked off and no one even noticed just to hide that Flower was still around.  But now we have a crazy Chekov’s Puritan Ghost floating in the ground somewhere.  And just where was this hole they all fell into?


A Gentleman in Moscow:  Just two short episodes Lena was a precocious little girl, and now she is leaving a precocious little girl in the hands of Rostov.  This show is moving really fast.  I assumed the narrator of the show was Lena, but I guess it may actually be her daughter.  Though I am still confused why Lena spent so much time as a child in the hotel and why she had the skeleton key.  And then, what will become of Mishka? They arrested the guy they needed to bring down to save him, but he was spreading news of the famine which I assume the party does not want getting out.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 14, 2024

The Regime:  Good riddance to this dreadful show.  It should have been good but just failed the execution.


Shōgun:  Considering the next episode is entitled “Crimson Sky” kind of a filler episode with Tauranga sulking around defeated all episode as if he is actually going to turn himself over to the council.


Survivor:  Things looked very dire for Venus those first couple episodes, but luckily her tribe never went to council.  Now I think she just may end up being the token no vote finalist this season.


Ghosts:   Okay, the Ghost stuck to the person was really funny.  Though we know the car ghost died in a car accident, just how exactly does someone wearing a baseball jersey get stuck to someone?


A Gentleman in Moscow:   It is interesting that everyone in speaking English, yet all the text, the book, the signage, is in Russian.  Then the precocious kid has turned into a weird teenager.  Nina also interacted with another person and we saw Rostov’s younger sister in a flashback and it definitely did not look like Nina, so there goes that theory.  So the question with her goes back to just where is her family and how did she get the skeleton key?  Now I am thinking maybe she is the child of one of the workers.


I am not sure why they bothered teasing Rostov killing himself.  It is only episode three; of course he is not going to kill himself.  But I do wonder what will happen in the last episode.  He has to leave the hotel one way or another, be it through a door or off the roof.   If it is a door, is it the front of side door?   He got chummy with his jailor; will Rostov help him so much that he will let him leave?

Sunday, April 07, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 7, 2024


The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Lived:  So do Rick and Michonne need to go look for Daryl and Carol now?  Who exactly was looking after those kids?


Shōgun:  Well, not quite Danny Crowe stabbing himself while trying to test out the 21-foot rule, but that was one of the most pathetic exits in television history.


Survivor:  Venus was right, though it was dumb of her to make a woman thing out of it.


Resident Alien:   So they are just going to leave the mom on the moon?  But I guess Harry is up there too.  But just when did the Mantis switch out with Harry?


A Gentleman in Moscow:  It is day 412, and I am surprised that Rostov has not regrown his wings.  He was so proud of them.  Maybe he wants to seem less noble.  I did get the inkling during the premiere that the little girl was just a figment of Rostov’s imagination, and her just appearing out of nowhere in the new room really made it seems more likely.  Then that scene directly followed by flashbacks of Rostov’s curly redheaded sister really made it seem like she was his vision of his sister when she was little.  Except, then Anna had a conversation with her and later the waiter acknowledged her.  Though, that was a little weird because the waiter did not really directly address her, just slightly turned his head.  But I guess that sort of makes her seem more real.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: March 24, 2024


The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Lived:  “We have to go back!”  Oh Rick, it is not like Philadelphia is an island in the Pacific.   But of course they are going back, there is still two episodes left.


Shōgun:  I was not expecting Chekov’s earthquake to happen  so soon.  But that dinner scene was one of the funniest things this show has done so far.


Survivor:  Last week was anti-climactic because of a medical elimination and this week was anti-climactic because they did not even try to hid how obvious the voting was going to be.  But yet another reason why these long episodes are an epic fail, they could have cut out a lot of that begging if there was a half hour less of screen time.


Halo:  Wait, there are zombies now?  Can’t we deal with the lizard people first?  So Halsey is infected.  I have never played the game so I am not sure if there is a cure or not.


Resident Alien:   Between the lady cop almost killing her grandma, Sarah Conner trying to cheer up the alien with an ostrich, and the funny carrier pigeon bit, this was the best episode in a long while.  Making it even better, there were no annoying kids this week.


Sunday, March 17, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: March 17, 2024


The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Lived:  I appreciate Rick said what needed to be said, that is really an unfortunate haircut.   But I feel like I missed a lot of backstory between Rick and Jadis.


Shōgun:  So who did Blackthorn hook up with?  I thought is Mariko at first but it was just too dark to tell.  And is this going to be the very first Chekov’s earthquake?


Survivor:  Medical eliminations are always the worst episode.  It is just an anticlimactic ending.  I wish they would still go to Tribal.  Poor Venus, her only ally is gone and his Idol goes with him.  Of course it will not matter if her Tribe never goes to Tribal as it seems like a possibility.  If there is no swap, that one tribe way show up with just one member left.


Halo:  Wait, Paranasosky has been the big bad this whole time?  I was under the impression that the new British guy was moving the chess pieces around.  I really missed she was the one running everything.   


Resident Alien:   That may have been the grossest hour n cable television ever.  I really did not need to see two aliens go at it.


Ghosts:  So they are just going to ignore Flower for a while?

Sunday, March 10, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: March 10, 2024


The Regime:  This show seems to be at a 6 when it should be turned up to 11.  All this show accomplished in its first episode was it just really made me miss The Great.  That is how you do an eccentric dictator and the exhausted person trying to control them.


The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Lived:  Is it really that hard to leave this place?  Rick’s helicopter went down, everyone else died, and yet even in this situation Rick cannot escape and has to go back to Philly?  Just go back to the caravan and blend in.  It does not seem like it would be this hard.  Maybe this should have been a movie.  Rick would have been able to escape after ninety minutes but now they have to keep him there for six episodes before he escapes.


Shōgun:  Oh wow, that dude on the dock went out like a G.  But can’t that guy swim?  Seems like he could have caught up to boat if they just wait. 


Death and Other Details:   Just how many twists can you force into one mystery?  Victor Sams being the dead mom was just stupid.  I know I am the first person to say if we do not see a body, they probably are not dead, but we literally saw that bench blow up.  To explain that away as just the daughter’s faulty memory was just stupid.  But I guess it is fitting to get a stupid ending to a stupid show.  Good riddance.


Survivor:  I complain a lot about how bad the casting has gotten and the casting director should be fired, but who is putting these people into Tribes?  It seems like every season in the New Era, the same Tribe goes to Tribal almost every single week.  Maybe try making more even Tribes.  But of course one of only two interesting contestants went home. 


Halo:  Oh yeah, I forgot that one chick existed.  Where exactly has she been this whole time?  Why bring her back now?


Resident Alien:   So the alien hunter is still alive.  I vaguely remember him dying in a prison escape for his kid, but not the specifics.  Wasn’t he shot?  But I guess on an alien show, gunshot wounds are not as fatal as they are in real life.


Ghosts:  Wait, so did Flower not get sucked off (and if not, who did) or did the séance work, and she reappeared in a well for no apparent reason?

Sunday, December 24, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: January 24, 2023


A Murder at the End of the World:  Yep, I called it, the ending sucked big time.


Fargo:  Wild we got an entire episode without Dot.  But somehow the cop’s husband seems almost as bad as Don Draper.  Can either possibly make it to the end of the season?


Survivor:  Yep, I called it, Dee won.  But what I would never had guessed was the clusterfork at the last vote where everyone eligible got one vote and for some reason, someone changed their vote from Dee. Why change?  If you think you are getting votes, flipping was not going to change anything.  What stupid ending to a other mediocre at best season.  Hopefully they did a better job casting next one. 


The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion:  Okay, that was a cool elimination.


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:  So the evil cooperation found the hacker and just let her go scot free just because Monarch showed up?  What a waste of a storyline.  And when did Kurt Russell get an army?

Sunday, December 17, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: December 17, 2023


A Murder at the End of the World:  The robot did it.  That is why no one can seem to find the killer.  That would be the perfect stupid ending to this stupid show.


Fargo:  I did not think we would see Lorraine defending Dot, but I guess she is the mother of her granddaughter.  But what exactly does the sheriff want from Dot?   Is he going to replace her with his current wife?  But I wonder if he did the math on Scotty’s age.  I have questions about that myself.


Survivor:  So Dee is going to win.  Though it would be more fitting if Austin somehow pulled out the win.  That would be the perfect stupid ending to this stupid season. 


The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion:  Gee, who could have seen the team with an extra player winning all three rounds?   Maybe everyone should have targeted them the first round when they had the chance.


Quantum Leap:  So Ben keeps leaping into places where the generic hot blonde chick is because they are in love.  Huh?  This was just the third time they have met.  At least the generic hot blonde did not have to make out with some old dude this time and got to make out with an international spy instead. 


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:  So is John Goodman’s Asian granddaughter actually going to turn out to be Kurt Russell’s Asian granddaughter.  That would be the perfect stupid twist to this stupid show.  Happy early Festifus everyone.


Sunday, December 03, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: December 3, 2023


A Murder at the End of the World:  If there is snowstorm coming why not just hang out at the guard station?  Or hang out in the car at the guard’s station?  But if you leave the hotel when there is a snowstorm in the forecast, I guess you are not very bright.


Fargo:  The Home Alone is the best stuff.  Hopefully it pays off next week when the sheriff’s kid tries to enter.


Survivor:  Sigh, that was the last time there was a chance of anything interesting happening.  Now we are just watching the inevitable until the finale.


The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion:  Since one team had an extra player, does that mean the producers did not expect any Champ’s to lose?  But really sad when everyone is helping you and you still cannot win the elimination.


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:  Speaking of stupid people doing stupid things in the cold, really stupid to split up when there is an incoming winter storm.   But it is a television show so no one was punished with their life.  But where exactly was the father?  I figured they would run into him eventually.


Sunday, November 19, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: November 19


 Fear the Walking Dead:  So the dead chick was just the girl’s mom, not Alicia?  She better show up alive next week otherwise, what has this back half of the season even been about?  This show is just sputtering to an end.


A Murder at the End of the World:  How convenient, a true crime writer was invited to a retreat where someone died.  I have a sinking suspicion that the tech billionaire or his wife was the one that did the killing to see if she could solve the murder.  But this show just really made me miss my iPod.


Survivor:  Ugg, the only interesting contestant this season is already gone.  But this new twist on the auction was just stupid.  It was just musical chairs, except you lost your vote when the music ran out.


The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion:  I was laughing at the dude who lost, but then I read about how they changed the rules after he won the first two which lead to Jordan sweeping the last three, may I would cry at the blatant manipulation too.


Quantum Leap:  I do not think we got to see what Ben looked like, but it seemed like he was an old dude considering his peers which makes him forcing himself on the blond chick even creepier. I did laugh when Ben did not tell her his last name, because someone in that time period would likely be very racist against Asians.  But is Ben just going to jump around in time with her this season?  Did she have connections to the four episodes we did not see her in?  Will she end up being involved in the Quantum Leap program in the future?


Lessons in Chemistry:  How Gumpian that the preacher knew Calvin so personally.


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:  Kind of annoying that I had to read the Wikipedia plot of a six year old movie within 30 seconds just to understand what was going on.  I do not even remember John Goodman being in that movie.  The math is also hurting my brain. John Goodman and Kurt Russell are about the same age; young John Goodman and young Kurt Russell are about the same age, but John Goodman's character was in the 70's and Kurt Russell's character is from last decade. That is a bit of a leap.   Russell has got to be in his nineties by now if he was in his twenties/thirties back during the fifties.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: November 12, 2023


 Fear the Walking Dead:  So Morgan recently went back to Atlanta and now Dwight is going all the way to Virginia?  Geez, it is like there is unlimited fuel in the apocalypse.  How are these people driving long distances?


Survivor:  Well, Kaleb’s Shot in the Dark turned out was worthless if he was just voted out the very next week.  But it looks like we are heading for an all chick’s alliance.  How often does that actually work out?  Just Parvati?


The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion:  How appropriate on the Pride episode, it comes down to two gay homosexuals being up for elimination?


Doom Patrol:  Well, that did seem like a pretty definitive ending.  I wonder what would have happen if there was a third season.  Would Rita have stayed dead?


Loki:  They really suck Sylvie with that silly mullet all season?  I feel really bad for her.  So Loki is just He Who Remains Now?  Though I am confused what actually happened to Who He Remains.  But this whole season was confusing.


Lessons in Chemistry:   I recently got three free months of Apple TV+ and got caught up on this show.  It is hilarious.  Though of the shows I have watched so far, there seems to be a theme on this service of shows that I laugh a lot through, but I am not entirely sure if they are actually supposed to be funny (The Morning Show and See being the other two that fit this bill).  Calvin being hit by the bus followed by an episode with a talking dog was just wild.


As for the latest episode, I was surprised none of Elizabeth’s audience actually showed up to the protest.  Except her rowing partner was there but was not actually even mentioned at all like he was a glorified extra.   And just how does the priest know Calvin?  I get a very strong female Forrest Gump from this show and these giant coincidences just feeds into it.

Sunday, November 05, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: November 5, 2023


Fear the Walking Dead:  Wait, Charlie is alive?  I am pretty sure we saw her die.  Although, I guess she is dead now, granted we did not actually see her die.  Just heard a gunshot and saw some brown hair under a tarp, so, who knows, maybe she will come back to life a second time.


Survivor:  The Shot in the Dark is so forking stupid.  Especially if Kaleb gets voted out next week.  But maybe he will end up like Wentworth who got all but two or three votes and make it quite further in the game.


The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion:  Yeah, there was no chance they were able to get 23 ball in 23 minutes that was just an impossible task.  But I did like this challenge.  It is a shame it was not two teams to see who can do it the fastest.  That would have been fun.


Quantum Leap:  An episode in the middle of the L.A. Riots was as awkward as I was expecting.  


Doom Patrol:  There is really only one episode left?  How are they going to take down Immortus and the butts with teeth at the same time?


Loki:  So how did Sylvie manage to keep a Temp Pad when the TVA seemed to disappear?  But if Loki time jumps to before the start of the season and just negates everything we saw, that will just make this a waste of a season.  And I was extremely disappointed that Casey was not actually from Jacksonville.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 28, 2023


Fear the Walking Dead:  Thankfully they explained who that the big reveal was because did not remember that guy at all.  He was from, what, the second season?  I vaguely remember him and his family took in the main cast but then (shocker!) turned out to be evil.  But I think it is pretty reasonable to assume that someone you bashed in the head with a hammer died and did not just lose an eye. 


Billions:  I wonder at what point they decided to end the series with Take the Money and Run.  I would not be at all surprised if it they thought of it right after deciding to do a show about evil people with a lot of money.  But good riddance to this show.  Oh, wait, they are developing Million, Trillions and shows set in London and Miami (where it sound like Wags will be going).  Meh.


Survivor:  These Gen Z’ers are annoying.  You are grown men, stop playing with your Pokémon.  Even someone on The Challenge was talking about those things for small children.  At least one of them got voted out. 


The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion:  Finally a season without the same old boring cast members with the same old alliances… well, at least until the champions arrive.  Though it does seem at this point they may not show up until the “Chaos” section.  And everyone working together for The Challenge was weird.  What happens when they succeed?  Where is the drama?  But poor women, they all decide to vote for a guy and the very first women nominate another woman.  I do wonder how the whole vote would have gone down if anyone other than Berna had voted first.  They really should do a secret vote like in USA. 


Doom Patrol:  So the Butt’s with Teeth can talk now?  Cool.  Though how did the one Butt with Teeth become the scientist lady? 


Loki:  So all time has been destroyed?  Well, Marvel had a good run.  Oh wait, there is still two episodes left?  How do you continue after the destruction of all time?

Sunday, October 22, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 22, 2023


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon:  Much like Dead City, I was not aware this was an ongoing series, though will there be much Daryl in the Book of Carol?  I just hope the zombies killed the kid.


Billions:  So Prince just let Taylor walk?  Seems uncharacteristic of him.  And how was Bobby let back in the US?  Wasn’t he wanted by the federal government?  But Prince has his vice president and crushed the Bobby/Chuck alliance.  Congratulation, it was a good run for the show.  Good night.  Oh, wait; there is still one more episode left?  Oh, Prince is going down.


Survivor:  Really, another quitter?  Someone needs to fire the casting division (get a new casting director for The Challenge why you are at it CBS).  The problem is just way too many super-fans.  The show used to look like a cross-section of American and now it looks more like a D&D convention.  What happen to all the athletes?  Beauty Queens?  Anyone over 40?  Now it is just nerds who cannot even climb a ladder or dive under a log without breaking their skull.  Probst should be embarrassed by this season.


Doom Patrol:  Happy Immortus Day!  You knew a musical episode of this show would not disappoint.


Loki:  Ultron was evil and all, but at least he did not want a physical form to fork a dude.  I am not sure if that is more or less creepy than Loki wanting to hook up with the female variant of himself.


The Challenge: USA:  Well, at least Chris was able to win a show without some stupid loop hole, so congrats I guess.  Dude is still boring and probably should not been cast.  Now I just need to decide, what was a funnier way for Fessy to bomb out of a final: not being able to eat gross things after blaming his partner’s bad ankle or going the wrong way because even the chicks were able to hit an axe on a target? 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 28, 2023


Fatal Attraction: I am still pretty confident that Lizzie Caplan is not dead.  That is all I really can say because not that much interesting in this episode.


The Blacklist:  When they first called that person “agent Malik” I thought someone was impersonation Siya’s.  It was not until someone called her “Meera” that realized these were flashbacks.  Hopefully we get more of this the rest of the season because it is the only interesting part.


Fear the Walking Dead:  Not only did Morgan and Grace give up their kid, so did Dwight and Sherrie.  What happened these last couple years that all four just gave up like that?  We got some vague flashbacks last week, but it is still a bit puzzling.  Also puzzling, cutting of the index finger of someone you want to make a cure for zombieism.  That could come in handy, kind of stupid to cut it off.


The Clearing:  Yeah, I called the adult lady to be one of the kidnapped girls very early on.  Okay, I did think was going to be the most recent kidnapped girl.  I wonder if she will show up in the current timeline.  I wonder what happened to all those kids.


Saint X:  I have been saying the frumpy chick was the murderer all season, but after the penultimate episode, I am starting to have doubt.  I am beginning to think the “mistake” she talked about a couple episodes ago was to suggest the devil’s threesome.  Then after spending all season thinking that


Class of ‘09:  So they are done with the character of the week already?  Poor boring white dudes never got their own episode.  So are we to assume the one boring white dude lost his arm in the building collapse? 


Survivor:  Well, that was a bottom five season.  It has been a while since there has been a good one.  I looked back at my rankings and have not given any season over a “5” since David vs. Goliath. 


Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies:  Why is Olivia’s parents given their blessing to her teacher?  How do they not think that is gross?


Yellowjackets:  I am confused.  Is that really the end of the Adam storyline?  Are the cops really going to believe that Kevyn killed him because Walter cyber framed him?  Are they just going to overlook that Kevyn had two bullets in him.  Oh, and that he actually died by being drugged.  And drugged at the same compound and day that a high school classmate also died from an overdose whose needle was injected into her chest.  Oh, and another one of his classmates and the owner of the compound had a bullet in her shoulder.  How exactly do they explain all that?  And wouldn’t six Yellowackets being on the premises  where two deaths and one shooting attract massive media attention.  Is this chapter really over or is Walter just being delusional when he said he fixed everything?  Feels like the Yellowjackets should be in a bigger mess than they were when it was just Adam.


But on the bright side, at least Coach Ben finally realized he should try to kill all those crazy benches.  Hopefully the writers take this extended writers’ strike to realize what went wrong and spend the downtown thinking up a coherent third season that can right the ship.


Sunday, May 21, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 21, 2023


Fatal Attraction: So Lizzie Caplan really killed the old lady.  Cool.  But they teased us with blood in her apartment, I am still pretty convinced it is not hers and she is still very alive.


Fear the Walking Dead:  So there was a big time jump where the baby we once knew is now a precocious little girl.  Gee, where have I seen this before?  But am I really supposed to believe that Morgan just gave up and did not even try to get


Saint X:  Much like Yellowjackets, the earlier timeline is more interesting, but the crazier the sister get, the more entertaining the present day timeline gets.  Hopefully she gets crazy enough to confront Gogo in the next episode.


Class of ’09:  Unlike Yellowjackets and Saint X, the earliest timeline is the least interesting part.  I could actually do without it completely.  I even kind of forgot if there was any ’09 timeline this week.  At least the other two are kind of tying into each other as we see why each are into the Minority Report type program.  But I do not get why they are doing a character of the week for a show that is an eight episode mini-series


The Challenge: World Championship:  So TJ said his final starts now at the end of the elimination and then they let everyone get a good night’s sleep right afterward.  Does that really count as TJ’s final?  But really just another run of the mill Challenge finale.    They really should switch things up.


Survivor:  What happened between Rotu and Sika that they will only vote for each other and just let Tika run the game.  This was the last time to do something about the trio, even if they forced a tie.  Letting Tika run this game already made this a bottom 5 season.  But it has been a while since there has been a above average season.  It is time for a hard reboot, and not one that involves more scavenger hunts.  


Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies:  Wait, Susan had an abortion?  I remember they forked, but I missed that a doctor took care of it.  And when did Dot get interesting?  She seemed like such a background character all season.


Yellowjackets:  Well that is an interesting way to play Russian roulette.  I guess I should specify that I was referring to drawing the Queen of Hearts because Lottie wants to play in the current timeline.  At the time, I was wondering if there was any significant to Javi drawing the King, but I guess if they do not kill the Queen; the King is a worthy alternative.  So all that time, Javi never did tell anyone where he was.  It looks like he was about to tell Natalie, but then the wilderness took him.


But at least it looks like Coach Ben found where Javi’s hiding spot with plenty of tiny bones, so it looks like Akilah’s dead buddy’s family might be there too.  So we may be able to put two and two together on what Javi was doing when he was missing.  But the one big unanswered question is: who exactly is the person who told Javi he should not go back?  Was it Other Tai?  Could there be someone else down there?  We only have one more episode to learn the answer to or it might be a long wait with the writer’s strike.


So is this where the warring tribes are split?  Nat vs. Lottie?  Will Lottie’s crew take the cabin and Team Nat will be in the tree?  I am having trouble figuring out who would actually follow Nat.  It seems to be just Travis, Ben, and maybe Shauna and/or Tai.  I could see Misty playing both sides.  I wonder if we will get a hard split by the end of the season or will be have to wait until the next one.


Then in present day, all the secrets came out and Lottie’s big solution is to sacrifice one them to the Wilderness and everything will be alright again.  Ooof.  I am not entirely sure if everyone says no.  Well, maybe there will be a Javi situation and the Wilderness will take someone and those girls will get a reprieve like Nat did back in the nineties.  One of Lotttie’s purple people has to be disposable.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 14, 2023


Fatal Attraction:  Oh thank goodness, Lizzie Caplan killed the old lady (allegedly).  I thought she might have killed the dog.


The Blacklist:  I was befuddled when Red was still part of the task force assuming killing the one dude in a federal building without the FBI’s knowledge would be a step too far.  I guess it was as Red scrubbed himself from the record and did not show up to the meeting with the Committee Chair.  It just took a week longer than I expected.  But maybe the bigger news is that the new chick was adopted.  I have to assume this will somehow tie back to Red.  He cannot possibly be the father, van he?


Saint X:  My pick of the brunette chick got a good bump this week when she said she made a horrible mistake.  Though the preppy dude and the creepy pregnant couple were also implicated in that cold open.  Maybe everyone was there when she died. 


Class of ’09:  Well those first two episode were kind of a borefest.  Hopefully things pick up and soon.  Quantico was a pretty bad show, but at least it was not boring.


The Challenge: World Championship:  The show really needs to stop people like Tori and Kacee with their predetermined alliances on the show.  It makes it so boring to watch.   The veterans really ruined what could have been an entertaining season.  Those country specific shows were much more entertaining without them.


Survivor:  So are they not going to explain why the two chicks would rather the tribe breakdown to be 3-2-1 instead of 2-2-2.  That makes about as much sense as the guy with an Idol not playing it even though an Idol got played for the person he voted for.  What did he think would happen?  Clearly Tika was on to him so he basically had a one in four shot that the votes would come to him.  That may be a top ten dumbest play in the history of the show.  Almost as silly was the Tika saying they would be in the majority if the votes go their way.  It is still three-three and I believe they know that one of those three has an extra vote.  So they could easily get voted out with a three to four split.  Of course those two have to wise up and vote out a Tika next week and wise moves and been few and far in-between this season.  Thankfully only one episode left.  I am ready for this season to be over.


Titans:  That ending made no sense.  How did Superboy come back to life?  I knew he would, but at least put him under some yellow sun so it makes sense.  There are just too many of this inconsistency to name.  Good riddance to this poorly executed show.  It should have been much better.


Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies:  I did not think I needed an episode dedicated to the T-Bird and after this episode, I gotta say, I was right.  Those kids have absolutely no charisma, especially compared to John Travolta.


Yellowjackets:  I was getting ready to write that this was the first episode where the modern day scenes were more interesting than the 90’s… and then Shauna had to go and punch Misty out of nowhere and just wailed on Lottie, so I think it may be a draw.  But still, I am disappointed that it took so long for all the girls to get to the cult (one of them noticeably said “we’re all here,” does that mean everyone else is a goner?).  The Misty tank may end up going down as the most entertaining scene of the series.


Speaking of the “we’re all here,” prior to that I believe Lottie mentioned that most everyone was there, but they hid the face to begin and for a second I thought maybe she was talking to Ben, whom Misty just talked off a cliff, before revealing it was her psychiatrist who turned out to not be there.  So it looks like my prediction that Ben kills himself is wrong… for now.  Though I did not see him in the brawl at the end.  What a weird scene, we all assume Ben is a goner, this seemed like a perfect time for him to go, his imaginary lover seemingly abandoned him, but in the end, Misty talking about there been too many deaths stopped him.  So is he actually going to survive?  I cannot image he will kill himself now, after being talked off the ledge.  Will they actually give him some sort of heroic death?  Coach Ben making it to season three may be the biggest shocker on the show, but almost seems likely now.


So much going on this episode which unfortunately means no time for Javi to explain what happened to him once again.  So one even mentioned that if javi could survive two months, Crystal could survive a couple days, no one in that moment thought to ask, yeah, Javi, how exactly did you survive in the freezing cold all alone for that month?  They really are going to drag this out all season, aren’t they?


Then we have to add the question of what happened to <strike>Crystal</strike>Kristen.  At least Javi is a healthy teenage boy even if dead-ass Jackie could not survive the same storm, <strike>Crystal</strike>Kristen was spitting up blood when given chest compressions, there is no way she could have gotten far.  Though maybe the question should not be did she move, but did someone move her?  I know I have been saying that this is a mystery box show and it would be silly to suggest that the same people that kept Javi alive for months saved <strike>Crystal</strike>Kristen, but I will put it out there just in case this does turn into a mystery box show.


With so much going on, it is almost easy to forget that the two remaining redshirts were the first to bring up cannibalism.  Kind of a big moment for two characters that have been so insignificant so far.