Showing posts with label Stargirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stargirl. Show all posts

Sunday, September 26, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 26, 2021


Billions:  I could have sworn they said COVID was not going to effect the show.  But last week, there was an offhand comment of hospitals filling up soon and this week everyone is wearing masks.  Well, all the unimportant people were wearing a mask which seems all too realistic.  But how did it take Bobby until the episode the episode to realize that meeting was all a set up?  As soon as Chuck did not seem all that bothered that his estranged wife could hear and see things, I knew that he wanted her to see it.  This is because the show has pulled this trick so many times so far, it is just so predictable.


The Walking Dead:  Oh yeah, they never did find the deaf girl.  Or the deaf girl’s sister?  Friend?  Like I said before, I stopped caring about the new people a long time ago so I forget who exactly who anyone is most times.  And wouldn’t it be better for Eugene and company to be exiled than what other punishments coming inside the walls?


American Rust: After the first episode, I was thinking this was all a fake out and Billy did not have anything to do with the murder.   Maybe someone stole his jacket and was framing him.  But you do not burn your clothes and bury them if you are innocence.  So at the very least he witness something.  But why leave your jacket there?  Did he take it off to fight?  And why didn’t the chief come back and get the jacket?  It was not well hidden so someone will find it eventually while looking for clues.  But it was very heartening that a bunch of twenty year olds would get the excited for a Kool and the Gang song.  


Y: The Last Man:  Seeing who his sister is traveling with, isn’t the best way to keep Y safe is just claim he is transgendered?  Seems like an easy out right there.


Reservation Dogs:  So are the girls going to California?  The group talked about California all season but in the car they talked about going to “The City.”  I wonder if they end up going to Oklahoma City instead.


Only Murders in the Building:  Well, there goes my theory that Selena Gomez’s aunt never existed, Selena just made it up to hang out with rich kids.  But Martin Short was right, that was a great line to end an episode.  But Nathan Lane as the killer does not make much sense.  Why finance a podcast looking into the murder you committed?  Though his kid could be involved, he seems like he could be around the Hardy Boys’ ages.  And as much as I enjoy hearing the boomers and millennials trade insults, as someone as in between, I finally feel represented when the detective started talking about Herman’s Head and Dwayne Wayne.  I have to assume she is naming her kid Keith after Mr. Sweat.  But I was a bit offended when she mocked my: the cat did it theory.



Stargirl:  So this is Eclipso’s plan?  Just get every member of the JSA to quit one by one, first it was Wildcat, and it looks D. Mid-Nite is next.  Is he just going to pick them off until… what exactly?  What is his grand plan?  He been trying to get out of that gem and now that he has, he is just going to stay and torture a bunch of teenagers?


Supergirl:  Well that was a very special episode of Supergirl.  Remember when comic books served as analogies to what was going on in the world.  Now they are just beating you over the head with it.


Nine Perfect Strangers:  How nice that Nicole Kidman can just torture people to figure out how to spend more time with her dead child, Stockholm Syndrome them into not pressing charges and lie to the police, and just drive off into the sunset while tripping balls in a stolen car.  Unless everything after Melissa McCarthy writing in the restaurant was just what is in her next book.  That was kind of confusing as to if that was her book or it really happened… or both?  But honestly, if the show wants to pull a White Lotus and just do a second season of the limited series with Samara Weaving as the new Nicole Kidman, I would definitely watch that.


Wu-Tang: An American Saga:  I thought maybe there would be more blowback to those contract.  No one is even going to even skim it?  But it was nice of them to remember that U-God was a member of the group.  But I kind of want more scenes with the ODB and the building manager.


Survivor:  Oh joy, the “new” Survivor which just seems like old Survivor but shorter timeframe and even more twists.  The dice game seems silly and could cause problems especially when we get past the merge and there can be advantageddon situation where everyone plays an advantage and someone spins a dice.  But like old Survivor one of the most attractive players goes out pretty quickly.  Meh.


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: Good riddance Fessy.  Never come back.  But I am not sure why a slap to the face is a bootable offence, but throwing a water bottle with malice only gets you a strong warning.  I think I would much rather be slapped than pelted with a water bottle, especially if it was full (I do not actually remember how full the bottle was, an empty water bottle would be fairly harmless, I guess). 


In the Dark:  Really, is the Blind Chick actually going to solve this cold case over beads?  Is this how she clears her name?  Gets hired by the CPD because she solved it?


Doom Patrol:  So the Candlemaker was this big bad that was going to destroy the world and Dorothy was able to control him within the first minute of the season?  What a waste of that storyline.  But it looks like she is gone, off to do… whatever the Dead Boy Detective agency does.  The Dead Boy Detective agency that has one girl in it.  A Girl named Crystal Palace.  I wonder who her favorite futbol team is.  Though I am sure we will see them again, they did leave a big plotline about the demon that possessed Crystal still out there.


But after they diverted their attention away from Dorothy the show is back to being as good as it was in the first season.  The Brotherhood of Evil just sounds great.  Even though it seems like they were already taken down by the original Doom Patrol.  Maybe they needed Garguax the Decimator (that name should have been a pretty big red flag; but a pretty entertaining dude) to kill Rita in the future to bring them back.  But maybe Rita needs to die to keep it from happening and that is why other Rita kept her from escaping?  The new chick who popped a squat in the middle of the road without even taking off her pants is from the past so maybe she will explain everything next week.


Titans:  With just five episodes left in the season, we finally got a Raven sighting.  But did they really have to make us wait nine episode to do what everyone knew was going to happen at the end of season two: that Wonder Girl would be resurrected?  Granted, it did not actually happen the way I was expecting with Raven becoming powerful enough to do it.  Instead, Donna and Tim Drake escape purgatory by some mythical bridge that Hawk somehow could not cross even though Donna was able to lasso Tim Drake.  I thought maybe it was because Hawk did not have a body to go back to, but where Tim ended up back in the ER where his body was, Donna was for some reason not sent back to Themyscira where her body was, but was sent to wherever Batman went off too.  Comic Book logic I guess.  But I thought it was weird that HBO Max premiered Doom Patrol in the middle of the Titans, but what makes it even more bizarre is that both shows had purgatory episodes this week.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is on: September 19, 2021


Billions:  Saving Chuck’s dad when Chuck could not?  That may be the most underhanded thing anyone has done on this show.  But Chuck failed to bring down Axe own his own.  Still was not able to do it when he teamed up with Taylor (granted Taylor was trying to take Axe and Chuck down at the same time), can the trio of Chuck, Taylor, and Mike Prince finally be able to do it?  If the history of the show is indication, those three will turn on each other first; one will probably join up with Axe to do it.


The Walking Dead:  Big reveal at the beginning of the episode, but honestly I had no clue who that was until seeing the name listed as a guest star and that sort of jogged my memory.  But that is the problem with the show; I do not care about any new character because I just assume they are going to die before I get to know them.  But having Daryl escape from a burning building is a pretty warped initiation.


Y: The Last Man:  I came to the revelation watching the first couple episodes that I may be at my dystopian breaking point.  Just how many times do I really need to see the world end?  That first episode was particularly wasteful considering just by knowing the premise of the show we knew half the characters were going to die.  Plus I do not understand how it was so hard to get out of the Pentagon.  They got Y in, is getting out that much harder?  And is the crazy lady in Israel that much of a threat?  To be sworn in as president, don’t you need to be, you know, in America?  I cannot image it is going to be very easy to travel half way around the globe at this time.


Only Murders in the Building:  Tye-Dye Guy turned out to be exactly who I thought it was.  But are we buying his story?  Ignoring a fire alarm just to “talk” to Tim Kono still seems suspicious.  But now we know how all that jewelry ties into everything.


Stargirl:  The set up to the season seemed like a cool idea, Shiv creating her own Legion of Doom.  Except of of the people she tried to recruit rejected her and Stargirl’s brother just turned out to be bait, leaving her with just Artimis and Violin Boy who has barely gotten any screen time to the point I had no clue who he was when he was at the diner.  What a waste of a good idea which turned into a sad team.  Though I have no idea how Atimis could go punch for punch with Hour Man.  How can a girl who can throw a football last so long in a fight against a dude with superpowers?  One punch and she should be done.  They should have had her fight Wildcat which would have been a better match.  I could actual see Violin Boy neutralize Hour Man.  But now Shiv is dead… or least that is what Stargirl thinks, I am not convinced.  Maybe she is in the same place as the original Dr. Mid-Nite. 


Supergirl:  So Lena’s mom was a witch.  Huh?  But I guess that is very convenient for the Superfriends who currently are fighting an imp with magical powers that they do not have an answer for.


Nine Perfect Strangers:  Oh my, Regina Hall tried to kill Nicole Kidman.  And maybe not for the first time?  Are we to believe she was the one who shot Nicole Kidman?  Nicole Kidman just took a big dose of drugs with the family prior to that scene so was it a flashback or hallucination.


Wu-Tang: An American Saga:  Is it still a bottle episode if the whole episode takes part on a boat?  But why was Ghostface asking tourist how long the ferry was?  Is this his first time going to Manhattan?  At least it seems like the beef was swashed and they can finally get down to making some music.  I kind of forgot why Divine and Power were beefing in the first place,


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: Uh oh, TJ is making a house call next week.  This week ended with Fessy laying hands on Josh.  Then there was also Esther throwing a drink on Bamber which could be seen as assault.  Granted was either offence as egregious as Josh and his two handed shove of Devin last season?  Granted that slap could be the start of something more.  But if this all leads to Fessy, and possibly Josh, getting the boot, then good riddance.  But if they do get rid of two guys, are they going to do two girl team eliminations to even things out?  Granted, Esther could be following her partner out the door.  Ugg, instead of a special one hour episode, they should have done a special to hour episode instead.


Titans:  Why was no one that concerned with the leak above Barbara’s desk?  That should be a big red flag.  But I have to go with Starfire in regards to not taking Jason back.  Where Beast Boy was being forced to do those things, Jason took the drugs; Scarecrow did not force it on him.  Get that boy in Arkham.  And where is Bruce in all this?  He has to come back now after the water supply gets tainted, right?

Sunday, September 12, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 12, 2021


The Walking Dead:  So what exactly was this plan?  Take a small group and try to steal food around a bunch of savages that are good at stealth attacks?  Why are they doing this?


Reservation Dogs:  For the run of this show, I have found the tertiary characters than the main four.  The rapping twins, the doctor, the policeman, the crazy uncle, the succubus, but this episode just lacked any interesting tertiary and just ended up being the least interesting of the season so far.


Only Murders in the Building:  Well, Tina Fey just moved to the top of my murder board.  Really, what better way to find compelling true crime subjects for your podcast that committing the crime yourself?  Then it sounds like she is setting up the New Three Amigos as patsies by entitling her podcast “Only Murderers in the Building.”  That has to hurt; someone steals your podcast idea and rips off the name too.  But Tye-Dye Guy has to be the guy who was just released from prison. 


But really, all the Sting related jokes were just hilarious.  I loved how Martin Short was being coy about the celebrity in their building, but when Tina Fey could not get the puns, just finally blurted out, “Sting, I’m talking about Sting.”  I laughed so hard at that bit, I had to pause and rewind because I could not stop laughing.  Then I was laughing and deeply offended at the same time when Selena Gomez was trolling the old dudes about not knowing who Sting was.


Stargirl:  Well, the good episode streak ends at two.  I really did not care about the weird teacher or Stargirl’s crush who seemingly is a different person now.


Nine Perfect Strangers:  The show just completely went off the rails this week with everyone just tripping hard.  But I cannot decide what was the weirder hallucination, the Cabaret on the toilet or the nose falling off.   Just as wild was Nicole Kidman telling Regina Hall that she knows Hall knows she was forking her husband.  But is he the father of Kidman’s daughter?  It is hard to figure out the timeline on this show to decide if that is a possibly or not.


Wu-Tang: An American Saga:  Finally some of the Wu members are getting their Wu-monikers.  I spent too much time the first season consulting the internet on what their government names were.  But what was with the weird ODB scene where he turned into Jon Wick all the sudden?  Did he just tell that story and everyone just took it as fact?  I am kind of into them just presenting the stories he told as fact and filming them that way no matter how outrageous they are.


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: I cannot decide who is more annoying, Hughie or Emy.  It is really disturbing that Josh is somehow not the most annoying, or even the second most annoying person this season.  As much as I am ready for the vet alliance to implode, I would be perfectly okay if those two get sent in next week.


In the Dark:  I scoffed when I saw how managed cops they brought to arrest the blind chick, but it turns out they needed more because she still managed to escape custody.  Just how can an incompetent blind chick be able to get out of a police station and avoid a police manhunt in her neighborhood without being caught?


Titans:  Ha, evil crime boss just murdered her son.  Maybe that is why Nightwing does not work with crime bosses.  But that was a bit much for Starfire to just burn her from the inside.  But after they shut down Scarecrow’s plan, now what?  I have a feeling Blackfire will break bad again soon.  Or maybe we could finally find out what Raven is up two.  We are now officially more than half way through the season.


Sunday, September 05, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: Septembers 5, 2021


The Walking Dead:  I was right; Maggie pulled a Glen and went under the train.  Although, last week it looked like she fell into a swarm of walkers, but this week, itt looked like just one was pulling her.  But I just do not understand the layout of the subway, just how did the people who left last week to go back then get ahead of everyone.


Only Murders in the Building:  This show shot to the top of my most anticipated list the moment it was announce Selena Gomez would be joining the cast in August of last year.  Instead of tempering my expectations I just spent the full year since building it up in my head more and more.  C’mon, Selena Gomez joining two if the three amigos.  What could possibly go wrong?  And yet, the show somehow managed to live up to my hype.  The show is goofy and fun while Selena pulls off these great dry wit one-lines all the while hiding a deep, dark secret.  And honestly, I really want to see Splash! The Musical.  But this is a murder mystery and I am going to make a bold prediction and say the cat did it.


Stargirl:  What is going on?  Two episodes in a row that were actually entertaining?  And this was ostly because of Sportsmaster and Tigress breaking out of prison just to see their kid’s tryout and then breaking back in.  They wisely announced the duo will be season regulars next season and it is clear why they are keeping them around after this episode.  Surprisingly their kid is not which may be telling for the rest of this season as Shiv recruits her new JSA.  But we did learn what I assumed lvst week, The Shade did not actually kill Dr. Mid-Nite… butt where exactly is he now?


Supergirl:  Um, why exactly did Supergirl take off the dampeners of the criminals?  They are criminals that escaped.  That just seemed stupid.


Nine Perfect Strangers:  like I have been saying all season, the show gets better the weirder it get and nothing is weirder than Michael Shannon singing Grease tunes to his family half-naked.  That will be tough to top.  Sure, Luke Evans giving birth to Bobby Cannivale’s kids is close.


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: Well, fork.  Michele was really the only person worth rooting for this year.  It is a shame they were not doing skulls this seasons.  I wonder how that would have shook up deliberations.  But if there is a bright side, the Big Brother alliance imploded.  Hopefully they just vote each other in until they lose.


In the Dark:  So the Blind Chick is all by herself again.  Joy, the first episode was so bad, why not do it again.  But does the nerd come back?  No matter how rude she was, that is just cruel, at levst towards Pretzel.


Titans:  Is there any woman on this show Nightwing has not forked yet?  Is it just Starfire’s sister at this point?  I guess the new assassin may not be keen on him after he killed her boyfriend.  And just how does a vicious assassin not be able to kill someone who is just in a wheelchair?  But I have to say, Starfire’s sister is highly entertaining and not what I was expecting at all.  She will get Connor to be her sex slave sometime this season I suspect.


Sunday, August 29, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 29, 2021

The Walking Dead:  Who knew the dead could take a nap?  Or be awoken by a single drop of blood?  Yet, not the dumbest thing the show has ever done.  Then later in the episode, Negan had the opportunity to save Maggie but lets her drop into a horde of zombie.  Are they really going to do the same cheap trick with her that they did with Glen a bunch of seasons ago where he fell into a horde only to be able to slip under a trash bin?  I am just going to assume Maggie is under the subway car and will probably crawl and meet up with Daryl until proven otherwise.


Stargirl:  Okay, pen guy was pretty entertaining.  I wonder if they will ever meet up with the new owner or having a CGI genie is too expensive for The CW.  Maybe they should have moved it to HBO Max like the other DC Universe shows.  But is The Shade really a bad guy?  It seems like he was claiming there was more to Dr. Mid-Nite’s death than what we are led to believe.  We do see The Shade “swallow” Dr. Mid-Nite in darkness, but does that actually kill him.  And just what does he want with Eclipso?


Supergirl:  Well, that was just stupid.


Motherland: Fort Salem:  So the Vice President knowingly sacrificed his daughter?  That is so evil stuff right there.  Well, I guess we got someone to take down in the finale season.


Nine Perfect Strangers:  So no one objects to being drugged without their consent?  Cool.  But I find the more the “strangers” are being drugged, the more entertaining I find the show.


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: It looks like I counted right because even Tori said the show was evenly split to start the episode between veterans and rookies.  But not anymore.  Once again, even with a rookie winning the week, all four people sent into elimination were rookies.  Though the previews next week does make it look like the veterans alliance will be imploding.  This would be good news for Michele and Corey as the only rookie team left.  We will have to see if the preview is misleading or not, Josh can lose his cool pretty quickly.


In the Dark:  Well that was the worst episode in the history of the series.  It takes a whole hour to find a blind chick’s phone?  Then there is siblings squabbling over old newspapers.  We learned nothing important that we did not know before other than Trey left his phone at the kingpin’s house which took up five seconds of screen time. 


Titans:  Well that was a whole episode explaining what happened to Jason that I had already figured out by watching the first four episodes.  But it was weird that the dead Wonder Girl had gotten more screen time in the first five episodes than the still alive Raven.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 15, 2021


The White Lotus:  This show has not been the murder mystery that was set up in the first scene.  There may not even sure there was an actual murder. I think the couple in the first scene just said someone died.  Since the show does not even seem to be trying, I think the person who dies will be the old dude with the cough.  I actually thought he was going to keel over after having sex with Stiffler’s mom.  I might give a close second to Armand who has already been close to OD’ing.


Reservation Dogs:  This is another in a long line of shows where the main characters are the least interesting characters.  The rapping twins are number one and two followed by the cop and the spiritual guide being fourth.  Then the doctor would round out the top five.


Stargirl:  So evil chick is going to recruit a new Evil Doers of America team?  Cool.  But the team she laid out did not seem that impressive.  And what was with the kids at the start of the episode?  What happened to them?  Are they just in that gem too?


Motherland: Fort Salem:  That was a pretty good twist, I personally did not suspect anything until she noticeably did not stomp her feet.  But does she want to be captured?  She was not muzzled and yet she did not try anything.  That is pretty suspicious.


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: Poor Nam, gets stuck with a head case last season and gets sent home off screen this season without explanation sending everyone to the internet to figure out what happened. It turns out that a bunch of people came down with COVID symptoms and production got shut down after the first challenge and everyone had to quarantine for ten more days.  Then poor Nam was the only one still positive and got sent home.  Which begs the question why didn’t the show mandate vaccinations?  Seems like a pretty simple solution especially for a season where you are flying so many people to one spot from across the globe. 


Then poor Michele, gets a strong partner who gets sent home, gets thrown in eliminations thanks to a new twist and has to go against one of her few allies in the game, and it seems like they are doing away with skulls this seasons so it seems likely she will be thrown in a few more time because that is what sees like happens whenever there are skull-less seasons. Shame, because she is already the most entertaining new cast member since Nany.


In the Dark:  Really, a blind chick an escape from a police station that easily?  So now what?  Back to Canada?  Get caught again?  Try and leverage the tape?


Titans:  Well that was a stupid episode.  Really Hawk, how do you get ambushed like that?  And why not have Connor freeze the bomb?  And if you are trying to lower your heartrate, how about not having Lyla Garrity sit on your lap and start taking off her clothes?  That seems like the best way to get your heartrate up.  And why did they need to bomb disabler to be at 0%?   If I am down to my last 100 heartbeats, I am fine with something that has a five percent failure rate.  But I will just call it now, Red Hood is working with Scarecrow and he provided the cocktail that Nightwing found.  But is that some sort of invincibility potion?  Was Red Hood thrown in the Lazarus Pit?  Will it be the same thing that brings back Wonder Girl who seems about as dead as Red Hood going by the previews?

Sunday, August 16, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 16, 2020

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness : Did they not have handcuffs in the early 20th century? Maybe this is why the invented them and instructed cops to search a subject. That was pretty stupid to turn his back on a murder suspect. Almost as dumb when the team entered the house of someone they knew had a gun. At least the brother with a vendetta just happened to tag along too.
You can download The Alienist: Angel of Darkness on iTunes.

The Chi: Oh wow, Ronnie was able to free Keisha with a couple episodes to go. I wonder where they go next. Is that dude dead? If not, could he sue Ronnie for breaking into his house/assault? I know the police cannot do it, but what if it is a citizen? But lucky Kevin, gets caught almost forking someone’s daughter, but saved by a phone call about his missing sister. Kind of have to cut him some slack there.

Stargirl: Of course I was right that Brainwave Jr. was not dead… oh wait, that was really his dad. And Wildcat just slit his throat. Ouch. Shiv just killed her own father. And the little brother just shattered Icicle. Man, they just offed most of the Injustice Society. Yet Hourman Jr. just let Solomon Grundy just bolt. Um, just where is some from the swamp halfwit going to go. But they did tease a few people to show up in season two. Granted I had no clue who the shady dude was or what was going on with the gem. But I did recognize the not dead Starman. But is that really Starman.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: When all those SHIELD agents show up in darkness, when they finally stepped into the light, I thought maybe they would be recognizable people. Oh well. And that was a pretty convoluted explanation of what was going on with Fitz this whole time. That probably should have been longer. And since Mac and YoYo were in Russia, I wonder if that was supposed to tie into the Black Widow movie that was supposed premiere this spring. I also wonder is the there was supposed to be an end credits tie in like usual, maybe to the Winter Soldier which was supposed to premiere this month but has not been able to finish because of the Coronapocalypse.
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Selena + Chef: I want Selena's knife set. So if anyone want to get a jump on Christmas shopping for me, there you go. But that first dude really needed subtitles. Not good when the wife has to step in to "translate" him.

Sunday, August 09, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 9, 2020

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness: So John proposes to Sara, ends up getting engaged to someone in high society, and then Sara decides then, to fork him. That is some cruel stuff right there. Especially when the fiancé explicitly stated she did not want her husband running around like her father did on her mother. I wonder if that gets out before the finale.
You can download The Alienist: Angel of Darkness on iTunes.

The Chi: Oh wow, Ronnie was able to free Keisha with a couple episodes to go. I wonder where they go next. Is that dude dead? If not, could he sue Ronnie for breaking into his house/assault? I know the police cannot do it, but what if it is a citizen? But lucky Kevin, gets caught almost forking someone’s daughter, but saved by a phone call about his missing sister. Kind of have to cut him some slack there.

Stargirl: So the gang has thirty minutes to destroy the mind control thing while having to fight off all the adults, including one with mech suit. That should make for a busy finale. But I still fully expect Brainwave Jr. to show up. And is Shiv just going to be locked up this whole time?

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: So they confirmed that we are now in a parallel universe created by the changing timeline which I just assumed considering how is Daisy alive if her mother is dead. But are they just going to be stuck in this timeline forever or can they get back to the normal one?
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: Forking Coronapocalypse. Leaving the show on two humongous cliffhangers before the show could finish the final episode. First the Candlemaker just seemed to absorb Dorothy which is fine, whatever, but everyone is currently encased in wax except Jane. Which begs the question, just where is Jane’s body? She went to the fairgrounds but just disappeared to show some flashback orgies which inexplicably was not broken up by the SeX-Men. We also learned that Miranda is not really Miranda, so who the fork is that and how can she invade the Underground? Could she be linked to the Candlemaker who was able to go to the Underground and kill Baby Doll. And where is Baby Doll in the well? They better announce a renewal so we get answers at that DC Fan Dome coming up (the cast is supposed to be there). Although will there be a DC Universe next year to help foot the bill.

Sunday, August 02, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 2, 2020

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness : Oh wow, only four episodes in and we already know who the killer is. Though plenty of questions remain, most importantly, why is she doing this?
You can download The Alienist: Angel of Darkness on iTunes.

The Chi: So Ronnie heard Keisha, actually went to the house where she was, heard her screaming… and left. Did he think it was best not to confront the dude and is coming back later? I know we still have four more episodes left this season, but at this point they are just stretching thing out. Though I do wonder if Ronnie is the one to save Keisha, will Kevin forgive him for shooting Coogie?

Stargirl: Wait, is Brainwave Jr. really dead? They had a memorial for him but no one discussed how he died nor did they show a body. I still think he might show up. And did Brainwave Sr. do something to the Shining Knight and is that why he is talking like Rain Man? Although since he keeps talking about dragon, that may be a Dragon King reference.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Wait, did they just kill Daisy’s mom before Daisy is born? They also seemed to imply that Fitz is dead before Deke’s mother is born. Shouldn’t they be disappearing Marty McFly style? But I am proud of myself that I actually recognized John Garrett and did not have to go to Google just to see who the fork that was like I do when characters take multiple seasons of (or are played by different actors like in the case).
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: Ugg, they did not kill Dorothy in time. Oh well, maybe The Beekeeper will show up in time to save the world next week.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

57 Channels and Only This is On: July 26, 2020

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness : Thankfully we are finally done with the boy prostitutes serial killer storyline and can move on. Oh, the new season is about a baby serial killer? That is actually worse somehow.
You can download The Alienist: Angel of Darkness on iTunes.

The Chi: Okay, we finally learn what happened to Keisha: kidnapping by a creepy dude. Thankfully they did not drag that out all season (though we may still have to wait until the end of the season until she gets free). Oh, and Ronny hears her. Although, does he know where it is coming from. It is in the middle of a blackout. But I got to say, blackout episodes are always entertaining, more shows should do it.

Black Monday: Wait, so everything last week was part of Mo’s plan? That was very convoluted. And a bit confusing. Why did Horatio Sanz confess to Black Monday? If he confessed, why is Dawn in prison too? And if the other Lehman brother was the patsy, why did no one arrest him? Granted, if he can survive being crushed in a car, I am sure he can survive a wolf mauling.

Stargirl: So am I really supposed to believe Brainwave Jr. is dead? The guy does have the power to create a force field around himself to keep him from being crushed. I am sure he will show up in the finally just as it looks like the Injustice Society is about to prevail and save the day. But is Starman really alive and sending e-mails? Seems like it would be hard to survive an icicle through the heart.
You can download Stargirl on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Well that was an interesting take on Groundhog Day which each reboot getting shorter and shorter. I also liked that we apparently started on the hundred take and we later learned that Coulsen was also part of the loop. But poor Enoch, dude gets left behind multiple times in the past and then has to sacrifice himself to save everything. Although, is he dead-dead? Can they not just put that power source back in him at some point? And what was with Simmons crying after getting the memory suppressor out? The only thing I could think of is could it be possible that Fitz is already dead?
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: Please let the Constantine knock off kill Dorothy because she is really bringing down this season. Okay, the Scants turning everyone dumb were pretty funny. And we finally got an Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Mam update though it seems like the sex ghost are replacing him as the recurring gag this season..

Blindspot: Earlier this season Weller’s dad came back during his hallucination and I thought that was a weird person, of everyone who has appeared, to bring back. Weller Sr. and Jane’s first boyfriend who I had to look up. I guess they were saving everyone else for the finale. Though I feel bad for everyone who was relegated to just turning their heads in Times Square. But in the end Jane died… I think. That could have been the hallucination for the optimist I guess. Or maybe she actually died when that bomb went off last episode. Really, she breathed all that in and only need a simple antidote to survive?
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 19, 2020

Snowpiercer: I had a theory that there was a second train out there with Mr. Wilford that is actually the train we saw in the movie, I just never thought we would see it, at least not this soon. Especially considering Jennifer Connelly just admitted to killing him. Not her first lie I guess. So are there other tracks? I guess that would be smart in case something happens and you can just switch over. But this show has taken some major liberties with just how physics work, but the train boarding the other train may be the most absurd of them all.
You can download Snowpiercer on iTunes.

The Chi: Make Chicago great again… oh my. I guess it could be worse, Kanye could be running to the mayor of his hometown. I may have to vote none of the above if I were I were in Chicago.

Black Monday: Is Mo really going to give himself up to save everyone else? I think he has another plan working that will probably take out the other Lehman brother. Hopefully it is a better plan than Blair’s claiming he cured of homosexuality.

Stargirl: That was the weakest episode since they stopped spending so much time on on Stargirl herself. But I do have a new theory that the janitor is one of the Seven Soldiers of Victory that happens to have eight members. Unfortunately an upcoming episode title seemingly confirms this.

The Challenge: Total Madness: What an apropos way to end a disappointing season that was bogged down by the Dee mess by having Johnny win for the first time since he screwed over Sarah. On the bright spot, it will likely be a very long time until we see another season. Granted, the Challenges house have probably passed around worse diseases than the Coronavirus.
You can download The Challenge: Total Madness on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: How did they make anew Coulsen so fast? Did they have a spare? And what happened to the Max Headroom version? And what does it mean to the future that the one guy who should have been sacrificed to HIVE keeps royally forking up history? Does Daisy even get born if her mother is not at that commune?
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: Wait, if the original primary is black, why does the body look like Jane instead? And why does she still look like Jane now that the original primary has taken back control? And why did the Chief leave Robotman in space?

Sunday, July 12, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 12, 2020

Snowpiercer: Well we finally learned what happened to Mr. Wilford and, oh my, did not see that coming. I do kind of want to see a flashback for confirmation that Jennifer Connelly kicked him off the train to die. But the people that want to kill her for that are pretty short sited if she was the one that built it and has the best chance to keep it going. Somehow I feel Layton will actually be the one to save her.
You can download Snowpiercer on iTunes.

The Chi: Wait, what does that white guy have to do with anything? We saw Keisha at the bus stop, made eye contact with Ronnie, when the bus went away, she was gone. Could that have been the bus driver? Is the bus driver kidnapping women alone on his bus? But don’t most buses have cameras? Seems like it would be hard to pull off.

Black Monday: Oh snap, the gay dude just killed himself for being outed as a homosexual. Granted this was the eighties back before we just kind of assume the most ardent Conservatives are secret homosexuals. Well that will put a wrinkle in Blair’s legislation he wants passed.

Stargirl: Yeah, that was a dumb mission to go on, especially going down into the lair. At least Dr. Midnite was smart enough to turn around when the goggles stopped working.

The Challenge: Total Madness: Oh wow, they let Dee say more than five words this week. Of course she then promptly gets the boot. Her getting edited out really hurt the last couple episode narratively. #ReleaseTheDeeCut
You can download The Challenge: Total Madness on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Okay, Deke misremembering the lyrics of his “originals” was pretty funny. I did not expect Coulson to show up as Max Headroom thought, thought they would just make a backup LMD. Though this trek to the eighties were fun, what exactly happened to the rest of the crew and how did they hook back p with Deke and Mac.
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: This show really drags when they is not a weird back guy to fight or at least team up with. But we did get the shocking ending of Dorothy ordering a hit on Baby Doll. Killing a personally just is not on the par of killing an imaginary friend.

In the Dark: Oh wow, Dean actually killed himself, I thought they would continue to find a way to keep him around kind of like this season when he really should have gone to prison after admitting to killing a kid. Then the blind chick’s other other boyfriend found out she was trafficking drugs. So what exactly is next season? Is she just going to go on the run? Seems kind of hard for a blind chick.
You can download In The Dark on iTunes.

The Bold Type: Called it at the end of last season, Kat totally Lady boned they conservative chick. I feel like I deserve a cookie.

Blindspot: Oh wow, they caught Madeline with two episodes to spare. But there were still the Zip things which Jane got caught in a room with. Although, if Weller was able to get to the door, hoe was Jane not able to slip out? Are they really going to reset her memory yet again? And why were the evil people setting it off while they were in the vicinity? Would they not worry about losing their memory?
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, July 05, 2020

57 Channels and This Is On: July 5, 2020

Snowpiercer: Oh snap, they killed off that grungy chick. Did not see that coming. But is that room just dead now? But I guess if Jennifer Connelly can fix the train while under it by wearing that hazmat thing, I guess they could just go in and repair the then thaw it
You can download Snowpiercer on iTunes.

The Chi: So Emmitt just had to whip it out to get into the illegal kitchen? Yeah, that is not going to end well. I feel like there will be another baby mama in his future. And I kind of missed what the girlfriend meant by her people? Did she used to be a dude? Is she bi-sexual?

Penny Dreadful: City of Angels: another shocking death this week with the religious chick taking her own life. Though isn’t suicide the worst sins to the Catholics? Maybe Santa Muerta will save her soul. Maybe she will become a diety to fight Maergery Tyrell next season. Would be interesting because it seems like Maergery was able to recruit her boyfriend.

Black Monday: …and we are back. And everyone has their own weird agenda, so who will prevail. Well I am sure they will all find a way to work together to take down the people blackmailing them. Until them, Keith as a plant was pretty funny.

Stargirl: Oh my, the mean girl is really a mean girl. Pretty good allegory there. To think Stargirl almost melted that façade before reneging on their date. Had to Google who her father is, turns in he used to hang with Hitler so he is very evil. Though I still have no clue who the janitor is. I thought it was Dr. Fate but do not remember him having a massive sword like the janitor brandished this week.

The Challenge: Total Madness: I think we got even less Dee than before. Maybe one shot and no dialogue. Unfortunately my dreams of someone getting cut because they did not have a Red Skull were dashed this week. Really disappointed that no one tried to throw someone in that did not have a Red Skull already except Dee once and early on with Jay when people were scared to go in. But it looks like we will be getting at least another elimination next week which might be a decant consolation prize. Be interesting who gets thrown in. Might as well put in the two biggest threats. But everyone has played a weak game this time so probably not.
You can download The Challenge: Total Madness on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: So Coulson died… again. Do they have back up LMD on the ship or is he going to be brought back as a different character. Or I guess they could the team could run into a younger, not dead yet version.
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: The first three episode were a bit of a drag as Dorothy really messed up the dynamic and everyone on the team were all downers and then split up in the second episode. Still not entirely sure why Cyborg went to Detroit. Or why he even came back. But things kicked back into high gear with the return of Flex Mantallo and his, um, most curious flexing ability. Which then brought in a new group that may be weirder than him, the Sex Men. A group that can best be described as Ghostbusters, but for sex. This show is so awesome when it gets super weird.

In the Dark: So the cops chasing evil lesbian were not at all curious as to why she was trying to keep that storage locker open? And just what is Harry Crane’s plan? He cannot get money from Nina. The last guy who tried to extort the group ended up dead. Not sure what he can do with it as leverage unless he want to try selling the stash himself.
You can download In The Dark on iTunes.

The Bold Type: Called, evil conservative chick is a lesbian. Now the only question until she starts lady boning Kat.

Blindspot: Oh yeah, the guy from the end last week was Tasha’s CIA partner, granted he is dead now. And so is Paterson? Weird they spent so much time talking this episode how smart she was only for her to run into a room that was about to burn everything inside. But they also spent some time talking about these escape routes and hidden panic room places so me thinks there was one in that room and she just wants the evil people to think she is dead.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 28, 2020

Billions: That was an interesting dinner party. Granted it was weird they brought in the coach from Dare Me just to be Wags’ date for two scenes. Have they just dropped his children storyline already and he is back to dating way too young women? Almost as uncomfortable as Chuck quoting Billie Eilish.

Snowpiercer: So we are finally done with the cop show and the courtroom episode and we finally get an almost entertaining episode. So the shelves are just there for when the train stops working. But that begs the question, when the Earth is habitable again, who opens the drawers?
You can download Snowpiercer on iTunes.

Penny Dreadful: City of Angels: I believe this is the first time the Vega clan was all together since the first episode. Weird Tiego was not madder that his brother killed a cop, but at least for him, the one person that could recant is now dead. But I cannot imagine Margeary Tyrell is happy about this after spending the whole season tearing the family apart. Maybe having them back together will be what defeats her.

Stargirl: Okay, Sportmaster, Tigress, and their kid were entertaining. I am beginning to think the worst thing about Stargirl is, well, Stargirl. I just cannot help thinking how much better the show would have been if they cast a better actress.

The Challenge: Total Madness:e no one played a drinking game for whenever Dee was on screen because you would not even been buzzed. If this really that necessary? Okay, you are never going to have her back, but do you really need to completely cut her out? If there anyone going to be that triggered by the sight of someone who said something vaguely ignorant?

Then that Purgatory has some weird rules. I do not get why both people would get points. Shouldn’t the first person who got their thing on their shelf win get that point? Nany should have been up three-zero. Then in the fourth round, Melissa rolls out of bounds before getting to her shelf but still get a point but Nany does not? Meh. #JusticeForNany
You can download The Challenge: Total Madness on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Okay, had to google the Malick boys, one of them turned out to be Powers Booth from the movies and the younger one actually got sacrificed by the older one during the Hive storyline. But that apparently happened right after their father died but if the father does not die I guess the younger one does not get sacrificed so they are really forking up the timeline. That has to bite them eventually.
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: Watch two of the three released and I do not care how the daughter is messing up the dynamic so far this season. Then in the second episode, they already split up the team with Cyborg going back home and Negative Man going to his son’s funeral. It may be time to break glass and release Mr. Nobody from the painting because he was a much better antagonist. Although, I wonder what Animal-Mineral-Vegetable Man is up to.

Search Party: Before it launched, HBO Max said they were going to release their shows weekly, but then they released their first show Love Life over the course of three week and now we are getting Search Party all at once. So it seems like they are actually going to go with the Hulu release plan of who the fork knows? What was kind of annoying was that there was no previously on for the first episode yet they put a detailed one of both seasons in the second episode that did not even cover the premiere. Why not put that in the first episode page? I spent the first episode completely forgetting that Dory killed her neighbor and stole her tape of them confessing. But I have to say I am enjoying the new season (at least the two I have seen) better than the second season. That lawyer is going to be a hoot.

In the Dark: So it is thirty-five degrees, they are digging a grave for people they just killed, yeah, sure, what a great time to fork up against a tree even though anyone could just walk up on them. And is dude that quick that he can finish in the time someone could walk back from the lookout? And why did no one chase down the old dude? I mean, he is old and shot, no one can catch up to him?
You can download In The Dark on iTunes.

Blindspot: Okay, I recognize the dude at the end but have no clue who exactly why that was. They did that two weeks ago with Rich’s friend.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 21, 2020

Billions: That was an interesting dinner party. Though it was weird that Wags brought the coach from Dare Me who really did not add much to the episode. Whatever happened to his children storyline? Wait, was she his daughter? Do I miss that? I did not miss Chuck quoting Billie Eilish but I wish I did.

Snowpiercer: So the show went from a cop shot to a courtroom drama? Meh, hopefully that is now over and something interesting can start happening.
You can download Snowpiercer on iTunes.

Penny Dreadful: City of Angels: Wait, so the Nazi is not one of the evil Nazi’s? But I guess if you are going to give your Mexican housekeeper a raise, or even hire one in the first place, you must not be extremely evil. Make me wonder why Margeary Tyrell picked him.

Barskins: So we do not get to see how bad the chick’s scar is? I thought that was going to be a Chekov’s scar situation. Oh well. Shame they left it on a cliffhanger because I am not sure if we will get to see how that plays out. I also want confirmation if the crazy French dude is really alive. Did his baby mama knowing give him something that would paralyze him or was that just some poetic license with him coming back to life.
You can download Barkskins on iTunes.

Stargirl: It is always good for superpowers to have superpowers to have limitations because being too powerful would be boring, but having super strength for just an hour a days has to be up their as one of the lames superpowers.

The Challenge: Total Madness: Really silly how they completely edited Dee out this week. She wins, is in the Tribunal, but we only manage to hear her say two words, and one was who she was voting for. I wonder if they will bother to say where she places in the finale (assuming she makes it). Speaking about who makes it, could this be the last male vote? There are only two guys left without a Red Skull and if they go another round, and Josh goes against Kyle, it would mean every guy would have a Red Skull. With three Skull-less girls left, if they get two more rounds, they could easily have everyone have a Red Skull going into the finale (unless they keep throwing Dee in out of spite). Hopefully this is it.
You can download The Challenge: Total Madness on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Poor Enoch, the team finally catches up with him, but then leaves him behind again. Though I would be fine with him being left behind after every jump as a running joke. To make things worse, it seems like he has been replaced by Souza who gets to die a hero without actually dying.
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

The Bold Type: So the conservative chick got Kat fired… again. But then got her reinstated. I said in the finale those two were going to hook up at some point and I am more convinced after that.

In the Dark: Blind Chick is being really dumb again. Isn’t having one of them go with the drug addict worth have the cop follow them? At least hide in the back seat. But that was a tense final moment. Obviously we knew the Blind Chick would not die because we saw her clean up the body (the addict dying by overdose was a silly twist). At least it was until you start to wonder why the lesbian was there in the first place. I sure there will be some find my phone app reason, but why make this big show of it only to stalk your roommate?
You can download In The Dark on iTunes.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 14, 2020

Billions: I predicted in the premiere that the college professor and the painter would be new love interests, but extremely weird that both showed up to the hospital for Chuck’s father.

Snowpiercer: Well, as, meh as the first four episodes were, at least they solved the crime pretty quickly. I just hope they do not unfreeze the cop every time they need a crime solved. They need the tailey to escape and slowly move up the train like in the movie.
You can download Snowpiercer on iTunes.

Penny Dreadful: City of Angels: I believe that was the first time the two Gods came face to face since the premiere. And I think it was the first time Margary Tyrell showed her true form to any human. Although all of that could have just appeared in her mind.

Barskins: Oh, that is why the new groom was so disappointed. Granted I did not get to see how bad the scar is, but really, when the rest of her looks like that, it would not be a big deal breaker for me.
You can download Barkskins on iTunes.

Stargirl: I found the first couple episodes to be a little to geared to small children but nothing like a little selfie scandal to make the show a little more adult. Probably the best episode of the bunch so far. I am a little more excited for the Justice Society than I was just Stargirl fighting crime.

The Challenge: Total Madness: I am not sure we really needed a disclaimer, but whatever. It seemed to line up just perfectly, having Dee go out after suffocating in Purgatory, except she then pulled out the win. Now I am beginning to think Dee may actually win this season.
You can download The Challenge: Total Madness on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: I guess I was wrong that the good robot could just meet back up with the rest of the team when they are back on the time line. Maybe not next time, but I am sure it will happen eventually. But this episode had a nice tie in to Agent Carter, unfortunately they could not get Peggy herself.
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

In the Dark: Wait, why did the blind chick tell the Queenpin about the raid? If the Queenpin is taken down, she is free. Now with all the drugs in the basement, and telling the other Kingpin, you have to worry about the Queenpin retaliating and the Kingpin keeping his word. Oh, and clearly the drug addict brother is obviously going to find the stash and be murdered for it.
You can download In The Dark on iTunes.

Blindspot: Of all the people they could have brought back, Jane’s first handler and Kurt’s dad? I thought for sure the Reade would show up since he had already a bunch this season. But I guess future daughter was a nice touch.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, June 07, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 6, 2020

Billions: I predicted in the premiere that the college professor and the painter would be new love interests, but extremely weird that both showed up to the hospital for Chuck’s father.

Killing Eve: So the first season ended with Eve seemingly killing the crazy French assassin, the second season ended with the crazy French assassin seemingly killing Eve, and the third season ends with… what the fork was that?
You can download Killing Eve on iTunes.

Snowpiercer: So was there ever a Mr. Wilford? The big twist was that Jennifer Connolly was called Mr. Wilford. Here we have her playing a tape of a dude. Is that Wilford? Just a dude she got so she can continue to keep up the rouse? There is a Mr. Wilford in the movie but it seems like they do not take place in the same universe so it seems like a clunky way to make Connolly the head person.
You can download Snowpiercer on iTunes.

Penny Dreadful: City of Angels: Well that was a masterclass of detectiving. Nathan Lane just managed to figure out that Tiago’s brother did it and got the other dude to not only admit to killing that cop, but also got him to admit to the murder that set off the series. Not too bad for the only two straight arrows on the force. But this begs the question, will we ever learn who really killed that family. They certainly implied that Miss Adelaide had something to do with it last week and she was going to take care of Tiago in the same fashion.

Barskins: Um, why as the new husband so disappointed when his new bride got naked? I have never seen a guy so sad to see a hot chick take off her clothes. Was she packing a little something extra downstairs? Was there a baby bump? I just feel like I missed something.
You can download Barkskins on iTunes.

Stargirl: They need to get to the pink pen sooner than later because I need to know whvt is up with that. And has Stripsey been feeding that owl? It has been like a decade since his master die and it just sits there in the dark?

Love Life: Man, Anna Kendrick’s boyfriends just get worse (note I have only seen one of the new episodes this week). Seriously, dude’s massive debt gets exposed and his response is to propose? That is some stones to think someone will take over your debt.

The Challenge: Total Madness: You knew the unholy alliance would not continue but boy did it go down in flames. Johnny was definitely one in the wrong. Whoever is in the tribunal should be assumed they would be the one who will pick themselves especially this late in the season. I am actually shocked whenever someone in the tribunal does not go in if they do not have a red skull.
You can download The Challenge: Total Madness on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Really, Daisy is that stupid that the robot dude who went back in time to specifically set a timeline that would help them rule the planet, and she was like, yeah, Deke, kill the person that the robot dudes want dead. At first I felt bad for the good robot dude for being left behind, but I guess he can just hang out for a couple decades and meet back up with everyone later, not like he will age, he once just hung out in that pod with Fitz for a century or two.
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

In the Dark: So the uncle guy is the little brother of the Queen Pin? Um, so that makes the dead kid her nephew too? Why was she not more mad that Harry Crane killed him?
You can download In The Dark on iTunes.

Blindspot: A whole episode full of Reade flashbacks? Yeah, continues my belief that he is not really dead. But if Weller was so mad at those two, why did he quickly pick them for the task force a short time later? I guess it mad for a funny site gag, but does not make much sense.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 24, 2020

Billions: There were certainly a lot of talks about souls this week. But it looks like the Rhodes are going to move on to the painter and the professor. Wonder how long both will last or if this is a short diversion before getting back together.

Killing Eve: So Niko gets stabbed through the neck by a skilled assassin and lives? Did she mean to leave him alive or is she just incompetent? And did they imply that Constantine might be hooking up with Yara Greyjoy and that she also might be his daughter? That is kind of confusing and icky. But like I have said a few times this season, maybe not the best idea to switch showrunners every season. 
 You can download Killing Eve on iTunes.

Supergirl: Well after a really bad season, at least they ended it by killing of Brainiac 5. Okay, I am deep down know that Dreamer will save him next season, but I rather spend the next nine months or so living in blissful ignorance. 
 You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Snowpiercer: I really enjoyed the movie but came away from it thinking it would have been a better television show with every episode focusing on a new car on the train. After watching the first episode I am left wondering why they turned such a smart concept and turned into a crime show?

Penny Dreadful: City of Angels: So what are those dark things the Nazi is hiding? And if Maegery Tyrell is some supernatural being, doesn’t she already know what those things are?

Stargirl: DC Universe has created three really good shows in Doom Patrol, Harley Quinn, and Swamp Thing (okay, they kind of ruined the ending of the latter by cutting its episode order while filming), and sure, one was a flaming pile of dog shirt (Titans) but I did have a modicum of hope for Stargirl because .750 is a very good batting average. I got a little worried when they announced it would air the day after of The CW because that is a little too teen leaning for my liking (I prefer Freeform for my crappy teen storytelling), but Stargirl is not even really a teen show, it seems to be geared more towards even younger children, like it should be on Disney Ploose. Hopefully when they add some antagonists, the show will pick up.

The Challenge: Total Madness: Leaving puzzles out in the open for anyone to cheat on has gotten pretty annoying. Can we please get these stations like voting booth tents? And if you are going to create a challenge where you need to go through a foam room to see lights, how about making sure you cannot see the lights from where the disks are? Oh well, at least the two of the most annoying people went home this week. 
You can download The Challenge: Total Madness on iTunes.

In the Dark: I never seen The Wire because the more people claim it is the best show ever made, the less I want to see it because nothing rarely lives up to that much hype, but one thing I do know about that show is that if you come at the king, you best not miss. Back look for that dude. I also know from N.W.A. that you do not get high off your own supply so things may not go well for her either. And just how does a Seeing Eye dog veterinarian know how to operate on a punctured lung? I cannot imagine that comes up much there. But it is becoming pretty clear that the secretary is going to die because he steals the gangbanger’s drug. But I am still not sure who kills him. Maybe the bald chick and she forces the others to clean up the mess. 
 You can download In The Dark on iTunes.

Motherland: Fort Salem: The show has been mostly a drag, but at least they went out with a bang. The killed off two of the leads only for them to not be dead a couple minutes, having flowers bloom behind where they walk. I am not entirely sure the other chick’s hair went white. And of course we end with one of the most clichĂ©d twist ending of someone we thought was dead is not really dead. So is mommy some sort of Spree big wig? After a pretty meh first season, I am mildly intrigued for season two. You can download Motherland: Fort Salem on iTunes.