Sunday, September 08, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 8, 2024

Snowpiercer:  Oh hey, Melanie is still around.  But did they just reveal that the nerdy scientist caused the deep freeze?  That is a very big twist to present this late in the show.


Only Murders in the Building:  I was wonder about that what happened to what Sazz wrote.  Of course Mabel knows of the forensic stuff that will show you where blood (and other bodily fluids) was.  As we learned, that was the phase that was used when they switched out Charles for Sazz.  But how actually does that help with the investigation?  Hopefully this is not another misunderstanding like the Savage-Sandwich mistake from season 2.


I have also said that I do not believe someone is actually dead until I see a body.  Though, I am not sure if someone seeing their ghost counts as seeing the body.  I guess the cops can do a DNA test on the ashes which should confirm or not that is Sazz (though again, until there is a flashback, I may still have a sinking suspicious that she could have planted some DNA in the ashes).  Detective William’s return in season three cannot be topped, but her coming in with a SWAT team comes close.


Right after season three ended, Jan was very high on my murder board; her old apartment was even on the other side of the Arconia.  Granted there does seem to be retconning of that side of the building to make them all seem like weirdos.  But at least they are very funny weirdos.  I wonder how much time we will spend over there.  We still need to meet Christmas guy, and I have to image Charles will have a run in with the person with the hall pass.  We also need to figure out what is up with the pig. 


But back to Jan, it does not seem like she was involved, she definitely seemed too distraught to have killed Sazz, and of course there was the whole being in jail alibi.  So, if not Jan, who?  Clearly it was someone in the creepy room.  But whose room is that and what is with the pig?  Of course there has to be something more to that because I am sure they can figure out whose room that is from the person that took over from Bunny.


 Tell Me Lies:  Ooo, two future scenes in the premiere, there were only two of all last season.  But there were none in the second episode, so I wonder if we will get any more scenes until the final.  I was guessing there might be and that is why they shaved off Stephen’s hideous wig, so they would not have to keep putting that ferret on his head.  But why exactly is Lydia mad at Lucy for?  Does she get her brother in trouble for maybe raping Pippa?  It did seem like whatever she is mad about, it happened more recently to have been something that happened in sophomore year.  But I did call very early that Diana was Pippa’s secret lover.  Granted, it pretty much had to be her unless it was someone we had not met yet.


The show was a bit vague with what happened to Wrigley’s brother.  Where is he?  Was there ever a follow up about Macy?  It seemed like every at the party last season was able to figure out that what Wrigley and his brother were talking about was about Macy.  I do wonder if we will see the brother at all this season, the actor is no longer listed in the cast.  Could they really kill him off-screen?  I have always assumed since he is not at the future wedding that he is either dead or in jail.  I am more leaning towards dead every passing episode.


But poor Bree, she was the only pure character at the end of last season.  Now it seems like all these heathens have finally been able to corrupt her and she might actually hook up with… Lucifer?  That is really going down a dark path.  Now the question is, has she learned that the person Evan cheats on with was Lucy by the engagement part?  If not, will it come out sometime after the party, but before the wedding?  Hopefully we do get more than future scenes this season than just the end of the season.


The Challenge: Battle of the Eras:  Trivia is always the best challenge, but for some reason they really try to mess it up.  Why did two people get dunked every wrong question?  Why did the person who answered wrong not get dunked?  Also Challenge trivia is not the most entertaining as it is more entertaining when they mess up fourth grade knowledge.


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