Sunday, June 09, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 9, 2024


The Acolyte:   So Jason Mendoza is definitely the Master, right? If so, he will go from playing a solemn monk who was secretly a goofball to playing a goofball who is secretly a Sith (which basically and evil Jedi and Jedi's are monk-like).  He better throw a Molotov cocktail sometime this season.


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  I feel like this show has an unusual number of color blind people on this show.  You would think the amount of times a contestant brings up being color blind, they would stop doing these color specific challenges.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  The Hell House was hilarious; though I am not sure it was supposed to be.  But Bloody Mary is Imogen’s mother.  Huh?  But I guess when the twist in the original show was that Alison’s brother turned out to be her other brother’s girlfriend, this makes more sense.  So is this a twin situation or is Imogen just crazy.


The Chi:  When is the men’s group going to finally stop talking about dealing Douda and actually do something?  Well, besides the previous failed assassination attempt.  But baby-daddy twist was a bit too soap-opera like.  Does the timeline even work?  She was gone a very long time and was not showing when she was rescued. This seems more like a retcon more than a plot twist.

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