Sunday, November 14, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: November 14, 2021


 Fear the Walking Dead:  The zombie head was able to wound that dog so much it had to be put down after one bite?  I thought the virus was only in humans.  Seems like a bit of a stretch.  But then again, all these characters are walking around a nuclear fallout willie-nillie, so maybe it is silly to nit-pick. But I will some more.  So they have this ranch outside the blast radius, but Morgan wants everyone to move to the submarine?


American Rust:  There has been an increasing problem I have had with a bunch of television shows lately where for some reason I think the show is a limited series only to realize late in to it run that it is actually a full series.  I have spent most of this show under the assumption that it was one and done.  But after that ending I went back to the press release and it turned out that it got a full series order meaning it could come back (granted multiple limited series like Showtime’s own Your Honor ended up getting renewed).  So I guess we have to hope the show gets renewed to see how everything plays out.


So it seems like the detectives from Pittsburg showed up and seemingly know something Del does not.  Del’s deputy has noticed that there is a bulletproof vest and handgun missing from the armory and I am not sure he buys Del’s bum arm excuse.  As smart as Del seems sometimes, taking a gun from the armory to kill people seems pretty stupid.  Aren’t the cops in West Virginia going to run the gun which he gave to the pharmacist?  One other major mistake he made, while getting his bullet out of the wall, what about the buckshot that went into the wall with a human cutout missing, but no one in the room having buckshot in them?  I cannot see Del surviving a second season.  Plus Grace seems to be in it too if Del goes away because her husband got plenty of evidence she burned down the trailer.


La Brea:  I expected the evil son to vote off his mom, but the other one?  That is some Survivor level betrayal.  But of course they earned their way back. 


Supergirl:  I feel like I deserve a “I Watched Every Episode of Supergirl and all I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt” t-shirt.  What a dumb finale.  They vanquich Lex in the first fifteen minutes with the help of Mon-El, who did not even bring back Saturn Girl with him, and then they wasted the final forty-five minutes on some boring wedding, a wedding that did not even feature the titular character.  And is the future just forked now because Brainiac 5 did not merge with the big brain?


Dopesick:  Oh no, poor Loretta McCready could not get out of Harlan alive.  But still infuriating that Oxy gets the black box warning, but even that did not seems to slow the growth of the drug.


Survivor:  Yet another live tribal where we, the viewer, are left wondering what the fork was going on.  So was the vote going to be split between Xander and Tiffany but Heather and Naseer managed to get other people to vote for the other one?  Then you had Ricard who had the single worst poker hand telling Xander he better play his Idol.  Well, if you insist so much, seems smart to do the episode.  What a stupid way to try and flush an Idol.  You know what a good way to flush an Idol is: put the most votes on the person if you have enough votes to split, which they did.  But then too many people tried to get cute.


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: Oh joy, another person gets sent home for a reason we are not even told.  That is the third (?) time that has happened this season.  Remember when this show loved the drama around sending people home.  Of course, back then, Smashley would have never got sent home for what she allegedly said.  But what I do not understand, if Big T was allowed to stay to take the place of Smashley, why did she go back to her team and not Smashley’s team?  But at least someone finally broke up the Emerald team.  They were just complete absurd at elimination, attacking Amanda for not doing what is in their best interest,


Doom Patrol:  I am not sure if using a time machine that wipes your memory is the best way to teleport a couple hundred miles.  Giant robot Cliff did seem to make good time going from Florida to Ohio using his giant body.  Though I am not entirely sure how the time travel memory thing works.  Rita got hers back when she traveled the second time by Madame Rouge, who somehow got hers back thanks to Rita, traveled somewhere, but then came back to this time lost her memory once again.  So Cliff no longer has his body, Cyborg no longer has his powers, and Jane (seemingly) is no longer primary… but hey, Larry got his power back. 


The Challenge: All-Stars: Casey and Teck is the duo I never thought I needed and now I want it every episode / season.  Disappointing we did not get to see how that team was made because they have no obvious ties; Teck stopped appearing about half a decade before Casey popped.  It does seem likely they were the last two left.  But Casey still got it, a complete shame she was relegated to alternative for the first season, she is still very entertain.  Tina still got it two just coming through with one liner and putting TJ in his place after TJ mocked how no one walked across the beam.  If I am not mistaken, Tina, Veronica, and Jilsella attacked Johnny Mosley so bad back in the day, he never returned as host.  But can you blame the player?  Neimehah was the only one the tried and fall on his balls and came in last.


But all we got this week was the challenge, no elimination, not even nominations.  Before the main show went to ninety minutes, they would routinely do eliminations every other episode.  I wonder if that is going to happen on all-stars or that was just a one-time thing because there were so many people that need to be (re)introduced.  I would be fine with more episodes this season.


Guilty Party:  So Beth breaks into the house, manages not to find anything but some sticky icky, smokes it, that kisses the dude so the other dude does not kill her.  Well that was a waste of an episode.


Big Sky:  So creepy dude that has been following the kids that they pepper sprayed followed them to the cop’s house and killed the cop for them?  What is going on there?  The only thing I can think of is maybe he is one of their fathers.  But now we know why Rick’s brother is doing with Ronald, he wants to Stockholm him until he confesses to everything, clearing his family name.  Stupid.  I just want thuis storyline to end.


The Blacklist:  So what is left of Red’s hair is grown back to the very short length he was going it.  But I thought for sure when Park gave Ressler her urine, it was going to out she was pregnant.  It turned out to be worse.



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