What is it with ABC and their crappy television show names? Last year they picked up two shows that had a word in them too racy for television that by the time they actually hit the small screen that they both underwent some name surgery. Last month
Good Christian (Expletive Deleted) got shortened to
GCB because apparently no one over at ABC realized that no one would know what the show by its initials. Then tomorrow the alphabet network premieres
Don’t Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 which started out without the dashes. Both title make
$#*! My Dad Says seem like a reasonable title in comparison. What worse, at some point both shows had reasonable titles:
Good Christian Belles and the simple
Apartment 23 but now one show is a letter away from being the date rape drug and I have no idea what the correct pronunciation of “B----“ is. But I guess I should not expect good titles from a network that gave us
Happy Endings
Cougar Town
Better Off Ted
and bungled what could have been the greatest name for a television show ever,
Let’s Rob Mick Jagger.

Lame names aside,
Apartment 23 is your typical Odd Couple situation with the overtly perky Dreama Walker (
Gran Torino
) and the extremely evil Krysten Ritter (
Veronica Mars
). Naturally Ritter plays the title character that takes in roommates then scares them off to pocket their security deposit for herself unto Walker becomes the first roommate to fight backs which endears her Ritter for some reason and they stay roommates (though a series where Ritter scares off a new roommate every week could have been entertaining).

The show plays like a middle class version of
2 Broke Girls where the newly unemployed Walker has to move in with someone completely different from who she was used to back in Ohio (or maybe Indiana). Unfortunately the show also shares
Two Broke Girls’ penchant for worthless side characters. Instead of the annoyingly horny line cook, there is a annoyingly horny across the street neighbor who leers at the girls sans pants. There is Walker’s new boss who seems to only be there for one liners much like Garrett Morris. There is also someone that lives down the hall who was a former roommate victim who switches back and forth between hating Ritter and stalking her randomly.

Of course there is also James Van Der Beek (
The Rules of Attraction
) as Ritter’s best friend James Van Der Beek (
Varsity Blues
) so it looks like we will finally get the answers of just how many
Dawson's Creek
jokes could there possibly be. Spoiler Alert!: doubtfully enough to sustain the seven episode season let alone a long series run. It reminds me of that horrible show where Jennifer Grey (
Dirty Dancing
) played Jennifer Grey (
Red Dawn
) whose name I cannot remember and do not care enough to look up but the it was like, you know, painfully bad.
But much like how Kat Dennings carries
2 Broke Girls, Dreama Walker makes if worth turning into
Apartment 23 at least in the short run (the show may need an overhaul if it comes back for a full second season), she plays the aw shucks newbie to NYC perfectly and is a spitfire when she goes head to head with Krysten Ritter who is a much stronger number two then Beth Behrs. And plus it is hard not to down with a show that features the line, “Anybody want to get weird and play Mario Kart?” Yes, yesI do.
Don’t Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 airs Wednesdays at 9:30 on ABC. If you cannot wait, the first two episodes are currently streaming on
Hulu. You can also download them both on
Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 on iTunes for free.
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