Showing posts with label Tell Me Lies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tell Me Lies. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 18, 2022


House of the Dragon:  Finally some of the famous Targaryen incest we have been so much about.  Though that turned out to be very tame by Targaryen standards.  But pretty shocking that the princess would swear on her mother’s grave when she did let her guard go to town.  But kind of icky that the king did not believe either of their protests and still sent the moon tea anyway.


Tales of the Walking Dead:  I appreciate the attempt more than the execution of the episode.  But I guess that is the advantage of anthologies


City on a Hill:  I am not sure what I needed to see less, Jackie get excited post-surgery or the male nurse dealing with it.  But I felt like I miss something with Jackie getting shot seemingly out of nowhere.  I had to check and make sure I did not miss an episode.  So the mob is just trying to gun him down.  But it is interesting that, with the season winding down, we get a bottle episode with Jackie in the hospital.


The Handmaid’s Tale:  I know she went through something horrifically traumatic, but they are making June extremely unlikeable to the point that Serena the sympathetic one.  I say almost because then Serena had to go and use Hannah as a prop at Fred’s funeral.  But are other countries really going to show videos of the evil countries founding founders in whatever their version of Times Square is? 


I kind of forgot about Janine and the extremely young Handmaid.  We see Janine in the hospital, but did young Handmaid.  Might be a better alternative than being a rape doll for the old Commander.  But just how does Aunt Lydia know she is “fertile?”   I thought all of the current Handmaids were picked because they had kids when everyone else could not, certainly she had not become baby making age prior to Gilead becoming a nation.


Tell Me Lies:  They let us binge three episodes, ended that third episode with the shocking revelation that the skeazy dude took naughty pictures of the dead chick, and then they did not mention that at all this episode.  How rude.  But what is with all these dudes lasting seconds?  I am embarrassed for them all.


The Challenge: USA:  What a clusterfork from the start with Ben not being medically cleared to compete.  They should have either brought back the last eliminated guy or just have some quick competition that eliminated one of the women so there would be even teams.  Or, with Enzo quacking within seconds, let Desi continue and just have a team of two females for the rest of the finale.  Sarah got really lucky with one of the few legs that it might of actually been better to be alone  I would have thought the eating an onion would also be a nice stage to do by yourself, but Cayla could not even finish that by her.


Jasmine, who had to remember ten sets of numbers when the others had to memorize five each, and Angela, who was doubly screwed by having to shovel all that dirt (not even half the amount of everybody else, but 2/3’s the pile according to Tyson) and not being able to sleep at all.  Though if the rules state one had to shovel while the other slept, why was Angela not allowed to do the second part?  Just the selective rules where some people were allowed to time out, like Cayla and Jasmine when they were alone, but not Angela, or Sarah at the puzzle, but no one was allowed to time out in others, like everyone like everyone else at Sudoku.  Gee another part of the finale where Sarah got extremely lucky.  Ugg, now we are stuck with her with the world championship.  If you are going to go willy nilly with their rules, why are you doing it so someone so unlikable like Sarah gets to come back for another show?


Stargirl:  Shiv still acting very shady releasing the blackmail evidence.  But I am still going with Icicle Jr. as the killer who was acting just as shady this week.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 11, 2022


House of the Dragon:  Really, three years and Daemon and his dragon cannot defeat the Crab Feeder?  If they are hiding in caves, how about shoot the fire in the caves and smoke them out?  But we got our first Lannister of the season and he is no Jamie, or Tywin, or even Tyrian.  So should I car for him.  Rhnessra certainly does not.  How long will it take before she starts forking the royal guardsman?  Though, they may just yadda yadda over that like they did the wedding, conception, and birth.


The Chi:  This show has so many characters many of them never even interact (except for the rare poker game where they are buddy-buddy and then never talk to each other again).  But they finally tied in a few characters.  The ex-mayor has recruited Emmitt and Bakari to work for him.  Though bad look for Emmitt to still take his money after the video tape was released. But bizarre that the new report found people that actually defended the ex-mayor. Is it safe to assume Victor released the tape?  Though the ex-mayor had him dispose of a body so there could be some mutually assured destruction in doing that.  Maybe it was the dude who gotten beaten.


Tales of the Walking Dead:  Like the riverboat episode, I enjoyed the set up and the concept, the also like the riverboat episode, it just devolved into everything I have grown to dislike in these shows where it is just zombies eating everyone.  Plus I think it would have been more symbolic if the chick survived and she ended up tagging the scientist who turned.


City on a Hill:  There was a lot of flip flopping in this episode.  Jackie saying it was okay to take the dirty money to help his family only to want to take his boss down in the very next scene.  Then Decoursey refuses to help Jackie only to change his mind too.  But nothing more predictable than Jackie flashing his badge shortly after his wife retrieved it.


In the Dark:  Just how incompetent do you have to be to be murdered by a blind chick?  And did he rent the one place that locks from the outside?  So she just kills a dude and rides off into the sunset?  What a horrible ending to a horrible show.  Good riddance.


Tell Me Lies:  I am glad the killed off the roommate by the end of the episode because she was noticeably not at the wedding so thankfully they did not drag that out.  Except she died before we got to learn what the secret she was going to tell Lucy before she got that phone call in the cafeteria.  Was that secret that she hooked up with Stephen?  But that escalated quickly that he was taking naughty pictures of her.   That he was invited to the wedding kind of makes it seems like no one finds out about that.  While we did find out why the roommate was not there, Wrigley’s brother conspicuously was not there.  Someone even mentioned to cut Wrigley some slack because it was just his brother’s birthday.  Does he kill himself out of guilt?  Though, because of the pictures, it seems very clearly why Stephen wants to keep the circumstances around her death silent.  The question is, did anyone ever see them together?  The other question I am most interested in this show answering is that did Bree really have the same unflattering hairstyle at her wedding that she had as a freshman in college?


The Challenge: USA:  That had to be the most pathetic elimination ever in the history of The Challenge.  Both should have been sent home.  The final elimination should be interesting.  You have the four Survivor guys and two Big Brother girls, so you think those two would safe as long as they do not come in last as long as they beat Enzo (which should be easy).  But what if one of the Survivor guys wins with one of the girls in the Fab <strike>Five</strike> Three, would there be a stalemate on who goes in?  I am still hoping we get the Angela vs. Sarah showdown I would have bet on the previous week.


Stargirl:  So Shiv was found with a literal smoking gun over the corpse of The Gambler, though I still doubted she did it (plus he turned out to have died from being impaled), but this week they made it seem like whoever took his laptop was the killer… and it turned out Shiv also had the laptop.  But I will still contend she is a red herring.  That he was impaled makes me think my original guess it was someone in the Icicle family and Jr. having issues really backs up that theory.