Showing posts with label Stargirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stargirl. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 25


House of the Dragon:  We have heard about her for a while and we finally get to meet Daemon’s wife and she did not disappoint, just mocking him, she will be a great addition to the cast… oh wait, she is already dead.  Well, fork.  Also gone really quick, the Sea Snake’s kid’s lover.  Maybe not try and blackmail a King’s Guard member.  Sign and now we are in for the largest time jump.  Shockingly the king was still in the previews for next week.  Just how long is that dud going to survive.


Tales of the Walking Dead:  A strong end to the season, I am always down for a haunted house (though not really down for bird murder).  Here is my official ranking of season one:

1)      Evie / Joe

2)      La Doña

3)      Blair / Gina

4)      Amy / Dr. Everett

5)      Dee

6)      Davon


City on a Hill:  I am actually a little surprised that the priest was the one who took a shot at Jackie.  Though, the suspect was very long.  Also surprising is that Dryden got wind of the investigation into him.  Will they be able to take him down with just one episode left this season?


Quantum Leap:  I have been asking for a reboot of this show ever since the reboot craze started about a decade or so ago.  Unfortunately they did not take me up on my suggestion of having Sam be the new Al.  They could not even get Scott Bakula at all.  After seeing what the show became, I am not surprised that he passed on the show.  What a flaming piece of hot garbage filled with too many people who cannot act including a scientist who thinks it is socially acceptable to show up to work in a suit fashioned like a crop top. As a whole, they just spent way too much time in 2022.  I vaguely remember one episode of the original spending one episode mostly in its present day, but was about it.  We rarely ever saw Al not in hologram form. This show needs to make a hard pivot and soon.  Have Ernie Hudson be the new Al, have Al’s daughter, who I am guessing will turn out to be doing her own rogue Quantum Leap program, and just get rid of everyone else from 2022.


Reboot:  Okay, I laughed way too hard at the song they played at the end of episode two.  But the Hulu executive may end up being the sneaky best part of the show, but I kind of feel bad for the actual head of comedy (but hey, they did give up this show, Only Murders in the Building, Dollface, and The Great).  And you have to wonder who at the network force the writer to cast some hot chick who cannot act, because dudes 18-34 do not care about acting skill.  The guy did create Modern Family so…


Andor: Call me old fashioned, but I prefer my television shows to be, you know, television shows.  While this show looked great, the performances were good, but the first three episodes felt more like a two hour movie split into three than three actual episodes of television.  But anyway.  Is that lady mechanic supposed to be Andor’s sister?


The Handmaid’s Tale:  So One Eyed Willie survived, but did the other one survive?  It probably would be hard to just have her trying to kill herself every week.  But the big news of the week was that Serena tried to stay in Gilliad.  Wouldn’t she have to stand trial like Fred?  Does no one know she was the reason Fred was even captured by the Canadians.  I laughed at the American dude asking why she would want to go back when she was free now… and promptly put her back in detention when she was returned to Canada.


Tell Me Lies:  Nothing says bad parent quite like casting Peggy Bundy.  I laughed when Lucy tried to insist she had the worse mother.  Sure she may have forked another dude while your father was dying, but it is not like she sits on the couch all day eating Bon Bon’s.  But I really missed the side characters this week.  I really came to the realization this week that Stephan and Lucy may be my two least favorite characters on the show. But Lucy finding Stephan’s drawing at Macy really made me wonder when those pictures on his computer are from.  I was thinking they were taken at college, but now I am not sure.  But if they were taken while they were still in high school, that would make her very underage at the time.


Survivor:  Oh wow, I do not remember the last time the most annoying person went out first.  Usually annoying people are kept around because they are easy to beat at the final Tribal.  Okay, it was actually her clothing choice that was annoying; the elevator salesman probably had the more annoying personality.  I am just glad I do not have to spend most of the season staring at that rainbow outfit after having to look at that extremely annoying ostrich shirt for most of last season.


Stargirl:  I have been defending Shiv’s innocence all season, but now that she is growing her father’s dragon skin, the same time of dragon skin found at the crime scene.  Though, I do wonder if maybe there is a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on.  Or maybe her dead father is somehow taking over her conscience.


Resident Alien: So they killed off the alien tracker right after he found his kid?  That was cruel.  So what exactly happened to the kid?  Id the reason why the aliens stopped taking the tracker to his kid because the government captured him?  But where are the aliens that had him in the first place?


Big Sky:  I forget what happened to the Indians and why their henchman is now with Meadow Soprano, but Reba McIntire is a massive downgrade.  But obviously she was going to turn out to be the big bad of this season; it looks like she went into her plastic surgeon and asked for The Joker.


Sunday, September 18, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 18, 2022


House of the Dragon:  Finally some of the famous Targaryen incest we have been so much about.  Though that turned out to be very tame by Targaryen standards.  But pretty shocking that the princess would swear on her mother’s grave when she did let her guard go to town.  But kind of icky that the king did not believe either of their protests and still sent the moon tea anyway.


Tales of the Walking Dead:  I appreciate the attempt more than the execution of the episode.  But I guess that is the advantage of anthologies


City on a Hill:  I am not sure what I needed to see less, Jackie get excited post-surgery or the male nurse dealing with it.  But I felt like I miss something with Jackie getting shot seemingly out of nowhere.  I had to check and make sure I did not miss an episode.  So the mob is just trying to gun him down.  But it is interesting that, with the season winding down, we get a bottle episode with Jackie in the hospital.


The Handmaid’s Tale:  I know she went through something horrifically traumatic, but they are making June extremely unlikeable to the point that Serena the sympathetic one.  I say almost because then Serena had to go and use Hannah as a prop at Fred’s funeral.  But are other countries really going to show videos of the evil countries founding founders in whatever their version of Times Square is? 


I kind of forgot about Janine and the extremely young Handmaid.  We see Janine in the hospital, but did young Handmaid.  Might be a better alternative than being a rape doll for the old Commander.  But just how does Aunt Lydia know she is “fertile?”   I thought all of the current Handmaids were picked because they had kids when everyone else could not, certainly she had not become baby making age prior to Gilead becoming a nation.


Tell Me Lies:  They let us binge three episodes, ended that third episode with the shocking revelation that the skeazy dude took naughty pictures of the dead chick, and then they did not mention that at all this episode.  How rude.  But what is with all these dudes lasting seconds?  I am embarrassed for them all.


The Challenge: USA:  What a clusterfork from the start with Ben not being medically cleared to compete.  They should have either brought back the last eliminated guy or just have some quick competition that eliminated one of the women so there would be even teams.  Or, with Enzo quacking within seconds, let Desi continue and just have a team of two females for the rest of the finale.  Sarah got really lucky with one of the few legs that it might of actually been better to be alone  I would have thought the eating an onion would also be a nice stage to do by yourself, but Cayla could not even finish that by her.


Jasmine, who had to remember ten sets of numbers when the others had to memorize five each, and Angela, who was doubly screwed by having to shovel all that dirt (not even half the amount of everybody else, but 2/3’s the pile according to Tyson) and not being able to sleep at all.  Though if the rules state one had to shovel while the other slept, why was Angela not allowed to do the second part?  Just the selective rules where some people were allowed to time out, like Cayla and Jasmine when they were alone, but not Angela, or Sarah at the puzzle, but no one was allowed to time out in others, like everyone like everyone else at Sudoku.  Gee another part of the finale where Sarah got extremely lucky.  Ugg, now we are stuck with her with the world championship.  If you are going to go willy nilly with their rules, why are you doing it so someone so unlikable like Sarah gets to come back for another show?


Stargirl:  Shiv still acting very shady releasing the blackmail evidence.  But I am still going with Icicle Jr. as the killer who was acting just as shady this week.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 11, 2022


House of the Dragon:  Really, three years and Daemon and his dragon cannot defeat the Crab Feeder?  If they are hiding in caves, how about shoot the fire in the caves and smoke them out?  But we got our first Lannister of the season and he is no Jamie, or Tywin, or even Tyrian.  So should I car for him.  Rhnessra certainly does not.  How long will it take before she starts forking the royal guardsman?  Though, they may just yadda yadda over that like they did the wedding, conception, and birth.


The Chi:  This show has so many characters many of them never even interact (except for the rare poker game where they are buddy-buddy and then never talk to each other again).  But they finally tied in a few characters.  The ex-mayor has recruited Emmitt and Bakari to work for him.  Though bad look for Emmitt to still take his money after the video tape was released. But bizarre that the new report found people that actually defended the ex-mayor. Is it safe to assume Victor released the tape?  Though the ex-mayor had him dispose of a body so there could be some mutually assured destruction in doing that.  Maybe it was the dude who gotten beaten.


Tales of the Walking Dead:  Like the riverboat episode, I enjoyed the set up and the concept, the also like the riverboat episode, it just devolved into everything I have grown to dislike in these shows where it is just zombies eating everyone.  Plus I think it would have been more symbolic if the chick survived and she ended up tagging the scientist who turned.


City on a Hill:  There was a lot of flip flopping in this episode.  Jackie saying it was okay to take the dirty money to help his family only to want to take his boss down in the very next scene.  Then Decoursey refuses to help Jackie only to change his mind too.  But nothing more predictable than Jackie flashing his badge shortly after his wife retrieved it.


In the Dark:  Just how incompetent do you have to be to be murdered by a blind chick?  And did he rent the one place that locks from the outside?  So she just kills a dude and rides off into the sunset?  What a horrible ending to a horrible show.  Good riddance.


Tell Me Lies:  I am glad the killed off the roommate by the end of the episode because she was noticeably not at the wedding so thankfully they did not drag that out.  Except she died before we got to learn what the secret she was going to tell Lucy before she got that phone call in the cafeteria.  Was that secret that she hooked up with Stephen?  But that escalated quickly that he was taking naughty pictures of her.   That he was invited to the wedding kind of makes it seems like no one finds out about that.  While we did find out why the roommate was not there, Wrigley’s brother conspicuously was not there.  Someone even mentioned to cut Wrigley some slack because it was just his brother’s birthday.  Does he kill himself out of guilt?  Though, because of the pictures, it seems very clearly why Stephen wants to keep the circumstances around her death silent.  The question is, did anyone ever see them together?  The other question I am most interested in this show answering is that did Bree really have the same unflattering hairstyle at her wedding that she had as a freshman in college?


The Challenge: USA:  That had to be the most pathetic elimination ever in the history of The Challenge.  Both should have been sent home.  The final elimination should be interesting.  You have the four Survivor guys and two Big Brother girls, so you think those two would safe as long as they do not come in last as long as they beat Enzo (which should be easy).  But what if one of the Survivor guys wins with one of the girls in the Fab <strike>Five</strike> Three, would there be a stalemate on who goes in?  I am still hoping we get the Angela vs. Sarah showdown I would have bet on the previous week.


Stargirl:  So Shiv was found with a literal smoking gun over the corpse of The Gambler, though I still doubted she did it (plus he turned out to have died from being impaled), but this week they made it seem like whoever took his laptop was the killer… and it turned out Shiv also had the laptop.  But I will still contend she is a red herring.  That he was impaled makes me think my original guess it was someone in the Icicle family and Jr. having issues really backs up that theory.

Sunday, September 04, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 4, 2022


House of the Dragon:  I never really minded that Game of Thrones routinely went an hour because they usually juggled at least four storylines at a time, sometimes more.  With this show staying at King’s Landing most of the time and focusing solely on the Targarians, these episodes have dragged a bit.  They really need to get the Starks or Lannisters in there.  But the battle lines are starting to form.  The Sea Snake has thrown in with the Rouge Prince, the king has tied himself to the Hightowers (which I guess is less gross than marrying a twelve year old), and the current heir is kind of left out there on her own waiting for a half-brother to come along (which the promo spoils happens).


Tales of the Walking Dead:  I actually liked the idea of a swamp cruise to escape a zombie apocalypse; unfortunately they ruined it by making it an Alpha origin story, even though we already got her origin story.  I checked out after she left the boat.  This episode would have been much better had it been Death on the Zombie Nile, just keep have people disappearing, and then have the hijackers arrive in the final act.


The Chi:  Oh snap, they killed off the old kingpin.  Though he really felt insignificant this season.  It felt like he was just brought back so the former mayor could turn on him to make more nefarious.


City on a Hill:  Watching a lot of cop shows in my life, I have heard them talk about giving gun residue tests before, but in all my years, that was the first time I actually saw someone take that test.  That was a lot more complicated that I assumed.  I thought it was just a simple swab.  So Jackie actually lied to help Decoursey.  Then Jackie saw Decoursey’s boss at Sinclair’s house.  Everything is starting to tie together.  But why is Jenny having someone dive for her husband’s badge? If she wants her husband reinstated, could they not just issue a new one?


In the Dark:  Huh?  Did we not see Darnell get shot at the start of the season?  What bad editing bullshirt is this?  Mot that I am complaining Max died, I just wish that had happened a lot sooner.  But all this happened because Josh would rather the Blind Chick go to prison than bring down a drug organization that is killing people.  That has to be the dumbest plot mechanism in the history of television.  Then it looks like in the finale, the Blind Chick is going to torture and kill Josh.  I guess if you are going out, go out with a dumb bang.


The Challenge: USA:  Sigh, after all that big talk from Sarah last week, I was fully expecting her to get eliminated by Angela this week.  Unfortunately Danny turned out to be scared of Angela and sent in Cashey instead.  So the Fab 5 did not last very long, Desi turned on them and Cash is gone.  So is there just a Fab 3 or with the other two realize Sarah is too much of a loose cannon?


Stargirl:  As if Cindy did not look even guiltier, she had a literal smoking gun in her hand.  She really cannot talk her way out of that one, though she looks so guilty it probably is not her.  But which of the new friendamies could it be?  I suspect it was not anyone we saw.  Maybe someone in the Icicle family.  Are any of them still around?  I do wonder how, or if, the daughter plays into this.  But artimis coming though with a C+C Music Factory montage really made this episode.


Resident Alien: Well, that was confusing. It took me a second to realize that Harry is actually the artist.  So he is the baby alien’s actual father, just a six hundred year older version of him.  But why not go to Patience to warn Harry of the upcoming apocalypse?  Is this Back to the Future rules where he cannot see his younger self?  If so, why not send a note or something?


The Resort:  To quote the great philosopher Chidi Anagonye: What the fork?!?!  Really, that was it?  The kids were just hanging out in goo like nothing happened for the past 15 years?  I was expecting something a lot more interesting than that from the guys who did Palm Spring and Mr. Robot.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 31, 2021


 Fear the Walking Dead:  Much like last week when I asked how exactly are the horses ok walking around when all the humans need gas masks, how exactly is it okay with the dog to jut roam outside.  And they really seemed to be playing fast and loose with that timer or I just cannot see very well.  It looked like when the car broke down they just had a half an hour left, so if they traveled for about five hours, how did they make it back to the sub safely?  But last week with the “Padre” letter, I was thinking it had to do with some father, but seeing it near the map, could South Padre Island be a safe place?


I had to look up who the guy at the end was.  Turns out it was Emile’s brother.  Okay.  So then I had to look up who the fork Emile was.  Turns out he was the bounty hunter Virgina sent to hunt down Morgan after they shot each other and was only in one episode.  Seriously, who actually remember these things?


American Rust:  I am no druggie, never even been in the presence of blow, but can one line of coke, even if it is laced with opioid, take down an teenage athlete within seconds?  I am also not an electrician, but if Harris cut the power, which I assume was to kill the alarm, but with the power out, how did he use the computer?


The Walking Dead: World Beyond:  So the one sister is not going back with the other.  Seems stupid.


Y: The Last Man:  They were really missing an episode following what happened to Y’s girlfriend.  She just shows up, leaves, and then is breaking in a couple episodes later.  How exactly did she get radicalize when she was dating a Senator’s kid.  What does this group even want?  But at least this group just executed the crazy Cabinet member.  She was a bit much.


Stargirl:  So they spent the whole back half of the season to break everyone up and now they are all back together in one episode.  But who exactly was Shiv calling?  The only one I can think of is Artimas who has not been seen since the big fight in the cafeteria.


La Brea:  Something strange happened in this episode: I kind of found it entertaining.  Sure everyone is still very dumb.  Like, when they were captured escaping, no one is going to say, oh you are from the future, I am from the future too, maybe we should team up to figure how to get back to the present.  But the sisters’ thing turned out to much creepier than expected.  I has predicted that the younger sister was really the older sister’s daughter, but it turns out she kidnapped the little sister.  But was the older sister really the father’s daughter or was she kidnapped too?


Supergirl:  Let me get this straight, that Lex is from the future alternative timeline where he was forking the imp?  What?!?  Thankfully only three more episodes of this crap.


Wu-Tang: An American Saga:  It seemed like they were wrapping the series up in a nice little bow in case it was not renewed as everyone was getting signed to their own solo deals, RZA was making beats for the solo albums… and then the pipe had to burst in RZA’s basement.  And that water came in pretty fast, getting waist deep even though the pipe busted a couple seconds earlier.  C’mon RZA, if you are getting a new place with a basement, you may want to make sure the sump pump is working first, especially if you are putting valuables down there.  But that stuff with him and the ODB was rough know just who put out his solo album.  But why not go back to Def Jam and tell them what Elektra Is offering and see if they will match, and at the very least run it by the ODB.  Sure getting your music back in twenty years is nice, but he did not even live to see that.


Dopesick:  Ooof, that rehab scene was rough.  So does the rep become the whistleblower at some point?  He seems to have some sort of a conscience but is still working for the evil empire. 


Survivor:  Much like how Probst does not know how dice work, making you draw them out of a bag for the Shot in the Dark advantage, apparently he does not know how hourglasses work either.  If you smash an hourglass, you are in essence stopping time, not turning back time.  But that is the problem with this season, none of these advantages really seem that well planned out.


It was confusing enough what was going on with the first twist of the episode with two team and two people sitting out, now this.  But Erika has to break the hourglass.  Giving up immunity is stupid, especially if you are spending two days away from camp right before the vote.  Sure you piss off half your tribe, but hey, at least one is going home and then you would be in a majority with the people you save.  And then, only the person who gets voted out should be mad (well maybe someone who then has to burn an Idol or advantage may also be mad) and it does not seem like that person will be on the jury.


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: How was Amanda the only one smart enough to realize that if you claim you are going to infiltrate the green team if you win will keep them from sending you in?  The outwardly said it and still no one else said it.  At least Betina should have said she would have pick Amanda if picked.  The rookies this season have to be the dumbest lot to ever play and are ruining the season.


Doom Patrol:  I was really disappointing that no one else turned into puppets when rescuing Crazy Jane.  And why did she stay a puppet while Cyborg no longer had to be an action figure.  Now the confusing part: So Madame Rouge got her time machine from the Brotherhood of Evil who reverse engineered from the time machine Rita stole, which turns out was the exact time machine the Brotherhood of Evil first built.  So how did time travel get invented if the Brotherhood of Evil needed to see the time machine that they themselves built? 


Love Life:  It is weird seeing a bearded Chidi without glasses who seemingly can make decisions without breaking out in a cold sweat, but at least he still is making weird chili recipes.  But poor Chidi, no way dude can compete with a basketball player.


Guilty Party:  Oh wow, I was not expecting the Real Eleanor to just straight up murder a dude.  Though, I guess Chekov’s Gun gotta go off sometime.  But why are the evil illegal gun makers just starring at the two women after the gun went off with a bloodied body on the ground?


The Blacklist:  If Red is dying a slow death that he needs some voodoo priestess to keep him alive, why is he rebooting The Blacklist and signing up to be the new leader of some secret pirate club?  And is Dembe the new Lizzie now?  But wasn't her role of the task force the profiler?  Isn't Dembe just a redundant Ressler?


Sunday, October 24, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 24, 2921



Fear the Walking Dead:  So Strand is just a full on heel now?  But how did Alicia get to the main cult’s lair?  I thought the cult leader locked her up in the basement of a mansion and then everyone who knew she was there died before telling anyone else.  And, really, how did the Senator’s aide get there too?  Is this just a ploy?  And just how do all the horses survive the radioactive fallout that humans need gas masks to survive?


American Rust:  Oh hey, a Giant Eagle reference.  That is where I do my shopping.  But it was weird seeing Billy in a suit without his mullet looks like a completely different person.  Without context I probably would not have recognized him.  Still, what was Grace thinking?  Her husband is significantly better person in every single way.  This is like a Divine Brown situation.


The whole diversion to Pittsburg was weird.  Where was the rest of the Brotherhood?  Why did the dude shoot himself?  Is Jeff Daniels sure she got all his DNA and prints? It was dark and he did not even check to see if any blood dripped before he put something on the cut.  Are we even sure that was the right guy?  Dude flees town, but he has now been working at a diner in the same town for about a year?  And why do they need to kill him?  If the Brotherhood went after people who got away with crimes, dude was right there, arrest him.  All of this seemed strange to the point I think I may have missed something.


The Walking Dead: World Beyond:  Okay, I like those new people who kidnapped the nerd and the conman.  It was funny they knew who they were but chose not to explain that since they tried and steal from them.  Unfortunately everyone else is still pretty boring. 


Y: The Last Man:  Kind of weird to have a show where the titular character does not show up once.  It is interesting to see a bunch of females going Ladies of the Flies in the juxtaposition of the storyline where the government is trying to keep everything together, but it is not very interesting enough to fill a full episode.  I cannot say I was disappointed to hear the show was canceled.


Only Murders in the Building:  I was a little irked that they started the show with Selena Gomez standing over a bloodied Tye-Dye Guy and that did not even tie into the Tim Kono murder… or seemingly it did not.  Amy Ryan did poison Tim, put the gun in his mouth, and even pulled the fire alarm.  What are the loose ends Steve Martin mentioned how could Bunny being murdered tie into it?  It seems like everything wrapped up nicely.


But I cannot ding the finale that much for that because drugged Steve Martin was forking hilarious.  Plus it looks like my Tina Fey commits murders to keep her podcast in business theory is still in play.  Maybe jealousy of the Only Murders podcast made her want to set them up.  Could her assistant be the one that texted them knowing of her plan?  It is going to be a long wait until next season.


Stargirl:  Wait, so The Shade is dead now after going through all that trouble to get his powers back?  Is there going to be a new Shade now?  Don’t they kind of need the guy to defeat Eclipso?  Well, they do have the real Dr. Mid-Nite back who spent all that time in the shadow dimension.


La Brea:  So how did everyone get to the ground safely?  The new guy needed a parachute, it seems like all the cars got damaged in the fall, how does someone fall out of the sky and can just start walking around like nothing happened?   But we should get some answers next week as that group seems like it is going to run into people who have been there for a while.  Maybe they have some answers.  And just what can the new ship do that the old one cannot?  I feel like the father and daughter are just going to end up stranded with the mother.


Supergirl:  If they destroyed the Hope Totem, why bother trying to stop the imp from getting the other totems? 


Wu-Tang: An American Saga:  It was interesting to see how the songs came together in the last couple episodes, but it kind of fell flat in the making of C.R.E.A.M.  We saw Deck come up with his verse a couple of episodes back.  Raekwon getting evicted did not really seem to tie in very well. Then Method Man walks in, RZA says the song needs a hook and Meth heads into the booth and pulls one out of nowhere.  I wish they gave the song more time and spent less time on the label stuff.  I already knew where they were going.


Dopesick: Well, Michael Keaton punching the pharma rep certainly was cathartic.  Not too surprising he got hooked because he did come across as a little shakey during the trail from the first episode.  Now someone needs to punch the person going to N.A. meeting and selling people there Oxy.  This whole show is just infuriating. 


Survivor:  I think this is the first time they have not shown someone getting the Idol until after letting us know they have one since Guatemala which was one of the first seasons with an Idol.  They really should do that more often.  But Naseer was lucky, as the one dude had to say the same dumb phrase every week; Shan had to repeat someone else’s dumb phrase, being as confused as a goat on AstroTurf is kind of an actual response one might say to the two other dumb phases.  And given his accent, people could just assume it is a local saying.  But next week buffs will be dropped, but Probst at least makes it seem like it may not be for a merge.  Could there be a swap, or will they just combine the two smaller tribes?


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: Well, the mid-season promo spoiled the winner since we know Kyle will beg Devin not to send him in.  Which means it is very likely that Devin’s cell will win yet again in two week.  These mid-season trailers really need a better job not spoiling big things like this.  It seemingly happens every season.


Doom Patrol:  I was wrong that the Indian chick did not make it to the current time line, but the bird guy did not.  But I am not entirely sure what was going on with that giant bird cage.  What came out of it almost looked like flying butts with teeth.  But what exactly was Rita doing while the rest of the Sisterhood of Dada was rotting in a cell for decades?


Titans:  Not surprisingly a dumb ending to another dumb season.  And we did not even get a teaser to foolishly get our hopes up that the next season might be better before having our hopes dashed when the season actually premiere.  Though we did get a Roy Harper name drop.  Maybe we will get him and more A.R.G.U.S. next season. 


Big Sky:  Why exactly would the waitress not rat out the cartel people?  Did they promise to let her go if they set up the cop?  But then why kill the cop, which is what I assume what they are doing?  And why not tell the waitress to wait so the cops do not drive up before you can do it?  But it seems safe to say the cop is going to die, but whom else?  The two PI’s a pinned down by the psycho while the one kid is tied up with the other three lurking around.  It will be a shame if after all that just the cop dies and nothing else moves forward.


The Blacklist:  So Red is dying so he has Lizzie shoot him but she dies before that happens and two years later Red it still walking around?  This show has gotten so bad.  Since no one is in the field anymore except inexplicably Demmbe (who do you manage to become a field agent deep undercover in two years) so is there just going to be a rouge task force going forward?  The show really should have died with Lizzy… or really a few years before that.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 10, 2021


 Billions:  Like Damian Lewis’s last Showtime show, he extended his usefulness to the show one to three seasons too long.  But if you are going to write him off the show, you are really going to write him off like that?  So basically the two main characters in their death feud somehow both seem to come out as losers?  Chuck was unable to get his white whale and Bobby was exiled, unable to do what he loves either.  I always thought the only way for the show to end after they spent so much time going after each other was for them both to lose, but I thought that should be they they end up in a cell next to each other this seems so hollow.


Making things worse is it looks like they are plugging in Mike Prince into the Bobby roll with very little change.  Prince literally is now sitting in Bobby’s office owning everything that Bobby once own.  The only difference is that Dollar Bill and McFee are gone and the logo on the wall will change.  I guess the only thing of interest going forward is which side exactly in the new Chuck vs. Prince feud will Wendy fall.  Who does she hate more?


The Walking Dead:  Watching the spin-off got me wondering, is the group that Eugene and company have gone to going to turn into the evil group in the spin-off?  Timeline is fuzzy and they do not have the three circle symbol (not that I was looking for it).  But the governor’s son was just an over the top douchebag.  No one is going to be that angry that someone saved their life. 


American Rust:  So we actually get to see what went down in episode four.  It is good they did not wait much longer because it played out exactly how I assumed it did.  But are just bringing in Billy for questioning or id this an arrest?  Bruised knuckles and an anonymous tip from someone fleeing the state seems pretty flimsy for an arrest


The Walking Dead: World Beyond:  I did not remember much going on last season, just the two girls looking for their dad, one of their companions turned out to be evil, but maybe I should have done some catching up because I was lost for most of the episode.  It did not help that some of it was dream sequences (or maybe not, that helped with the lostness).  I am not sure who that one sister killed.  Was that one of the evil people?  Is so, why were they there?  If not, was it someone guarding their community?


Y: The Last Man:  Oh wow, I was not expecting that bath scene on something that was supposed to be on FX.  But what I did expect was Y going off on his own only for Agent 355 to track him down, tell him not to do it again, only for him to do the exact same thing next episode.  But back to the bathing ladies, are they going to start cutting off breasts?  I felt like that was coming during that weird ceremony after the creepy leader talked about Amazonians doing that, but it never came.  Maybe that is coming later.


Only Murders in the Building:  Last week was a nice change of pace, but I am glad the new three amigos are back together and talking again.  It was funny how Amy Ryan quickly became the Yoko Ono of the group and once Oscar showed up, Martin Short felt so left out, he went down to get the superfans to keep him from being the fifth wheel. 

But poor Yoko, gets stabbed after one podcast session.  I guess it is time take her off my suspect list.  I am also taking Sting off because the note said “I’m watching you” not “I’ll be watching you.”  But that is Steve Martin’s girlfriend, Martin Short’s dog, is Oscar next?  We do see Selena Gomez covered in blood hovering over someone in a tye-dye sweatshirt in the first episode.  Granted the superfans were wearing the same thing.


La Brea:  Wait, did they really CGI the daughter’s leg?  And not very well since she walked with a limp?  If that flashback happened before she lost her leg, why not put her in pants?  Or do some creative editing like when the flashed back to Barbra before her accident on Titans?  The show is about a group of people who fell in a sink hole and were transported 10,000 year in the past where people try to outrun a sabretooth tiger instead of getting into an ambulance there are standing right next to, yet this was the most confusing thing. 


Stargirl:  They really retconned some things this week.  So the original JSA broke up after killing a dude, but got back together years later just to get defeated by the Injustice Society?   I am really over Eclipso at this point.  Can we get Shiv back?


Wu-Tang: An American Saga:  Another good episode, this week we get to see Ghostface and Raekwon John Wu themselves through a radio station just to get their song played.  Awesome.  But I also like the ODB and the gang going to college.  That could have been the whole episode right there.


Survivor:  Oh joy, another week, another way to lose your vote.  But I have no idea what the rules of the boat ride were.  When they show up for the stuff, I was just like, okay, that happened.  But Shan made a second mistake at Tribal Council in two trips.  She should have gotten out Brad the first week, but this week, she should have gotten out JD who lied to her.  If he goes, she has her Steal a Vote in her pocket.


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: Good riddance Bamber.  Only two more annoying Big Brother players to go.  I was hoping with Josh teamed up with house pariah Pricilla he would follow shortly, but it seems like we are done with pairs.  The winners did not get to pick new partners and the promo make it looks like everyone is working by themselves next week.  But are they still going to boot two people at a time?  Alternate genders?


In the Dark:  Well that was a horrible ending to one of the worst seasons of television ever.  Really, the cop was able to see the dude with a gun but somehow did not spot Jess and her new hideous bangs?  So now the blind chick is in prison with the person she helped bury’s girlfriend.  That should be a fun fourth season.


Doom Patrol:  The show regained some of that season magic after the Chief’s daughter storyline wrapped up but I found this episode to be pretty meh.  I kind of which the Brotherhood of Evil was the big bad of the season because after one episode I am out on the Sisterhood of Dada.  But with Rita heading back in time, maybe the Brotherhood will come back in place.  Mmm, I wonder if the Brotherhood of Evil and Sisterhood of Evil working together… or maybe they are enemies of each other.


Titans:  Not one, but two Titans got shot this week.  And yet Starfire somehow got powers after getting shot in the chest while I doubt Nightwing will die despite being shot in the neck and we last see him getting ganged up on by an angry mob.  Maybe Wonder Girl will show up and save him.


Big Sky:  Okay, the show is still trash, Drew Carey’s brother having a twin brother is one of the dumbest twists in the history of television, but I kind of like the new psychopath in town.

Sunday, October 03, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: October 3, 2021

Billions:  Wait, did the guys at Billions actually buy the Wu-Tang album so they could have Bobby use I as a gift or was that just a fake version?  The last we knew, the US Government seized it from the Pharma Bro and sold it at a secret action to an undisclosed buyer.  Did Billions in real life buy it so they could make it seem like Bobby bought it?  Do they know who bought it and borrowed it for the scene?  This is the most interesting part of the show in multiple seasons.  Inquiring minds want to know.


But a lot of family feuding this week.  I did not think Chuck Sr. would put his kidney over his kid, but there he was doing just that and Chuck Jr. used it against him.  Then Sacker sets up her father.  Finally there was Mike prince using his daughters as pawn.  All to bring down Bobby.  Though we have seen this before.  Chuck nails Bobby to the wall in the penultimate episode, but then Bobby somehow wiggles out in the finale.  Let me predict that the Prince daughters are the reason why Bobby manages to avoid jail this time around.  The show would be much better if Bobby just goes away and just have Chuck battle Mike Prince and/or Taylor.  Or just have the three do a Mexican standoff and target each other now that Bobby is out of the way.


The Walking Dead:  So the secret room in the floor also had an escape route?  How paranoid were the people who originally lived in that house?  I also have a lot of questions about the creepy Halloween house.  Number one, how did those people survived?  What did they eat?


American Rust:  So are we supposed to believe shady drug dealer guy?  His story lines up with what we know.  Though he never does say that he saw Billy land the fatal punch, just that he say him fleeing.  For now I will take shady drug dealer at his word but I think that it was Isaac that hit him.  But then why didn’t shady drug dealer ID him?  Was he hiding somewhere?  And why were Billy and Isaac there in the first place with the stolen money?  Were they there to buy drugs and were hoping to resell it for a profit?  All I know is I could do without Isaacs travels out west.


Y: The Last Man:  Oh, finally assumes Y is just a chick who transitioned.  And I do like the weird, and kind of evil, scientist.  But I still do not understand this escape plan.  So they stole two planes, put the two pilots in the same plane and crashed it.  But is no one missing the second plane?  Did they make the second plane look like it crashed?  But wouldn’t there being two people in the one plane and no bodies in the second place cause suspicion too?


La Brea:  So does show take place in the Godzilla vs. Kong extended universe?  There seems to be the same portal to a place where time forgot in the show.  Though it does not seem to be some inner Earth realm but time travel since the husband found the necklace.  But how exactly did a concussion make him see in the past.


Only Murders in the Building:  Oh hey, a very special episode of the show.  But is it special or more of a gimmick now?   It seems like everything that attempts to be prestige television tries one of these types of episode once a season.  I wish the show only went quite when it was in the deaf guy’s point of view.  I made no storyline sense that Steve Martin had a silent date.  It certainly was not plausible that Steve Martin could keep his mouth shut, even during a funeral he was crashing. 


Still, there were a lot of revelations this week.  The other Hardy Boy’s death was more of an accident, though Nathan Lane still blackmailed Tim Kono.  Then the Lane family business is stealing from the dead which presumably Tim Kono was getting his jewelry from.  Despite Nathan Lane explaining why he is funding the podcast with the keep your enemies closer, I still do not buy him, or his kid, as Tim Kono’s killer.  Since a lot of my theories went out the window this week, here is my new one:  Nathan Lane is not the ringleader who is blackmailing Lane and then blackmailed Tim through Lane’s blackmail, but then killed Tim after the ringleader found out Tim was skimming off the top.


Stargirl:  The was an SNL sketch a while ago where a bunch of evil scientists were at a convention and one of them just crossed a preverbal line and the rest were like, we are evil, but we are not that evil.  That was what went through my mind while watching this episode.  Sure, Thanos wanted to wipe out half of all living creatures, Darkseid wanted to wipe out all of humanity, but at least neither was just outwardly racist the way Eciplso was this week.  There have been some evil comic book supervillains, but I do not remember any of them being just outwardly racist.  C’mon, Eclipso, maybe turn it down a notch.  I have a feeling all the other comic book supervillains would be saying they may be evil, but they are not that evil.  Dude made Hour Man go to prison, yet what he did to Dr. Mid-Nite seemed much worse.  So now Hour Man is in prison, S.T.R.I.P.E. is destroyed, Wild Cat turned in her costume, Is Star Girl next?


Supergirl:  So what was Supergirl’s trial?  Does she need the courage to let people die and not save everyone?  Does she have to keep trying with every totum?  Is just going to continually fail until the very last totem?  I hope that is not the rest of this season.  But I completely forgot about Miss. Teschmacher.  So she shot the reporter?  I had to look her up to remember what exactly happened to her.  So Lena turned her into A.I. after being Lex’s spy at Catco.  But Crisis wiped all that out and she instead turned into an assassin that killed Supergirl’s dad.  What?!?


Wu-Tang: An American Saga:  Okay, this was easily the best episode of the whole series.  Why wasn’t the show this from the beginning showing how each song was constructed with everyone in a room and the weird vinaigrettes?  Instead we spent too much time in the first season following RZA around, with Ghostface Killah as a sidekick.  The group is much better together.  Hopefully the show can now kick into high gear.


Survivor:  It is almost as is Probst went to his team and said, come up with the most convoluted advantage as you can possibly come up with and this three way Idol was it.  So does dude have to talk about butterflies at every challenge or does he just have to do it once?  And what is their obsession with making people lose their votes this season?  Since no one else said the special phrase, dude lost his vote this week.  You can lose your vote if you roll the dice at Tribal Council.  You can lose your vote with the stupid wheel is you risk your vote, though that one is now moot because everyone now knows to discuss what to do prior to splitting up.


The girl’s alliance was also pretty dumb this week.  Now we are seeing why women have not won in so long.  The nerdy chick saw the advantage, knew what else had to be said at the challenge, but still strong-armed everyone else to vote for the doctor because she was scared.  But guess what, dude still has his Extra Vote, may get his vote back with an Idol next week and guess who he is targeting then?  If the other girls were smart, they still vote for the guy with all the advantages and it would have been 2-1-1.  Or just get rid of the old chick because she is too unpredictable an hope dude does not get the Idol next week.


The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies: There is an old saying in sports that a playoff series does not really start until a road team wins.  If feels like this season is not going to start until a veteran is sent down into the Lair.  Sure, Bamber already went down, but that someone how did not start a free for all and the veterans’ alliance still somehow stayed intact and there was not even retribution against Fessy.   So a veteran will definitely be going down to the Lair next week.  Though even then, the Agency could still send down two rookies so maybe the season will not really start until two or more veterans go down to the Lair and one goes home.


But I feel bad for Pricilla.  Finally a rookie catches on to what the veterans are doing, except she let her blind hatred of Smashley get to her and took Smashley’s partner Josh.  Who just so happens to be the most annoying and most incompliant person she could have picked.  She could have had Kyle, or even Devin would have been a better pick.  But it is amazing, that Cory, who seemingly got a new partner every week last season, 



In the Dark:  Really, all this for the lesbian roommate to be working at a pet store and it was the real girl being trapped in the basement?  What a waste of a season.  And why is creepy kidnapper just letting them live?  This whole season has been really stupid.


Doom Patrol:  So Larry does not eat and Robot Man cannot eat, so just how exactly can they turn back from zombies by eating Niles’s brain?  That is some comic book logic right there.  But is that it for Niles?  It is hard to come back after someone eats your brain.  But this is a comic book and people have come back from worse and there is a time travel machine right out there.


But time traveling lady is just going to break her promise to Niles?  And Rita found the flight suit that was won by the other her that kept her from escaping.  Time travel lady does kind of look like an older Rita, though rarely does someone gain an accent as they get older.  And Rita does not age.  Could time travel lady morph into Rita?  She was able to morph into furniture, maybe another version of herself without memory loss has better control of that morphing abilty.


Titans:  So Wonder Girl comes back to life and somehow in the vicinity of Batman who seemingly was trying to kill himself and now she hopped on a plane back to Gotham without any mention of that?  And are there no direct flights into Gotham?  Then where did Raven come from?  Did she come back at the same time as the other chick who was testing Wonder Girl?  This show is just yadda-yaddaing a lot here.


Big Sky:  Just when I thought the show could not get any more dumb, apparently the sheriff who somehow got shot right in between the eyes and somehow survived only to be murdered by his wife has an evil twin brother who seeming is keeping the creepy dude as a farm animal.  Why?  Who knows.