Showing posts with label 57 Channels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 57 Channels. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 29, 2024


Snowpiercer:  The show ends like it began, with the tailies fighting to take control of Snowpiercer.  Apropos I guess.


Only Murders in the Building:  More Ben Glenroy double?  If he keeps showing up, I may have to put him on my murder board.  Of course, that is if he survived the episode.  It would be funny if they killed off Paul Rudd twice.  I certainly do not think the Brothers sisters did it.  And it is not just because it is way too early to for them to find the murderer.  We still need a why and a why now.  Then there is also the how: how did they get access to both apartments.  Of course if it is not them, what about the shoes?  Are we just going to learn that it is a common sole? 


 Tell Me Lies:  I was skeptical that Lydia’s brother possibly raping Pippa caused their riff in the future, but now I think that just might be it.  And since he did the same thing to Diana’s sorority sister, it seems even more likely that is what he did to Pippa.   But it surprising that we are over halfway through the season and we are just at October.  I wonder if they are going to just do one semester this season.  But it was a bit disappointing with an episode entitled, Evil, Ornery, Scandalous, and Evil” and not overt Sublime reference inside of it.


Survivor:  Nothing like an episode entitled, “Epic Boss Girl Move” to spoil that someone in the bro alliances was going home.


The Challenge: Battle of the Eras:  Sigh, another week, another Era 1 player going home.  This is getting boring.


Agatha All Along:  The first episode was very entertaining, but many they should have stuck with a new prestige parody every week because I am not looking forward to a new Witches’ Road trial for the next month.  This week’s episode really drug along.


The Ark: Oh way, they really made it to an inhabitable planet.  Though, I have a feeling something might happen in the finale that will keep them on the ark even longer.  They are trying to blackmail people into blackmailing other people on the ark.  Maybe that is not the place to stay very long.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 22

Snowpiercer:  So not only did the big haired scientist we just met put the Earth into deep freeze, but he also turned out to be Alex’s father?  What big reveal related to him do they have in the finale?


Only Murders in the Building:  Whatever Paul Rudd was doing last season, it did not work for me. He just cannot do unlikeable very well. His character came off more like a SNL sketch. Now his weirdo Irish stuntman, this was hilarious. Nice to see with all the big names they brought in this season, they still held a few things back.

Ever since Mabel was kicked out of the Arconia, I have been wondering how she would get back in. I could have never guessed that it would be squatting in a killer’s apartment. Though It is pretty obvious the Portugal guy is not the killer, the killer was just taking advantage of the empty room. Could the killer be the Paramount producer? It is obviously way too early to reveal the killer and she will just be a red herring. I am guessing she had some connection to Sazz and that is why she was there. Maybe Sazz got her to be an investor. But why the gun, and why point it at the trio who she has met?


 Tell Me Lies:  Oh Diana, what the fork are you doing?  And why do these women keep on coving for this douchebag?  No wonder he is just walking around in the future timeline, these girls keep on giving him alibis and covering up his crimes.


Survivor:  There is always someone who breaks the cardinal rule of playing to hard early in the game and gets set home because of it.  Oh well.


The Challenge: Battle of the Eras:  Why are people still scared of CT?  The guy put on a bunch of pounds since his last season.  It was not at all surprising he lost.  It was a lot more surprising that Tina was so good at removing nails. 


Agatha All Along:  Okay, that was fun, though I kind of wish we had gotten more parodies of prestige television kind of like how Wandavision was a walk through the history of sitcoms.   That should have been the first season and then the witch’s road could have been the second season.

The Ark: This felt too much like the alternative universe episode from earlier this episode, just with less people.  Though it was hilarious that Garnet basically ghosted the clone after they got back. 


Sunday, September 15, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 15, 2024


 Snowpiercer:  Um… didn’t Layton spend more time outside unprotected than the guy who froze to death a couple episodes?  But are we going to get a full out battle next episode?  Might as well go out with a bang.


Only Murders in the Building:   Celebrities playing exaggerated version of themselves can be tricky.  I was not really feeling the new Three Amigos after the first episode.  But by the end, the Perfect Strangers montage, unhinged va Longoria, and Eugene Levy getting punched in the face were extremely hilarious.  I also did not like Howard last season.  He just seemed forced as the stage hand, though I like him much more as basically a thankless unpaid intern for the podcast.  Though, now I am wondering what happened to his boyfriend?  Probably hanging out with all of Mabel’s exes in obscurity never to be heard from again. 


But that was an ominous ending.  Who was that weirdo on the other end?  And could that be Melissa McCarthy?  I kind of assumed that she would be playing Jan in the movie, but being some weirdo might be the better role for her.


 Tell Me Lies:  I was excited to get more of the future timeline in the first season, but now it kind of feels like a momentum killer.  Especially since it was a silly duel bachelor / bachelorette party which was only done to get Lucy and Stephen in the same room at the same time.   The earlier timeline remains more interesting.   Great scene with Lucy fulfilling her promise of outing Stephen’s secret if he continues to mess with her.  But she made one crucial mistake in not telling Diana that one of her sorority sisters saw Stephen and Macy together that night.  Now the question is, what, if anything does she do with that information.  Stephen is not in prison in the future, so it seems like nothing is a good guess.


The Old Man:  So the old man was not hallucinated the bad guy at the end of his episode?  But I am confused how Maeby went from having a fight to the death with her father to caving hunting with each other.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 8, 2024

Snowpiercer:  Oh hey, Melanie is still around.  But did they just reveal that the nerdy scientist caused the deep freeze?  That is a very big twist to present this late in the show.


Only Murders in the Building:  I was wonder about that what happened to what Sazz wrote.  Of course Mabel knows of the forensic stuff that will show you where blood (and other bodily fluids) was.  As we learned, that was the phase that was used when they switched out Charles for Sazz.  But how actually does that help with the investigation?  Hopefully this is not another misunderstanding like the Savage-Sandwich mistake from season 2.


I have also said that I do not believe someone is actually dead until I see a body.  Though, I am not sure if someone seeing their ghost counts as seeing the body.  I guess the cops can do a DNA test on the ashes which should confirm or not that is Sazz (though again, until there is a flashback, I may still have a sinking suspicious that she could have planted some DNA in the ashes).  Detective William’s return in season three cannot be topped, but her coming in with a SWAT team comes close.


Right after season three ended, Jan was very high on my murder board; her old apartment was even on the other side of the Arconia.  Granted there does seem to be retconning of that side of the building to make them all seem like weirdos.  But at least they are very funny weirdos.  I wonder how much time we will spend over there.  We still need to meet Christmas guy, and I have to image Charles will have a run in with the person with the hall pass.  We also need to figure out what is up with the pig. 


But back to Jan, it does not seem like she was involved, she definitely seemed too distraught to have killed Sazz, and of course there was the whole being in jail alibi.  So, if not Jan, who?  Clearly it was someone in the creepy room.  But whose room is that and what is with the pig?  Of course there has to be something more to that because I am sure they can figure out whose room that is from the person that took over from Bunny.


 Tell Me Lies:  Ooo, two future scenes in the premiere, there were only two of all last season.  But there were none in the second episode, so I wonder if we will get any more scenes until the final.  I was guessing there might be and that is why they shaved off Stephen’s hideous wig, so they would not have to keep putting that ferret on his head.  But why exactly is Lydia mad at Lucy for?  Does she get her brother in trouble for maybe raping Pippa?  It did seem like whatever she is mad about, it happened more recently to have been something that happened in sophomore year.  But I did call very early that Diana was Pippa’s secret lover.  Granted, it pretty much had to be her unless it was someone we had not met yet.


The show was a bit vague with what happened to Wrigley’s brother.  Where is he?  Was there ever a follow up about Macy?  It seemed like every at the party last season was able to figure out that what Wrigley and his brother were talking about was about Macy.  I do wonder if we will see the brother at all this season, the actor is no longer listed in the cast.  Could they really kill him off-screen?  I have always assumed since he is not at the future wedding that he is either dead or in jail.  I am more leaning towards dead every passing episode.


But poor Bree, she was the only pure character at the end of last season.  Now it seems like all these heathens have finally been able to corrupt her and she might actually hook up with… Lucifer?  That is really going down a dark path.  Now the question is, has she learned that the person Evan cheats on with was Lucy by the engagement part?  If not, will it come out sometime after the party, but before the wedding?  Hopefully we do get more than future scenes this season than just the end of the season.


The Challenge: Battle of the Eras:  Trivia is always the best challenge, but for some reason they really try to mess it up.  Why did two people get dunked every wrong question?  Why did the person who answered wrong not get dunked?  Also Challenge trivia is not the most entertaining as it is more entertaining when they mess up fourth grade knowledge.


Sunday, September 01, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: September 1, 2024


Snowpiercer: I feel like I missed an episode, I do not remember what happened to Roashe at all.  But we are getting the inevitable teamup between Wilford and Layton.  I am sure that will end well.


Orphan Black: Echoes:  Apologies for the “Thanos was right” type statement, but is cloning the smartest people in attempt to solve climate change and other major issues at the time really that bad?  Sure, very unethical to do this without permission but it should do more good than harm.  But a bad ending to a bad show.  I audibly laughed when the bad guy killed the younger Jessica Jones only for there be another one with a bad wig.


Only Murders in the Building:  Backula!!!  Though, he is kind of on top of my murder board after the first episode.  But the big question is: is he a good enough shot to kill someone from across the street and through glass?  Maybe I should scroll through his IMDB to see if he has any sniper experience.  There were moments that I thought maybe Sazz did not die as my number one rule in television shows, if you do not see a body, then they are not dead (and even if you see the body, there is still a chance they are not really dead).


I guess the Bulgarian replacements pretty much confirm it was her, but I still go back to my number one rule on television.  Until I see a flashback, I will probably still have an inkling she somehow survived.  But then who is the body?  Could Sazz have put something in the incinerator and have spare parts to make people think she is dead?  Though the killer presumably cleaned up after themselves.  It is weird that the camera made note of Sazz writing something with her blood, but the killer then cleaned it up.  Unless some forensic equipment will be able to detect it.


The Challenge: Battle of the Eras:  Well, looks like Tony Time is already over.  Moron.  I usually complain whenever the peanut gallery helps one contestant, but that was just karma that everyone ganged up on Tony.


The Ark: Myonly take away from this episode: nerd sex.  I am kind of glad this is not on premium television.  I am not sure I wanted to see a more graphic version of that scene.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 25, 2024

Snowpiercer:  It was pretty obvious on Lost when someone was going to die.  One of the lesser characters would get their own episode and die at the end.  With an episode entitled, The Engineer, my first thought, oh, that dude is going to die.  But then they talked about Melanie being the head engineer so I thought maybe she was the titular character.  Nope dude died at the end.  Why didn’t he put on a space suit thing?  Kind of an easily avoided death.  And don’t they need an engineer to run the train?


But just a week after saying the new antagonist was no Wilford, Wilford actually shows up.  About time.  We are halfway through the season.  He wasted no time going full Wilford just messing with everyone.  Welcome back.


Orphan Black: Echoes:  Really, of all the aunts that could have shown up?  If you cannot get any of the clones, at least bring in Uncle Donnie instead.  Oh well, thankfully only one episode left.


The Challenge: Battle of the Eras:  Ugg, This could have been an epic elimination with so many annoying people going home.  Instead, Paulie and Amanda were the only ones I was happy to go home.  But why was that stupid block a door challenge the iconic Era Four elimination?  Was it just because scrawny Jay managed to be CT?  But all that told me was that the challenge makers have been slacking for the last ten seasons.


The Ark: So who blew up the gen three clones?  Are we finally going to meet the Eastern Allience? 


Sunday, August 18, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 18, 2024


Snowpiercer:  This season is really missing Wilford.  The new baddies are kind of boring.


Orphan Black: Echoes:  So is no one actually going to check the dental records on the dead body.  And isn’t just the lower jaw remaining highly suspicious? 


The Ark:  Kind of a filler episode since Eva’s brother gets introduced and dies in the same episode.  But we did learn Eva was once part of the Eastern Alliance.  Though those bad guys are not very fleshed out, just a couple fleeting mentions.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 11, 2024


House of the Dragon:  My sister changed her phone plan which means no more HBO for Life for her, which means no more free Max for me.  And of course she had to make the change just in time for me to miss the season finale.  Sigh.  Adding insult to injury, it seems like I am not eligible for the Hulu/Disney/Max bundle since I get Disney for free and/or I am on the Hulu yearly plan.    


Snowpiercer:  That seemed like an unnecessary obstacle to keep Layton from going after his kid.  Of course he was going to go.  But I an still wondering what is special about that kid.


Orphan Black: Echoes:  I completely missed there was an older version of Jessica Jones in the current timeline.  But I guess that shows just how little I am paying attention to the show.  I am just counting down until the season ends.


The Ark: Okay, so the alternative reality part of the episode was fun.  But did Cat get swapped back?  And did they just lose some red shirt in exchange for the husband?  And just what happened to the daughter?  I am surprised we did not see her.


2024 Olympic Games:  There are plenty of dumb events at the Olympics, but competitive breakdancing just may be the dumbest.  The song selection was pretty weak.  Most of the songs I made it through before turning this off sounded just like generic computer generated beats.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 4, 2024


House of the Dragon:  I complained about the lack of deaths at the end of the last couple episodes.  Well, we got more than a few this week.  But of course the two silver heads we have been randomly checking in on all season ended up being the two that claimed the dragons.


Snowpiercer:  A peacekeeping unit authorized to use force.  How ironic.  Disappointing no one pointed that out to them.   But I feel we need a lot more background on them and why they are stealing children.


Orphan Black: Echoes:  Nice casual mention that we go to Mars in forty years.  But shouldn’t we colonize the moon first?  I honestly forgot what else happened this week.


The Ark:  So they are just going to end every episode this season with a wild cliffhanger?  Last week it was the sentient lightning, and this week the Irish dude just disappears.  Though the promo monkeys spoiled it is a multiverse situation.  I guess this is how they bring back the generic hot blonde.   I wonder if this is how they introduce the one dude’s daughter that may or may not have been killed.  Considering how Trust brings up his dead wife at every chance, they will probably bring her back too.


2024 Olympic Games:  It seems like every Olympics I find a new weird sport to get transfixed by.  This time around it was Slalom: Kayak Cross.  There are three to four kayaks on the course at the same time, they drop them all from a one story building, and there is a point in the course where they were required to capsize their kayak and go underwater.  This is going on my must watch list for future Games.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 28, 2024


House of the Dragon:  Meh, another episode where no one died at the end.  Instead Seasmoke tried to hook up with a bastard even though supposedly supposed to be tied to a dragon until you die.  So is that just an old wives’ tale or is that guy whose name I forgot dead?  I am also getting tired of Daemon’s This Is Your Life every episode.  And really, after forking his mom, anything after that is going to be a letdown.


Snowpiercer:  I thought for sure when the bad guy pulled off his mask, was going to turn out to be Wilford.  I certainly was not expecting Phil Coulson.  I wonder if Coulson has run into Wilford at some point.  Though we are really going to need an explanation of where these dudes were hiding this whole time.  I guess there might be pockets, like that one scientist survive at her station before being rescued.


Orphan Black: Echoes:  I am confused after this episode how exactly they made a copy of an old chick that turned into a teenager.  Maybe I just do not care enough to pay attention.


The Ark: Why do I have a feeling about the talk about loyalist to the evil chick being everywhere will have repercussions later this season?


2024 Olympic Games:  I really liked the boats and the interspersing of the parade of athletes and the show.  Though I do not understand why there were so many non-French people who participated, especially those who carried the torch.  Feels like NBC said to the IOC, we pay the most for this, make sure you include some participants that the American audience knows.  It was also a bit disappointed that the Assassin’s Creed guy was never explained.   

Sunday, July 21, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 21, 2024


House of the Dragon:  Meh, another episode where no one dies.  But hey, we did get a Daemon sex dream with his mother.  That was messed up.  When you are having sex dreams about your mom, maybe it is time to leave.


Orphan Black: Echoes:  Will people really be arguing Celine Dion vs. Mariah Carey in thirty years?  Is anyone arguing them today?  Are they really going to be the Beatles or the Stones for Gen Z? 


The Acolyte:  Well, we all knew Yoda was alive during this time period.  But will be see more of him on the show?  It was critically panned, met with a resounding “meh” by fans, and does not seem to be doing well by the streaming numbers.  This was supposed to revitalize the Star Wars franchised but ended up being a muddled mess, well, outside all the Jason Mendoza jokes.  Oh well, there is always Skeleton Crew supposedly coming later this year.


The Ark: Usually I need a lengthy YouTube recap to help me remember what is going on between shows, but after watching a lengthy YouTube recap of the first season and still came away remember none of that happening nor any of the characters.   This is one of the least memorable shows ever.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 7, 2024


House of the Dragon:  Oh hey, Sheila the She-Wolf, she is not suspicious at all.  So what exactly did she do the Daemon to see young Rhanera?


Orphan Black: Echoes:  Now I feel stupid.  I thought the scientist looked so much like the French chick from the original, I did not realize that was Kira until Felix showed up and called her “monkey.”  But in my defense, how was I supposed to know that was her if someone did not shout Keeeeeeeerrrrrraaaaaa?  But Felix added some much needed levity.  Now if only Uncle Donnie shows up.  Though I have a feeling Donnie and Alison probably died a long time ago. 


The Acolyte:   Was that unknown planet supposed to look like the planet where Rey found Luke?  It would be hilarious if there was some Sith temple on the other side of the planet unbeknownst to each other.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 30, 2024


House of the Dragon:  So is each episode this season going to end with a tragic death of a character or characters we barely know?


Orphan Black: Echoes:  When the blonde showed up in the first scene, I thought to myself, she looks exactly like the French chick in the original, yet she does not have an accent.  Why would they cast someone who looks just like her?  Oh, it is because she is her niece.  But this reboot could really use a Alison / Donnie type couple.


The Acolyte:   Bortles!!!!!!  I knew it.  But that was one of the worse kept secrets in TV history.  You could tell he was the master by the end of the trailer.  But is there anyone else left on this show after this episode?  Is it just Jason Mendoza, Sol and the twins?


The Chi:  The episodes started off with a three minute “previously on” showing Douda terrorizing everyone else in the cast.  Gee, I wonder what will happen in the episode.   At least we did not have to wait very long to see his dead body.  Unfortunately we got an “eight hour earlier” title card which meant we still had to wait to see who actually killed him.  But even that was a fake out in who actually did it.  While Douda being killed was not very shocking, we did get an actual shocking death.  Though I do not understand why you would kill that guy considering you just saw her try to kill Douda for attempting to kill her son.  What do you think she will do to you for killing her son?  The new kingpin will not likely be in that position for very long.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 23, 2024


House of the Dragon:  Child murder in the first episode?  Welcome back to Westeros.  But I have to say, this episode actually felt more… fun than the first season which seemed to be humorless and a bore.  This felt more like Game of Thrones at least in tone.  Going back to the wall also Helped a little.  Hopefully we get more non-Targaryen this season to break up the monotony.


The Acolyte:   So Jason Mendoza is definitely the Master and they are barely even trying to hide it.  Though did he really have time to cut himself down, beat the evil twin to the Wookie and double back so he could surprise everyone?


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  You would think with all the stupid carnival games, Ace would have had an advantage, except he still came in last.  Oh well, ho home ending like much Challenges end.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  Wait, did this show actually come up with a competent ending?   And I did not realize how much that dude looked like Skeet Ulrich until he pulled off that mask.  But they had to ruin the competent ending with the stupid postscript.  The undead serial killer is just way too clichĂ©d


The Chi:  I looked at the clock with just moments to go and thought to myself, literally nothing has happened in this episode yet… and moments later they blew up a kid.  Oh, wait, that was just a fake out.  Oh well, at least we had one child murder this week on television this week.  But they have to finally take down Douda for that in the finale, right?

Sunday, June 16, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 16, 2024


The Acolyte:   Not that the first two episodes were barnburners, but this episodes just ground the momentum to a halt.  And I am confused.  Just how were the kids created?  Why was the evil twin so mad at the Jedi since she started the fire?  What happened to the witched?  And where the fork was Jason Mendoza?!?


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  Poor Flora, had to limp away from the challenge.  Even TJ could not give his usual vitriol for quitters.  But they really need to do more carnival/backyard games so they do not kill one of these contestants that are closer to AARP than college.  In an ideal world, there would be a 40 year old minimum so people like Flora can have a chance.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  So they are really going to wait until the final to confirm if Bloody Mary is actually Imogen’s mother or not.  Way to drag that out.  Meh. 


The Chi:  Wait, Douda and Dwayne Wayne know each other?  Did we know that?  But Victor getting off on a technicality was a little silly.  I wonder if his political career will have blowback from the arrest.  But even sillier was that one chick wants Douda dead, had a gun to the back of his head, but just walked away.  They are really going to drag this out as long as possible.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 9, 2024


The Acolyte:   So Jason Mendoza is definitely the Master, right? If so, he will go from playing a solemn monk who was secretly a goofball to playing a goofball who is secretly a Sith (which basically and evil Jedi and Jedi's are monk-like).  He better throw a Molotov cocktail sometime this season.


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  I feel like this show has an unusual number of color blind people on this show.  You would think the amount of times a contestant brings up being color blind, they would stop doing these color specific challenges.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  The Hell House was hilarious; though I am not sure it was supposed to be.  But Bloody Mary is Imogen’s mother.  Huh?  But I guess when the twist in the original show was that Alison’s brother turned out to be her other brother’s girlfriend, this makes more sense.  So is this a twin situation or is Imogen just crazy.


The Chi:  When is the men’s group going to finally stop talking about dealing Douda and actually do something?  Well, besides the previous failed assassination attempt.  But baby-daddy twist was a bit too soap-opera like.  Does the timeline even work?  She was gone a very long time and was not showing when she was rescued. This seems more like a retcon more than a plot twist.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 2, 2024


The Veil:  Well, that was a confusing ending.  But to be honest, I really was not paying close attention.


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  I am annoyed whenever the peanut gallery helps during elimination, but why was Leroy not louder in telling Kam she was missing ball?  Ugg, we could have gotten rid of Cara Maria.  And now she has a star.  But really lame Laurel did not come down.  You gotta get that star sometime.  There may only be an elimination or two left.


Under the Bridge:  I guess that is why they made Warren seem sympathetic despite doing some horrible things.  The postscript made it seem like he turned his life around afterwards.


Hacks:  I am starting to get tired of the hate each, but now the like each other and back again of this show


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  With it being Friday the 13th, I thought for sure the movie nerd was going to be targeted this we.  But running barefoot was one of the weaker trials so far.


The Chi:  It is weird seeing protests on the show about defunding the police, a phase I have not heard in a while, when the professional protesting class has moved on to Ceasefire.  But Victor went and got arrested.  Is he finally going to turn on Douda?  What actually can he do at this point if his DNA is at the crime scene and Douda’s is not?

Sunday, May 26, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 26, 2024


The Challenge All-Stars 4:   Oh poor Cara Maria, all the manipulation did not work this time and she lost her star.  I was wonder why Averey would not want to go down against a vertically challenged person in a jumping challenge, but it did look like Tina’s trampoline was a little higher so I wonder if they did adjust it for height.  But as funny had it been to take Kam’s place and then take Cara Maria’s star, annoying the two who have been trying to manipulate things the last couple weeks, maybe it was best politically.  Still, Averey needs a star bad because there are likely not many more chances.


Under the Bridge:  Wait, do they really have co-od juvie in Canada?  The pregnancy rate has to be sky high there.  But this show is trying way too much to try and make Warren sympathetic.  At the very least he kicked a defenseless girl.  He deserves what he gets.


Survivor:  I kind of liked the new final challenge, much better than the usual standing until ssomeone drops or that stupid catch the balls contraption.  With that said, what a hilariously bad ending to a hisleriously bad season.  I really hope very few “New Era” players return for season 50.


Hacks:  That was kind of cheap to have Debra lose out on the late night gig only for her to get it two episodes later because the guy they pick would rather do some crappy bio-flick by some no name writer.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  The doctor getting mysteriously pushed hurts my she is Bloody Rose theory… though that she did not see anyone is suspicious.  Maybe she did not see anyone because she threw herself down the stairs.


The Chi:  Wait, was the Jesus at the start of the episode supposed to look like Victor with dreads because that was who I thought that was when I first say that.  Maybe it was meant to look like him to remind us of him since he took the episode off.  But did we know that Victor’s buddy and Douda henchman was also the weed grower’s daddy?  That just make all the attempted murder going back and forth more messy.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 19, 2024


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  Trivia is usually the best week, but Challenge trivia, especially about the season they are doing, was kind of lame.


Under the Bridge:  Oh joy, more unnecessary flashbacks.


Survivor:  Lol, four straight people go home with an Idol thinking Q was the target; Q finds an Idol and finally gets voted off.  This season is so stupid. 


Hacks:  Cool, they got Shooter McGavin back on a golf course.  It is probably obvious he won the tournament.  But I was a little surprised Debra did not get the job.  What are they going to do the rest of the season?  Watch her do some YouTube late night show.  I just hope the guy that got it gets canceled and they have to go with Debra as their second choice.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  Is Mouse really that stupid that her grandma with dementia was in charge of getting her to the party?  She probably should not be driving. 


A Gentleman in Moscow:  Oh yeah, I completely forgot about Chekov’s guns.  But what a heart racing finale.  Unfortunately the ending was very vague.  They used the 3:4 aspect ratio for flashbacks, I wonder what the significance of them here.   I got the sense that it was a dream sequence.   I seems like Rostov did not get out, but what happened to Anna?  It seems like she should have gotten to Finland with Osip’s help but why was she not able to get to Sofia?  Was she just to famous to not get caught like Osip suggested earlier.  They played the ending like reality where we would not learn what happened behind the Iron Curtain, but this was fictional, I would rather have gotten a definitive answer to what happened to Rostov and Anna other than some vague dream sequence.


The Chi:  So just how long of leach does Emmitt have to kill the person Douda told him to?  And will he use her to get back at Douda?

Sunday, May 12, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 12, 2024


The Veil:  I am beginning to think I would like this show much more if Josh Charles was the main character.


The Challenge All-Stars 4: I thought it was silly when Janelle volunteered to go in the first women’s elimination, which would be a very long time she would need to hold on to that Star.  But that begs the question, when is the right time to volunteer so you can get a Star.  Obviously Nicole, a firefighter would send herself in with a choice of two lightweight and a physical challenge.  So now she has her Star, but presumably she will have to try to keep it for five more eliminations with eight people left.  Though, I wonder if they do a musical chairs situation when there will be four people left when it is time for the finals, but only three Star holders.


Survivor:  Bad move by Charlie.  Marie is clearly going with I want to sit next to lay-ups at Final Tribal strategy.  She is going to get rid of him as soon as she can.  He should have teamed up with Venus and Liz and do his own lay-up strategy.  But how stupid can Venus be.  Two straight weeks Q was the decoy to get out someone with an Idol.  Why would she think that would change this week? 


Hacks:  Wait, Debra is all of the sudden offended by jokes.  Making things makes less sense, she grew a conscious the episode right after her very own Roast.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  So are they just doing a reverse Friday the 13th where the serial turned out to be Jason’s mother and then Jason became the serial killer in the second movie?  But I put all my money on the shrink to be the “mom.”  But this show is still really horrible with way too many pop culture references.  Noa remains the only interesting character.  And apparently she is a lesbian now.  Cool.


A Gentleman in Moscow:  I am not sure if it were screeners and it will be added later, but my version did not give us any dates as to when this takes place.  Thankfully Stalin died and it is easy to find out that was in 1953, or 6 years since the last episode or 14 years since we last Mishka if my math is correct.


This episode answered a few questions I have had.  I wondered if the characters would ever learn what really happened to Lena and it turns out the manager knew and even had a hand into what happened to her.  I have also wondered if Rostov actually wrote the poem that saved his life and we got that answer this week too.  Now for the biggest question of the series, with one episode left, will Rostov leave the hotel?  This episode does end with him saying that they need to leave that place.  Now the question is, will he be able to get away.

The Chi:  So the cliffhanger of the mid-season finale was Victor heading off to kill Douda.  Then moments into the midseason premiere he runs into someone and was just like, naw.  Meh, just how many times is this show going to almost kill Douda before giving him a reprieve?  And now Douda will spare Emmitt if he kills the person that sent Emmitt to kill Douda.  Ugg, just kill of Douda already.  He is really bogging down the show.