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Sunday, August 02, 2020
57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 2, 2020
The Alienist: Angel of Darkness : Oh wow, only four episodes in and we already know who the killer is. Though plenty of questions remain, most importantly, why is she doing this?
You can download The Alienist: Angel of Darkness on iTunes.
The Chi: So Ronnie heard Keisha, actually went to the house where she was, heard her screaming… and left. Did he think it was best not to confront the dude and is coming back later? I know we still have four more episodes left this season, but at this point they are just stretching thing out. Though I do wonder if Ronnie is the one to save Keisha, will Kevin forgive him for shooting Coogie?
Stargirl: Wait, is Brainwave Jr. really dead? They had a memorial for him but no one discussed how he died nor did they show a body. I still think he might show up. And did Brainwave Sr. do something to the Shining Knight and is that why he is talking like Rain Man? Although since he keeps talking about dragon, that may be a Dragon King reference.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Wait, did they just kill Daisy’s mom before Daisy is born? They also seemed to imply that Fitz is dead before Deke’s mother is born. Shouldn’t they be disappearing Marty McFly style? But I am proud of myself that I actually recognized John Garrett and did not have to go to Google just to see who the fork that was like I do when characters take multiple seasons of (or are played by different actors like in the case).
You can download Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.
Doom Patrol: Ugg, they did not kill Dorothy in time. Oh well, maybe The Beekeeper will show up in time to save the world next week.
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