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Thursday, July 25, 2019
Previewing Light as a Feather: Season Two
In episode five of the new season of Light as a Feather, one character says to another, “Remember when I electrocuted you.., good times.” And I sat there thinking, um, no. And there lies the first world problem with Peak TV. Even though the show just dropped off of its episodes in the first season just nine months ago, I have to rack my brains to remember what happened. Obviously I remember a group of girls played Light as a Feather (it is the title) and then people started to die. And I do remember the protagonist ended the season with the weird growth on her back. But then things got fuzzy.
There were characters that popped up when I thought they died in the first season. Others that I thought were alive apparently were not. Then there were a few characters that came on screen making me wonder, should I know who this is. It probably did not help that they recast the leach chick’s mother. Instead of the prerequisite one minute “previously On” segment to open of the season, shows like this really to put a ten minute tutorial to remind watchers what exactly is going on.
So as a quick refresher, a group of cool girls invited the new girl to a slumber party. The new girls suggest playing Light as a Feather with a twist of telling a horror story of how each other the four other girls die. And then one of the girls dies that very way. And then another dies too. The season ends with the remaining two girls breaking the curse by playing the game again and having McKenna’s dead twin sister took the curse and sending the new girl Violet to juvy. Or so they thought as the final shot is the McKenna find the growth that was on Violet’s back.
As the new season starts, we have fast forward to Christmas, but since the show takes place in Southern California (I think) you could think it was still the summer if it is not for the elf costumes and Oh Holy Night playing in the background. McKenna is still dating the long haired dude boy next door (yeah, totally forgot that was a thing) , oh, and like I said earlier, there is a growth on her back that brings along with it pain, nightmares and blackouts. This then leads McKenna to the only person that can help her. And for that help, Violet (who does inform McKenna that the curse never made her blackout) asks for one thing in return, her freedom.
Season two of Light as a Feather is an interesting dichotomy of what two very different would do in the same predicament. Violet had no problem letting people die if that meant the curse was broken. On the other hand, McKenna refuses to play the game again which would kill four innocent people, even if it means she will be cured. But wouldn’t you know, during one ogf the blackouts, she plays with four unsuspecting people (one being the girl from The Walking Dead whom we last saw without here body attached as her head rested on a stake, so yeah, she was available for other work).
The twist of the blackout is well done. We also get a flashback to two years ago to see just how McKenna’s sister dies. We even meet someone who played the game long before Violet got cursed this season. Tomorrow only sees the first eight episodes of season two released with the last eight coming in October just in time for a Halloween binge. Here is hoping I can actually remember what happened in the first eight episodes in three months.
The first half of Light of a Feather premieres tomorrow on Hulu.
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