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Saturday, December 19, 2015
57 Channels and Only This Is On: 12/20/15
The Librarians: You would think it would get old quick, but Groundhog Day type episodes are always a high point of any series that can pull it off. Though I thought the episode turning out to being a video game instead did not add much to the story and actually drug the episode down after that reveal.
You can download The Librarians on iTunes.
Homeland: I am not sure who was more dumb this episode, whoever left the cell phone dude alone in a room with a window to jump out of, Allison's escort who gave someone suggested of treason his firearm, or Saul, who after left the room long enough for the terror suspect to jump out a window, to leave Allison alone in the operating room. Sadly I believe there are people in our intelligence agencies to do stupid stuff like this. So now we are down to one episode left, does Carrie get to the bomb in time (okay this is an easy answer, they are not going to blow up the star unless someone gives her the antidote that they gave Quinn) and does Saul find Allison before she make it to Russian soil?
The Affair: Bombshell in the courtroom, hedge fund douchebag says under oath that Noah was washing off blood in his driveway. I doubt someone that rich would lie under oath over bad feelings that happened this week. That is not to say Noah killed Scotty, it could have very well have been Allison and Noah cleaning up the mess. Or a silly red herring and Noah hit a deer even though there is no reason to clean deer blood off your car in the middle of the night. Then Cole became officially engaged this week, does that mean we will actually see the wedding next week? I wonder if they will stick to the two act structure or split it up like the hurricane episode. I kind of hope they devote the whole episode, or the very least one act, to Scotty's point of view to see what he has been up to all season. The hinted twice this season that he is the real father of Allison's kid, it would be weird if we do not actually see that affair consummated.
Quantico: Weren't we promised the identity of the bomber this episode? All we got was the gay dude admitting he was blackmailed into helping and some reveal about the FBI's head's son almost blowing himself up earlier in life, but that certainly is no smoking gun. But at least the episode gave me a good laugh at the thought of Ben Carson being at a New Years Eve party thrown by a sitting Democratic Senator. Still not even in the top ten least believable thing the show has done this season.
You can download Quantico on iTunes.
Supergirl: A hacking scandal on Supergirl... well that was kind of awkward. But anyway. After the great reveal of Martian Manhunter last week, the midseason finale was a big letdown. What a horrible ending. I thought after Supergirl and Non went after each other I thought we would get a resolution after a commercial break, except after the break there was a promo for NCIS, not even one for Supergirl or even a "Supergirl returns with new episodes..." tag. But I guess the only big new of the winter finale was Cat finally figuring out her assistant was Supergirl. Sure how she came to the realization (no way a human could have heard that conversation!) was silly and she still needed Kara to take off her glasses for confiermation, but silly is what the show does best.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.
Survivor: Second Chances: We had our very first no vote ever in the history of Survivor!!! Still, even after Probst explained the rules via a telestrator during the commercial break, I am still a little confused with what happened. And once again we has someone overplaying their hand, Kimmi just spent way too much time with Kelley and Keith. Still another great moment in what you have to put into the discussion of greatest ever. Unfortunately that was the last great moment of the season as the last two Tribals went as expected and Jeremy won in a blowout. Shame Kelley did not win that last Tribal because I would have liked to see that vote. It is a shame Probst did not do his usual, let's revote to see if you made the wrong decision because I wold like to see if Kelley had a chance. You would think Abi Maria, Cierra, and Kass would likely vote for her, maybe Keith, Kimmi, and Spencer (though I think his I will do whatever it takes for Kelley to win was just a ploy to get Jeremy to take him to the finale).
Speaking of Spencer I did find it interesting he did say he stopped watching because he kept second guessing himself as to if he should have taken out Jeremy. Of course, not taking out Jeremy / Tasha instead of sending Abi Maria to the jury was stupid. Going up against Abi Maria and Keith would have been a slam dunk. Oh well, on to the next one with a return of Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. Awesome. I loved this concept unfortunately the first time they did it was one of the worst cast season's in the history of Survivor. Hopefully they did a better time next time around even though the promo looks like half the cast get pulled from the game due to injury. But I am a little more excited for next fall, is it too soon for Survivor: Third Chances? You have everyone in the cast is available sans Jeremy. Then the only way to make the Witches Coven better would be to add Kat (or their first male member Phillip). You can also reunite original castmates Gervase, Sue, and Kelly (but she can only return if she promises not to pull out that stupid pick a number way of voting), from the second season, Kimmi and Alicia can go head to head again (maybe Survivor can rip off The Challenge and have a Rivals season) one of my personal favorites Andrea, Erik the Ice Cream scoopper deserves a third chance after being pulled from the game last time, and who would not want to see Francesca get booted first for the third time?
You can download Survivor: Second Chance on iTunes.
The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines: Since I wanted to finish all the Winter Finales (ugg) of all the fall shows before starting something new, I was did not start the new season until this week but it was worth the wait. It is so nice to have drunk Nany and crazy Camilla back in my life. The show continued its trading ideas with Survivor and stole its Blood vs. Water concept for Bloodline. But at least The Challenge is actual blood, no wives or boyfriends. Okay there is one adopted dude and I am a bid suspicious of some "cousins" while Camilla's sister lacks a Brazilian accent like Camilla and Abi Maria. The season started out strong with a deceptively great challenge with the mud hill. First it is always great to incorporate mud into a challenge, with the running water going into the dirt it made it harder to go up the hill, and of course anything physical where you have to fight for a spot is always great.
Unfortunately with all the great personalities, just in the first three episodes you had Nany and Camilla going H.A.M. as you would expect, and two bothers getting into a fight while two cousin hurled the worst insults on the show since Frank brought up gay porn and Nany's drug addled sister (how was she not here) the show is ruining this season will a really poor format. They start off putting co-ed teams in a severe disadvantage meaning they could be eligible for both male and female elimination week. Compounding this Jill goes into elimination despite eating more bugs than Jenna's cousin and Aneesa just because her cousin is a dude on a male elimination week.
And the new teams this week may not be much better. It is silly to have a bloodline go home just because their relative lost a challenge. Why change that format at all? They should have just kept the two person teams and had no co-ed (or all co-ed) teams. Or just go full Survivor and anyone can be up for elimination. Way to be stuck in the 20th century MTV by still separating the genders. I was also going to make fun of Cara Maria for managing to build a horrible team, but she actually won that first challenge and may lose her weakest teammate in the first team elimination. And if Tony goes home for turning the color of The Grinch just in time for Christmas and she can replace him with CT who we know is showing up sometime this season, she just may end up going from an embarrassingly bad team to a pretty strong one.
You can download The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines on iTunes.
Childhood's End: I kind of like Syfy's annual pre-Christmas miniseries event, just as everything goes on hiatus, here is something to watch during the holidays. I still have the last two hours to go, but this one is at the very least better than last year's attempt whose name I already forgot.
You can download Childhood's End on iTunes.
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