With that decade and a half of futility, there were high hopes for The League, the latest attempt at comedy from FX. Although despite the show’s title, it seems like the show is more about thirty somethings who refuse to grow up and participating is just one sliver of that extended childhood. Sure the draft takes up a chuck of the premiere episode (including a novel idea of coming up with the draft order) but past that, it seems like fantasy football gets pushed to the background except for the occasional blackmailing induced trade that is made (Adrian Peterson gets acquired in a disturbing way).

The League seems like it would have been a decent idea for a web series that changes along real-time with the current NFL season every week. Since The League is already filmed and in the whole I bet there may be some continuity error from actual football which is probably why they steer away from football for the most part during the second season. But for those that don’t mind crass humor of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
The League will air six straight Thursdays at 10:30 on FX (except Thanksgiving) starting tonight. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.
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