Monday, February 09, 2009

We on Award Tour: 2009 Grammy Awards

A fairly low key event this year at the Grammy’s missing the usual goosebumps moments the show is known for instead there were too many head scratching moments. Really, the big surprise of the night was Stevie Wonder performing with the Jonas Brothers. And if I am not mistaken, this was the first year they didn’t run the “Awards previously handed out earlier” segment instead opting for a “go to” to see those. Granted I am too lazy to do so. Here are some other thoughts from the night:

Bono opens up the Grammy's- Even though they were not up for any award, U2 opens up the show. Hopefully Get on Your Boots isn’t a preview of what is to come on their new album as it is just a Vertigo retread. Then we get our first awkward moment of the night with Bono throwing to Whitney Houston.

- I know they were engaged, but it is hard not to start laughing seeing I Love New York castoff Punk next to Jennifer Hudson, who takes home worst dressed award (M.I.A. gets a pass on account that she is nine months pregnant).

A very pregnant M.I.A. at the Grammy's- The biggest showdown in the night didn’t actually take place in any announced category, but between The Rock and Jay Mohr between for most uncomfortable dialogues.

- The Rock throws to the next awkward moment of the evening with Justin Timberlake rambling on about stalking Al Green or something. Granted this performance was rushed together after Rihanna canceled her performance early Sunday after she may or may not have been assaulted by Chris Brown.

- I was a little disappointed that Coldplay didn’t get served during their performance. I actually thought that was Jay-Z was doing before I recognized him. And is Coldplay winning a Grammy for Viva la Vida the musical equivalent of Barry Bonds being the home run king?

Carrie Underwood and maybe Lita Ford- Was that Lita Ford playing guitar for Carrie Underwood?

- Miley Cyrus should go back to lip-syncing Hanna Montana songs for ten year olds. Singing live just isn’t her strong suit.

- A little part of my soul died watching Stevie Wonder slumming it with the Jonas Brothers. And isn’t Superstition a little too heavy for the teens. Will they be performing Walk on the Wild Side with Lou Reed next year?

Stevie Wonder and the Jonas Brothers at the Grammy's- Do we really need a Blink-182 reunion? Certainly their sophomoric rock was fine when you’re twenty-three, but not when you are thirty-three.

- Did I miss the point of My Grammy Moment? Wasn’t it to perform with someone on stage at the Grammy’s, not having your video played on a screen behind someone for about twenty seconds? And one of the Jonas Brothers looked a little too excited during the Katy Perry performance.

- And here is why CBS is the number one network and NBC will be battling The CW soon. During their big event last week, NBC only promoted one night of television, while CBS actually spread out all their shows including upcoming ones. Although if I am Vegas, I setting the Over/Under on Harper’s Island at 5 episodes. That just looks cheesy. And can I go ahead and predict the Bride does it.

- It may be time for a Kanye West intervention. It is never a good sign when you are starting to look and dress like Michael Jackson circa Off the Wall.

- Well at least the Adele / Sugarland wasn’t as bad as when the country band joined BeyoncĂ© onstage for Irreplaceable.

- Why is USC the go to marching band? Certainly being in Los Angeles has something to do with it. But can’t someone give UCLA a little love?

- Shouldn’t T.I. be in jail by now? Since when do we let felons just wonder the country for a couple months before repaying their debt to society? To make maters worse, I have to sit through that horrible Justin Timberlake collaboration. That should add a couple more months to his sentence.

Holy Neil Diamond sighting!- Holy Neil Diamond sighting. But how do not get an all-star chorus to sing a drunken backup like has happen in every bar for the past thirty years? That could have been the highlight of the show.

- I would like to make it known I am completely against doubling and tripling up the tribute portion of the program.

- And the least surprising part of the night was the Robert Plant & Alison Krauss sweep. And that is your 2009 Grammy’s. Yay.


  1. T.I. goes 2 jail in march leave him alone.

  2. Maybe I will after he actually pays off his debt to society and stops trying to buy illegal guns.

  3. It's not time for him to go to jail yet, what do you want him to do turn himself in 45 days early? I'm sure you would do the same thing. I seriously doubt snoop dogg has never tried to buy an ilegal gun, and you know what people make mistakes maybe you should listen to the dead and gone performence that you "had to sit through" he's more succesful, and better looking than you so please dude just get a life

  4. First off you assume that a judge would allow me the choice of going in early or wait a couple months. I don't have a couple million dollars tomake that happen or to shave a decade or so off my sentance. And I if I were stupid enough to do anything illegal I would rather get it over with. The sooner you go in, the sooner you get out. Apparently Michael Vick agrees with me because that is what he did.

    Sure people make mistake, but it is the wise man that learns from them. If this was his first incident maybe I'd be inclined to forgive T.I. sooner than later but this is his multiple mistake that he has yet to learn from. Just how many mistakes do you grant people before realizing they are bad people?

    And why are you throwing Snoop Dogg under the bus like that? Do you know something that the general public doesn't? If you want to attack him for abusing illeagal substances, fine, that is warrented but you cannot suggest Snoop Dogg has tried to by any illegal guns any more than you can Al Pachino.

    And if I need to get a life, what does that say about you for attacking me for attacking T.I.? Especially when you have no idea how succesuful or attractive I am. And those are pretty abritary atributes, but you cannot argue I have been more sucessful at staying out of prison.

  5. Watch road to redemption and you'll see that T.I has changed it's on MTV
    Micheal vick is a great guy isn't he, I guess if he turns himself in early than every1 else should to, they should follow in an animal abusers footsteps
    Substance abuse weapon use same thing ok u can tell my his songs that snoop dogg has ok no need to be so naive well t.I has had 3 number 1 hits has sold millions of albums makes who knows how many millions yet you're writing a blog that not a lit of people even read and that I don't think is making u millions of dollars + I don't think that you drive a bentley. As for the attractivness T.I. Has like the smoothest skin ever and he looks so handsome and manly so judging by how u talk/write I do not think you match up to him and if you think a song I'm a is one of the best songs of the year then maybe you should go to jail. T.I. Doesn't need your forgivness

  6. You think the song I'm Yours**

  7. The reason that you need to get a life and I don't is because you attacked him 1st, I'm just defendng him so if I ever meet him he'll know I defended him and then maybe he will marry me*
