Saturday, January 10, 2009

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LXII

Quote of the Week: How was I supposed to know it was a lesbian bar? (Eliot - Leverage)

Song of the Week: Amazing Grace - Johnny Cash (My Name Is Earl)

Big News of the Week: Welcome to 2009 part II: I came to the realization this week that the Monday after New Years Day is the worst day of the year: you have to back to work after a long layoff, it’s cold, one of the shortest days of the year, all the shine has worn off your Christmas presents, and your Christmas lights are mocking you because you were too lazy to take them down over the weekend. Things got better for me later in the week when I got to interview someone that I will be sharing sometime this week. As a hint, they were not as hairy or stupid in person as you would think.

Coalition Links of the Week:
With a ton of reasons to watch TV this month, Buzz picked her 12 favorites. (BuzzSugar)

Remember the awesomeness of Sports Night? GMMR's Take 5 looks back at the five best episodes of this fantastic show. (Give Me My Remote)

Vance put Friday Night Lights at the top of his Best of Television for 2008 list! (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace offered advance reviews of the first two episodes of Season Five of Lost (and nearly passed out from excitement) and the first four episodes of The United States of Tara, as well as reviews of the Gavin & Stacey and Doctor Who Christmas specials. (Televisionary)

Ed Westwick's eyebrows? Heidi Klum's legs? Vote on which TV body part gave the best peformance in 2008! (TiFaux)

The TV Addict previewed the new season of 24 with none other than Jack Bauer himself, Kiefer Sutherland. (The TV Addict)

Raoul was shocked --shocked!-- that True Beauty sucked. (TV Filter)

Heather went searching for Easter eggs at Ajira Airlines. (TV Spy)

Rock of Love: Charm School: It is never a good sign when you are assigned to teach women manners and the crowd starts chanting your name รก la Jerry Springer. Of course had she faked fought with her guests, maybe Sharon Osborne would still have a talk show. You can also download Rock of Love: Charm School on iTunes.

My Name Is Earl: Getting the Babysitter Pregnant has to be up there as one of the dirtiest things that was on Earl’s list, I really cannot think of anything worst off the top of my head. But I really didn’t need to see Max in nothing but his underwear. But at least it wasn’t Randy. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

Free Download of the Week: The Weight of Her - Butch Walker (Borders): Number 62 on my list of the 100 Best Songs of 2008 can now be yours for the low price of nothing.

Deal of the Week: Buy One TV on DVD Get One Free (Rescue Me, Damages, Married with Children)

Also check out my First Impressions of Confessions of a Teen Idol and my Preview of 10 Items or Less.

Next Week Pick of the Week: Friday Night Lights, Friday at 9:00 on NBC: My worst decision of 2008 is quickly righted in 2009 as I finally get to see the third season of the best show on television because I was too stupid to switch over to DirecTV even though my feud with Time Warner is reaching Olberman/O’Reilly proportions. Luckily my sources (basically everyone with DirecTV) say it is worth the wait.

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