Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How Could Be so Dr. Evil

808s & Heartbreak

In true Kanye West braggadocios fashion, he recently stated that iTunes should create a new genre in their shore to put his music called Pop Art. According to Kanye, the only other artist worthy to be included in his new genre would be Pink Floyd. And as usually Kanye is somewhat right in that his new album needs to be included in a new iTunes page, but the gernre should be albums by great artist that should completely forgotten like Neil Young’s rock-a-billy album, Prince’s symbol era, Ryan Adams’ gangsta rap album, Chris Gaines, the Van Halen album fronted by the dude from Extreme and INXS being fronted by a reality contestant.

808s & Heartbreak may trump all of the above as a bad idea that ends all bad ideas. The album features Kanye singing depressingly emo songs with one of those annoying T-Pain voice modulation things over crappy French techno beats. But I guess the album does live up it its name with long titles like Welcome to Heartbreak, Heartless, Paranoid, Bad News, See You in My Nightmares, and Cold Winter.

One can assume we have the break up with his fiancĂ© to thank for this album. But as heartbreaking as it was, did Kanye really need to let us in on all the callous details. Even Taylor Swift thinks he is going over the line. C’mon, you are Kanye West, instead of getting back at her on wax, why don’t you get back by being seen with a new model at every event? Leave the uber-depressing music making to the professionals like the Counting Crows? You don’t hear them singing about ice and gold diggers.

Even the non uber-depressing songs, all one of them, are not much better. Amazing features a weak verse by Young Jezzy, the only rapping on the album, but not as lame as Kanye’s auto-tuning verses. It is baffling how some who has made three of the best albums could fall so far so fast. It is really hard to write how bad this album is so I will just stop now.

Song to Download - Heartless

808s & Heartbreak gets a Terror Alert Level: Guarded [BLUE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Kanye West on iTunes

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