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Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Case for John McCain part II
Yesterday I started my Case for John McCain as the next president of the United States of American. Here are the other reason why I will be voting for him:
Taxes (con’t): For a ticket that claims that it is patriotic to pay taxes, there are sure a lot of American workers under Barack Obama’s tax plan that will not be paying any taxes at all, some of which who make up to $50,000 a year will not have to give any of the money they earned back to the government. Talk about un-American. I have seen economist that have put that number at 40% of worker that won’t be paying any taxes. That is two in five working American that won’t have to pay any income tax at all. In fact under Obama’s plan he also plans on giving tax cuts to people that already are not paying any income tax. That means after they fill out their income tax form in April, not only will they get back anything that the government took out of their paycheck initially, they will get an extra couple thousand (courtesy of those that actually pay taxes) just because they can’t find a better job.
4) Commander in Chief: Arguable the most important part of being the president is to lead our troops and in a time a war, someone who has been in the trenches is the best person to lead those brave men and women putting their lives on the line every day. John McCain knows the price of war as he paid it for years in solitary confinement in a Vietnamese prison cell and has a deep connection with today’s soldiers with his son currently stationed in Iraq. From Iraq, he has learned that you do not engage in a war without a clear exist strategy and knows this is where we went wrong in Iraq. He know first hand what happens when information gets into the wrong hands, yet Barack Obama want to telegraph our moves with our enemies by giving them our time timetable for withdrawal, so they can play possum until that day comes. He advocates bombing sovereign counties like Pakistan without their consent, or sit down with evil dictators who would use the opportunity to grand stand as we have seen at the United Nations with leaders of Iran and Venezuela in recent years.
People can argue until they are out of breath about is it was right to invade Iraq or not, but the reality is we are their and the next president will be stuck with it. Up and leaving like Senator Obama has suggested would create chaos and ethnic cleansing we saw in the former Yugoslavia when it collapsed. A more steady hand is needed in this case to make sure the Iraqis don’t up worse than they were under Saddam Hussein and John McCain has that hand. And the American men and women deserve to come home in honor not in defeat and John McCain will bring our troops home in honor.
Even Joe Biden warns about an attack on America under an Obama presidency and apparently Joe has studied history because every president with little experience has been tested and disturbingly each of them failed: George Bush with 9/11 and the poorly handled War on Terror; Bill Clinton underestimated Islamic Extremist after the original World Trade Center bombing; Jimmy Carter mishandled the hostage crisis; and John F. Kennedy bungled the Bay of Pigs invasion. I guess that Biden was also right that the presidency is no place for on the job training.
Notice anything similar about the above president besides their lack of experience? If you said that their party also controlled Congress at the time you are correct. Things didn’t turn around for the country until Ronald Reagan became president and the Republicans took over Congress under Clinton. Obama under a Democratic led Congress will prove to be as disastrous at every other time in the country when the balance of power wasn’t in tack between the two powers.
The only time Barack Obama has been tested in a crisis, his response was, “Call me if you need me” because he was too busy blaming the Republican for the crisis and charging $100,000 to see Bruce Springsteen perform while millions of Americans were losing their life saving and houses. For the next crisis that Biden predicts we cannot have another The Pet Goat moment. In times of crisis, be it imminent danger of a cockpit during Vietnam War or a financial crisis, John McCain has shown that his is willing roll up his sleeves and try to get things down and to do what is right for the country even if his own life is at stake.
5) More of the Same: When I listen to why people are voting for Barack Obama is because he is a change agent and transformational figure. Yet if you look at his proposals, they are almost exactly the same as those ideas suggested by Al Gore and John Kerry and Obama has offered nothing new to the discussion. By his own admission, he modeled his tax plan after that of Bill Clinton’s yet when doing so doesn’t realize we live in a completely different time. When Clinton put his tax plan in place, under a Republican Congress, we were in an unprecedented time of peace with the strongest economy ever thanks to the tech boom yet Obama want to institute a similar tax plan when we are waging two wars and an economy going down faster that it was going up in the nineties. A tax code should reflect the times we are living in and the one proposed by John McCain does than.
And it seems like every time Obama speaks these days his tax code changes. During the debates, the 40% tax rate was for those making $250,000 or more but a week ago that was lowered to $200,000. Joe Biden later even lowered that number further. At this rate, if elected, by the time his tax rate goes into effect, anyone making over $50,000 will be taxed at 40%. Then of course anyone under would get their yearly check back from the government.
Senator also promised a new kind of campaign which he was able to do in some part by breaking a pledge to sit down with John McCain and work with the public financing that every presidential candidate has taken since put in to place. And he also campaigned differently because most candidates do not break campaign promises until after they get into office.
But in every other respect Barack Obama has run the same type of campaign that has been use in recent memory including using complete lies to put his opponent in different light. Obama has been caught by independent fact check organization lying about McCain’s health care plan, Obama has lied about McCain’s social security plan and Medicare, Obama lied about McCain’s stance on stem cell research (McCain is For it), Obama lied about McCain’s Education policy, Obama lied about McCain’s energy policy and even received a “Pants on Fire” rating for trying to tie McCain to Rush Limbaugh on immigration, two positions that couldn’t be further apart (McCain supports a path to citizenship while Limbaugh wants all illegal rounded up and deported them). Obama even landed the first dirty trick of the presidential campaign with the erroneous statement that McCain wants to fight a 100 year war in Iraq (McCain said it would be alright if the US kept troops there as long as they are not in harms way like in South Korea and Germany). And that isn’t even getting into all the barely and half truths that have come out of the mouth of Barack Obama. That isn’t a better type of candidate who is above dirty politics.
And Barack Obama has mastered the age old campaign tactic of pandering and double talk like chumming it up at a bowling alley in Pennsylvania then go to San Francisco and say those people cling to their guns and their religion. During the primaries, he would be down in Texas saying NAFTA was good for America then get on a plane and tell us in Ohio he would renegotiate the agreement. Despite all the environmental reports that ethanol is actually worse that crude oil on the environment, Obama back that type of fuel because Iowa is the first on the primary calendar (and since he will want to get reelected I doubt he will change his mind anytime soon, but you really can’t expect a former smoker to do what’s right when it comes to the environment when they think the whole world is an ashtray). Obama even participated in the worst type of pandering that can be done when he said he was rooting for the Phillies in the World Series while campaigning in Philadelphia, but said he was behind the Rays while in Florida. That is just unforgivable.
Obama has even managed to break the record for running the most negative campaign ever in the history of the world and even broke that record in early October. And despite the hope chatter he is not above running a campaign of fear, but instead of trying to scare us with the Boogieman like George Bush did, he want to scare your wallet with his “You cannot afford John McCain” even though he is the one with the record of voting for tax hikes and against tax cuts (97% of the time) where John McCain want everyone, just people Obama deems worthy, to keep more of their hard earned money.
Thinking of it, besides running a campaign of fear, Barack Obama, may not have voted with Bush 90% of the time, but there are plenty of similarities between the two: little experience, a dislike for taking questions be it the press or normal Americans, a God complex, history of substance abuse, a refusal to admit when he or a member of his party is wrong, shady associations, a running mate who expects to do more than what is required by a Vice President, thinks a stimulus package can cure a tanking economy Obama is as liberal as Bush is Conservative and Bush’s ability to help suppress the vote is only matched by Obama’s ability to help commit voter fraud.
Which brings me back to who I will be voting for, John McCain. Where Obama offers a complete 180 turn from George Bush, a vote for John McCain offers a change from the liberal and conservatism that have wrecked our country when in full control and will rule in the center where most people are, not just cow-tow to the Move-On and Christian Coalition’s of the world. John McCain is for the real people, the workers, the backbone of America, not just people of one narrow view like George Bush and Barack Obama. When you go into the voting booth next Tuesday, please take in consideration the case I have made for John McCain.
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