Sunday, March 09, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. XXIII

Quote of the Week: You’re asking me why? After everything I did to get you here. After everything I’ve done to keep you here. How can you possibly not understand (dramatic pause) that you’re mine! (Not-Henry, Lost)

Song of the Week: Who’ll Stop the Rain - Creedence Clearwater Revival (as sung by the lawyers, Eli Stone)

Big News of the Week: Friday Night Lights Closer to Returning: Early this week it was reported by everyone that NBC had reached a deal with DirecTV to co-broadcast the show on both station but no specifics like who would air episodes first. Well reported by everyone but NBC and DirecTV, so I am inclined to wait until an official announcement before I raise my hopes. One thing that has been officially announced is the release date for Friday Night Lights 2.x DVD set for release on April 22 for $20.99 (see right). A dollar more than the first season with seven less episodes but there will be an audio commentary for the season premiere with the producers.

Coalition Links of the Week:
With the finale of The Wire looming, BuzzSugar wondered what series have had the best finales — and which should have ended better. (BuzzSugar)

Since FX's The Riches is returning on March 18, Sandie posted some behind the scenes videos for Season 2. (Daemon's TV)

Despondent about the end of The Wire? Marcia consoles herself with a drinking game for the final episode. It's an excellent way to dull the pain of losing such a brilliant show. (Pop Vultures)

With an overview of what to expect in its second season and what she talked to Courteney Cox about, Spads tried to convince everyone to give Dirt a try. (RTVW)

Vance gets reflective when he sells out to Oprah's Big Give, reviews quarterlife without ever having seen it, and notes how unconfortably similar Matthew's relationship with Old Christine is with his own sister. (Tapeworthy)

Hungry for some more culinary-themed reality mayhem this week, Jace took an advance look at the fiery season premiere of Top Chef. (Televisionary)

Dan ventured into music videos this week, exploring the concept of Room Clearers -- songs that you 20% love, 80% hate (first up, Escape Club's Wild Wild West). (TiFaux)

Kate made a list of the top ten scary/awesome things about The Real Housewives of New York City. (TV Filter)

Welcome to the Captain: Leave it to Super Dave Osborne to finally make me laugh at something on this show. Check him into the Captain now. Who am I kidding, they aren’t actually going to film anymore episodes of this show. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or Welcome to the Captain on iTunes.

Survivor: For those keeping track at home, that is three straight fans blindside in a row. I actually thought this was the week that they were just making it look like there was going to be doubt that Chet would be voted out, but no, they actually dropped the Incredible Hulk instead. But Chet being tossed around like a rag doll may have been the funniest thing on the show in ages capped by the hilarious exchange of Chet saying he bumped his head with the Hulk saying he didn’t care. Brilliant. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

Lost: Just when I thought that things couldn’t get much worse that last week’s “Take us serious, we’re time traveling” episode, then we get this week’s worst romantic comedy ever episode. And Not-Henry certainly pulled out all the stops from the dinner party with that ended up having only two invitees to the anti-“you had me at hello” “You’re mine!” And what with magical disappearing chick from Rescue Me who really needs to lay off the botox? Was it actually her? Was it the smoke monster? Has she been with the Others the whole time? Did she really talk with Not-Henry? Check out the latest episode over at

Lost iTunes

Eli Stone: Let’s not have Eli be the case study ever again because it made for the least interesting trial to date. But the two speeches by Maggie and Jordan were great. Speaking of Jordan, am I the only one who, when hears his name spoken, initially thinks of the ex-fiancĂ© because Jordan is more of a chick’s name. Check out the latest episode over at You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.

You may have seen ads aleady for the movie 21 which hits theaters on match 28 and I may have more on it before then, but I wanted to let you know this Thursday at 7:15 PST they are having a live webchat over at the official site

Next Week’s Pick: South Park, Wednesday at 10:00 on Comedy Central: Don’t even ask me what season this show is in but the latest season debuts this week. Matt and Trey are habitual procrastinators who usually turn in new episodes hours before they air so I have no clue what is in store but there is a good chance it will be funny.

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