Sunday, January 20, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. XVI

Quote of the Week: Well sometimes the truth is stupid and ignorant. (Mac McGill, Friday Night Lights)

Song of the Week: Now That I Know - Devendra Banhart (Friday Night Lights)

Big News of the Week: Grammy’s In Doubt?: Last week saw a stripped down version of the Golden Globes (why anyone cares why about twelve foreign journalist known for taking bribes this is what are the best American movies and television shows is beyond me, but to each their own) and this week murmurs of the Grammy suffering the same fate came out thanks to the writers strike. Which left me scratching my head because the Grammy’s do not need writers to put on a good show like the Golden Globes, Emmys or Oscars which relies on bits, monologue and star actors to get viewers.

In fact writers would make for a better Grammy’s, the time they save on stupid banter (they only need to say ten words or less: and the nominees are; and the winner is (insert artist’s name)) could mean another act can perform. I don’t think they have had a host in a couple years. And certainly there are enough musicians out there they can they don’t need members of the actors guild to present. I was a little worried as we are about three weeks away and only the Foo Fighters, who will be participating in the lame My Night at the Grammy’s thing that Justin Timberlake did last year, have been confirmed to perform. Later in the week the Foo Fighters said they would indeed show up despite the strike, BeyoncĂ© said she would honor her invitation to play the show, and the Dap-Kings also said they plan to back Amy Winehouse at the show. And if Winehouse ends up being a no show it is doubtful it will not be a show of support to the WGA.

Coalition Links of the Week:

Buzz issued a bold challenge to recast Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (BuzzSugar)

Eric wrote about the French titles (translated) of American TV shows (Daemon's TV)

Liz previewed Hollywood Residential, a promising new single-camera comedy premiering Wednesday on Starz. (Glowy Box)

American Idol is back, and Mikey's life is suddenly filled with meaning once again. (Mikey Likes TV)

Marcia reviewed the second season opener of Torchwood and, for the most part, liked what she saw. (Pop Vultures)

Rae had fun talking to a fellow Buffy fan and the woman behind Kyle XY's Jessi XX, Jaimie Alexander. (RTVW)

Vance is still undecided about Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. (Tapeworthy)

Desperate for something to watch, Jace tuned into the first two episodes of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and pleaded with John Connor to wash his greasy hair. (Televisionary)

Who do you think would win a knock-down, drag-out fight: NBC's Chuck or Rami from Project Runway? (TiFaux)

Jennifer had a "biting" good time interviewing Moonlight’s Sophia Mylesabout what it’s like working on a show about vampires. (Tube Talk)

We posted an in-depth interview with Lost star Elizabeth Mitchell, who's not surprisingly far more delightful than her somewhat sinister character Juliet. (

Kate watched American Idol for the first time ever - and loved it. (TV Filter)

Michigan Primaries: I didn’t watch that much politics this week as I decided to bust out the first season of The A-Team that I got for Christmas instead, but there was an interesting development that came out of it. With Hilary Clinton being the only one on the ballot (Barak Obama and John Edwards withdrew their names because the state moved up its primary without permission), Uncommitted got 40% of the vote. To put that in perspective, on a cold, snowy day, with an election that didn’t mean anything, 8% of the state put on their coats and showed up at the polls for the sole purpose of not voting for Clinton. Democrats, I smell an unelectable problem.

But my favorite political headline of the week has to be: Sex in restroom stalls is private, ACLU says. Thank God for nutjobs like the ACLU and PETA because if not for them, who would us normal people have to laugh at?

Friday Night Lights: Holy Fracking Weevil Sighting! Too bad they didn’t give him a motorcycle. Hopefully that isn’t the last we see of him. And is it any possibility they import Kristen Bell too so they save her from the train wreck that is Heroes? But anyways. Great episode even with the lack of Landry because we got more of Smash’s mom, Glen, the still bigoted Mac (you’d think he’d watch his mouth after it got him in trouble last season), and no more maid. Check out the latest episodes over at

Promo of the Week:

I love how Mitt Romney got caught in a lie, called out for it, tried to refute the lie, they right back into finishing the lie even though the dude from the AP just let everyone know what he was saying was a lie. How scrpited do you have to be to do something like that?

Next Week’s Pick: Chuck at 8:00 and 10:00 on NBC: Darn you WGA and your silly little strike that have deprived me this year so far of posting a new Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week. Then in a bad scheduling idea not seen since ABC screwed over Knight of Prosperity, NBC is splitting the final two Chuck episodes with The Apprentice in the middle. It is dumbfounding that television executives are that dumb. For those that need something to do so you are not stuck watching Donald Trump, MSNBC is hosting the Florida Republican Debate starting at 9:00. While some candidates try to convince you that Wyoming is a real win or argue over a one delegate difference in Nevada, Florida is the first real primary. To put things in perspective, the Republicans have awarded 146 delegates (with Hawaii giving out another 20 Friday), the Democrats 92 (with South Carolina giving out another 55 Saturday). Floriday will be giving out 114 and 210 respectively. Also current delegate leaders Mitt Romney and Barack Obama still need 1122 and 2077 more respectively to wrap up their nominations.

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