Saturday, July 22, 2006

Most of All You've Got to Hide it From the Kids

Rumor Has It...

There is nothing better than finding out your family history is the basis of a book and movie especially when it’s a salacious one. That would be the premise, and pretty ingenious one, for Rumor Has It… The movie follows (Leprechaun) as she slowly starts to realize that her mother and grandmother were the people who inspired . Throwing a bigger wrinkle into her life is the possible that the real life Dustin Hoffman character could be her father.

The dude in question is (Waterworld) who plays the real life graduate even though he never did but as he tells it The Dropout wasn’t as catchy. (Cannonball Run II) is the matriarch and first female in the family to bed Costner. Then there is , who has been in almost forty films but has yet to be memorable in one, as Aniston’s fiancĂ©e who puts up with her cold feet and search for her possible father because, well, he looks like Mark Ruffalo and she looks like Jennifer Aniston. Rounding out the cast is my hero, himself as one of Costner’s business buddies.

Even though the plot is a clever one, the film sinks in its delivery which seems to be a theme in the last couple movies I’ve seen. It is like the producers, which this film actually had ten of including Ocean’s 11 duo of and , get a topic that they feel could write itself. But in this film, the laugh are far and few in between or beat to death. The funniest bits come when they reference the film especially when Aniston wonder why she wasn’t told of her family secret to which Ruffalo sing “But most of all you got to hide it from the kids.” But not all The Graduate reference are great as it sometimes felt as if you needed to just see the film to get the joke, which I haven’t in more than a decade. Another sticking point with the film was Aniston in full Rachel Green mode not getting the memo that this was a film and not a sitcom. Her overacting got old quicker as her show did (for those keeping track at home, that would be sometime around the second season).

Rumor Has It… gets a Terror Alert Level: Guarded [BLUE] on my Terror Alert Scale.


  1. LOL LOL - thank-you for all their lamest "also appeared in"'s

    Cannon Ball Run... gosh I loved that movie.

  2. I've been a little skeptical about this movie since JA is in it. I just don't think she's a great actress and after reading this, I'm inclined to pass on it.

  3. Cat sent me via Click and Comment Monday.

    Thanks for the warning on this one--I wasn't sure I'd be into it, and now I'm sure I won't be.

  4. Hi there... Here from C & C monday...

    LOL the funny thing is - I worked on that film. A pain in the ass that one was :)

  5. Christine, I always find it funny that we need to be reminded that McLaine was in Terms of Endearment or Costner in Feild of Dreams in serious reviews, my "also appears in" just pokes fun of that.

    DG, I never understood how Aniston is considered an A-List, maybe it was just because she was married to one. I can't think of one movie she was good in and she was also one of the least interesting characters on Friends (maybe not her fault).

    Serra & Michelle, thanks for stopping by.
