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Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Definitely a Trip to the Dentist
I was going to throw some pictures of the Veronica Mars Blogger Press Day except I seem to be running into some problems. For the trip, I borrowed my mom’s digital camera so I wouldn’t have change film plus I upload the pictures to my computer right away without having to get film developed. As Tony from Pardon the Interruption would ask, “How’s that working out for ya?” The answer is an obvious not very well as you can tell by the lack of pictures.
First it took her until today to find the cord that connects the camera to the computer. Then when I connected the camera to my computer it said the hardware was not compatible with XP. This officially sucks massively. Tomorrow I’m going to try to download the pictures to my mom’s computer and e-mail and hopefully that works. If you are itching to see some on-set pictures there are plenty up from the other people on the trip. The links are at the bottom of the previous post. Hopefully I will have some pictures along with my weekly round up of Lost and Veronica Mars. And without a new Veronica Mars last night and there won’t be another one until the Ides of March, I may regale you with an in-depth story from the set.
And since I spent most of the day unpacking and fooling around with the camera I didn’t have time for this month’s induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame (I knew I should have wrote that before I left for San Diego). So with my usual Toss Up tomorrow, I will save the induction for Friday.
Sorry you're having such a hard time Scooter. At least you were able to admit you *Heart* Dick.