Saturday, April 12, 2008

So Unfunny Because it's True and That's Funny

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cause God's Stopped Keeping Score

Due to circumstances out of my control, I have only gotten an hour or two of free time to get on the computer a day for the last couple week. So it was somewhat of a lark that I found this song by Carrie Underwood from Idol Gives Back, which I guess was sometime this week, when I gave a glance over at the iTunes top 25. Possibly my favorite song from a very underrated George Michael record (which begs the question, when is vol 2 of Listen without Prejudice ever going to come out?). And because of the previously mentioned circumstances, the song really hit me so I thought I'd share.

American Idol Gives Back on iTunes

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Are You Trying to Steal My Soul


Poor Amber Tamblyn, since the unceremonious cancellation of Joan of Arcadia, she has been slumming it in movies about pants, bad Japanese remakes, straight to DVD flicks, Hallmark movies and failed zombie shows. Her latest step into obscurity is with another straight to DVD outing, the psychological thriller Spiral where she plays the most interesting character. Although Zach Levi gives her a run for her money, even though with the short hair and beard looks more like Jesse Metcalf than Chuck Bartowski.

But the movie belongs to Joel David Moore (Hatchet) in every sense of the word as besides being the main character he also co-directed and co-wrote the movie. So when he is what brings down the movie, you only have him to blame because whether you blame him, how it was written, or directed, in the end it all fall on him.

Moore plays you token introvert working as a telemarketer under the eyes of Levi who has looked after him since high school and has been his only friend throughout that time. Not that Levi is the most nurturing friend who thinks being there and telling him the truths are enough. But Moore starts to turn around when he meets the carefree Tamblyn.

The big twist at the end of the movie makes things interesting, but once the twist is reveled, it is easy to predict a second twist, which turns out to be overkill. And as much Tamblyn and Levi are on throughout the movie, Moore just suck the life out of the film even with the cool jazz soundtrack.

Spiral gets a Terror Alert Level: Guarded [BLUE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

The TV Blog Coalition for April 6

Thought last week's pilot quiz was too easy? Buzz threw down the gauntlet again this week with Spot the Fake Pilot: Reality Edition. (BuzzSugar)

This week we took a look at some pictures from the new post-strike episode of Moonlight. (Daemon's TV)

Mikey finally got around to discussing the racy development in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic continuation. (Mikey Likes TV)

Pacey and Joey sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Find out the other four TV couples that make Rae weak in the knees. (RTVW)

Vance thinks he might just move to Alaska if everything in life there is really as wonderfully dreamy as it is on Men in Trees. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace interviewed Battlestar Galactica's Katee Sackhoff (and watched the new season), sent an open letter to Hell's Kitchen overlord Gordon Ramsay, and--in light of new Dollhouse casting--wondered just what ever happened to Joss Whedon's Buffy spin-off Ripper. (Televisionary)

Nerd alert! Dan surveyed TV nerds from My So-Called Life's Brian Krakow to 30 Rock's Tina Fey to see who's a nerd and who is actually cooler than you are. (TiFaux)

After watching this week’s How I Met Your Mother, Jennifer explored the “Ted Mosby Is a Jerk” Web site, rallied for a Robin/Barney romance and got nostalgic for Doogie Howser, M.D. (Tube Talk)

Even though he wouldn't spill the identity of the final Cylon, the TV Addict highly recommends you check out our interview with Battlestar Galactica's Jamie Bamber. (The TV Addict)

Raoul interviewed Katee Sackhoff from Battlestar Galactica. (TV Filter)